
Chapter 256- Visting an Ally 

Meanwhile, back inside the game, Arthur walked throughout the city following the coin that Merry had given him to find her. He hadn't seen the woman in a week or more. He still didn't forget about that odd-looking Armory she had and the way it moved around in a carriage.

'That is one of the weirdest places I have ever visited. But, she does sell a lot of good stuff.' He thought to himself as he looked down at his coin and then followed the direction it led him to.

A few minutes later, Arthur found himself in a completely uncharted territory of the city he had never visited before. It had the same ominous, dark vibes he found the last time. Looking around him, Arthur simply followed his coin without exploring too much.

'She's always moving in the most horrifying areas of the city.' Arthur sighed as he rubbed the back of his head. "She should be somewhere around here."

"Who are you searching for?"


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
