
Chapter 236- The Red Pearl Incident (Part 8)

Outside, it was complete mayhem. People rushed away from the building as they saw the fire rise higher and higher, engulfing an even bigger section of the building. The gas leaking spread everywhere, dragging the burning tongues of flames along with it.

Nobody could approach the source of the gas and nobody could stop the fire due to the extreme heat.

"Get the water! Get the goddamn water!!"

"Where is the gas valve?! How do we stop this?!"

Workers and guards alike tried to stop the disaster before all the building catches on fire but to no avail. They blasted it with water and fire extinguishers, trying to calm it down but nothing worked.

"They have gone to stop the gas leakage! We need to stop the fire!"

What was previously only the kitchen, was now the entire hallway, and the fire was pushing forward quickly. The smoke filled the corridors of the building, almost suffocating everyone inside.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
