
Chapter 190- Totally Not a Date (Part 3)

The two walked through the masses of people, heading into the area with all the attractions. The place was surprisingly filled with students even though it wasn't the weekend. People were perhaps too stressed and decided to have some fun to relieve some of that tension or they were simply too bothered with the lavish lifestyle to care about studying or hard work.

Either way, the amusement park wasn't empty by any means. Arthur kept staring around him curiously. He had been to such a place only once before in his life and that was when he was a kid.

'Grandma brought me there for my birthday. It was a really good memory.' He thought to himself. It was one of the few things he still remembers clearly and cherishes deeply. After all, back then, things were much simpler and more fun in a sense.

However, that was it, times moved and now the person who created that memory for him was long gone. It was truly tragic in a bittersweet way.
