
A man needs to eat

"All patched up, Andy. Shall we get onto the serious business?" Michael asked cheerfully, and Andrew chuckled. 

"Well, no time like the present." Michael grabbed one of his bags, pulling out a bunch of vials along with several needles and a needle disposal container. It was clear this was a practise he did often, or at the very least, had some knowledge in. 

"The basics of what I'm going to do is take a blood sample. With that blood sample I'll send half of it to a trusted lab to get a plethora of tests done on it. The whole list, if possible. The second half I'll do a short test here that will give us a basic idea of what's going on, but only half trust that one. The reason being, this isn't a lab, I'm not a tech, and it's only 70% accurate. You don't have a fear of needles?" He paused, halfway into prepping everything and Andrew laughed. 

"No, no fear." Michael nodded, hesitated, then opened his mouth. 
