
Death Wish

Cora stumbled several times before making it to the door. Jared was right behind her but not doing any better. Those two bottles of wine on top of everything earlier had them both hammered.

Cora looked through the peephole. "What the hell?" She whispered, ignoring Jared's quick question, and she opened the door.

"Margo Atlas?" Jared exclaimed in surprise. Margo gave him a deadpan stare and turned her attention to Cora.

"I'm so sorry to bother you Cora but the Simmon's file is missing. I have crucial work to do on it. I need you to come help me find it. Get your shoes and keycards and let's go." Margo said in an apologetic but commanding tone.

"Oh… Okay." Cora turned back into the apartment to get her shoes and keys.

"It's nearly three in the morning. Strange time to ask someone to come into work." Jared looked at the woman and scowled.

"You should keep the comments to a minimum. I will deal with you in a minute." Margo snapped.
