

Thirty minutes later Margo told Jared to get a shower, to let his mate fix his hair, and dress in the clothes that Antione gave him. Jared nodded not showing much emotion one way or the other. Margo pulled Cora upstairs after grabbing a bag from her office.

Once in the bedroom, Margo grabbed a set of hangers from the closet, an accessories box, and a shoe box. She was angry that these items would go to this purpose instead as the nice date outfit Margo had hoped for. They took the items plus underwear into the bathroom

From the store bag Margo pulled a pair of hair cutting scissors and hair dye in a dark brown color. Cora eyed her mate with distrust.

"Sweets, I need to hide you. I have to cut and dye your hair as fast as possible." Margo grabbed a roll of plastic from the bag and spread it out on the floor before setting the vanity chair in the center.
