
Chapter 221- Detection

Chapter 221- Detection

After saying those words, Isla cut off the line without hesitation. She didn't want to hear anything else that person was about to spout as it was only the same stuff she had heard again and again for years now.

Looking at her device's screen slowly darkening and then turning off, she bit her lower lip till it drew blood. The frustration she was feeling at that moment was simply unimaginable.

"You're never getting what you want… Never…" She muttered to herself as she threw the device on the bed and turned around. "Even if it meant I have to throw my life away for it… I will drag you to hell with me."

As much as this development wrecked her head, Isla didn't lose sight of what she needed to do. No matter what happens in the future, she wasn't going to compromise for anyone or anything. She must reach that goal or everything will simply collapse on her head quickly.

This was her life's purpose and her task… No place for failure.
