
[Chapter —20][Power Stone Bonus]

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Clarke after a couple minutes and staring at raven and Finn decided to walk off saying that she had to teach some people medicine, Finn being the dumbass that he was followed.

Raven saw this as she stared at the hurrying Finn chasing Clarke with no regards to his girlfriend.

Raven frowned at then looked back at what I was doing probably trying to understand and learn what I was doing, she caught me staring at her and frowned looking at me confused.

" What?" She asked making me chuckle before focusing back into putting the radio back together and in better condition able to radio through space.

" Come one Rae, you're not stupid, you can see there's something different about Lil old finn." I told her with a roll of my eyes.

" So I'm not being paranoid.....are Finn and Clarke?" She asked me without actually asking but I knew what she meant so I answered.

" They were, until Clarke found out that you exist so she's been trying to remove herself from Finn but by the looks of it, he doesn't like that." I told her hiding some things in my wording.

" *Scoff* He didn't even wait for me, or even waited for atleast 10 days before he replaced me...I thought he loved me." Were Ravens words with surprising vulnerability, I know that we knew each other but it wasn't to an extent that she'd be able to show any vulnerability to me, raven was like that after all, always putting out a strong face towards others.

I stopped my working on the radio and shifted my position to be looking at her.

" Maybe he did, but people change you know?." I said giving her as much attention as I could." Maybe he saw himself being sent to earth as that he'd never see you again and decided to move on and thought you would too."

" *Scoffs* Yeah right, the moment I'm out of the picture he decides to woo the princess and now that I'm here he goes off to placate the bitch!" She said scoffing between bouts of anger.

" Hey now, Clarke is my friend and I don't appreciate you calling her that plus she's not the one you should be angry at." I told her with a frown looking straight into her eyes causing her to wince for a moment before she sighed and looked at the machine I was working on.

" I know it's just that it's not fair....why am I gonna be the one to suffer?" She said with her vulnerability returning." It's not my fault..."

" Just try to talk to Finn and talk things out and sort things out before it's too late." I told her with a shrugg.

" Just don't give Clarke shit about it, as far as I know it was her who ended things with Finn the moment she found out about you." I said telling her what I knew and wasn't actually lying, I had talked to Clarke about a lot of things while out with her.

" And I'm guessing Finn didn't like that?...." She asked scowling.

" By the looks he sent me when I got back with her then I'd say no, he didn't." I told her with chuckle.

" *Scoff* By how much you were defending him I would have thought you two were friends..." She said digging into me.

" Oh, me and Finn don't see eye to eye much but I'm cool with him, I don't think he's cool with me though." I said with a chuckle playing as if I was the understanding and reliable leader.

" You're not as half bad as I thought Sinclair." Raven said smiling at me with a roll of her eyes.

" Hey I'm keeping us afloat aren't I?" I said with a light-hearted laugh." I do what I can." I said before shifting again and looking back at the radio.

" Now let's focus back on fixing this radio." I told her getting back to it.

" Need any help?" She asked scooting over besides me.

" Yes actually, I think I can wire up a visual transmission alongside the radio transmission so can you see whether there's any functioning screens on the ship?" I asked her and she immediately did that by climbing up to the second floor of the ship.

While she climbed up I couldn't help but stare at her ass as she did, this caused me to not notice the person walking inside the ship.

" Do you like what you see Zek?" Came the lovely voice of my sorta girlfriend, Octavia.

' She just called me by a new nickname, she's not that mad, I can work with that....' I thought and shifted so I was looking at the expressionless woman that I shared a bed with.

She had her arms folded on her chest and her foot rapidly tapping the floor.

" I can't say that I don't...." Came my genius reply which had her suprised as she paused for a moment and looked back at me with a pointed glare.

Now came the moment of truth and to see if my small gamble will pay off.

"*Scoff* Well at least you have class." Came her reply which almost had me break into a smile at its implications.

She walked close up to me and kneeled over before grabbing the neck of my shirt and pulling me into a rough kiss.

" But you better understand that you're mine and as much as i don't mind sharing you because lord knows I need the help but don't you dare fuck me over Zek." She said with some heat even though I saw her telltale signs of being horny confusing me for a moment.

" Now hurry up, you promised to personally teach me how to hunt yesterday remember, and we will be running out of unsmoked meat soon so be quick, okay baby?" She said acting all dominant for a moment causing me to chuckle.

" Sure baby, give me a moment." I told her rolling my eyes playfully.

Seeing this she smiled and then shook her head and looked at the ladder leading up to the second floor where Raven was and followed her up without a word.
