
Meeting the Queen of Dragons

Daeranyx POV

After enjoying supper with everyone, I am heading to my chambers to rest, as today was a hectic day. However, before retiring, I need to list the items I desire and send it to Corlys, who has offered to dispatch a raven to Driftmark tonight. They will endeavor to procure my requests as swiftly as possible. The supper itself was rather uneventful; Aemma spent the entire time seeking answers from Viserys about his claim to Vermithor. Moreover, no one else attempted to initiate conversation following Viserys' unsuccessful effort to engage Aemma with talk of the alliance between my house and House Velaryon.

After listing everything I want and instructing the servants to deliver it to Corlys, I cast a few spells to ensure the servants couldn't open the parchment sent to him. It would be a grave mistake to underestimate the servants, who often serve as spies for one lord or another. I cannot allow any information about my activities to spread throughout the capital. The Faith and the Maester are already causing trouble for Viserys due to my display of magic. The only thing keeping them at bay is their fear of Anarion. The Targaryens are not as weak as they once were; with the support of House Velaryon and many other lords, they could easily quash any rebellion that might arise.

I walked towards a bed and lay down, contemplating the ritual I plan to perform tomorrow between Laena and Vhagar to strengthen their bond. As she is to be my wife, it's crucial for her to form a connection with her dragon, which will be advantageous in the looming war. Once she shares this information with her parents and the Targaryens, they will likely desire the same. This presents an opportunity for me to negotiate my terms, particularly the acquisition of the island where I have devoted my time to training thus far.


Upon awakening and being ready for breakfast, I chose to join House Velaryon to avoid the inevitable drama unfolding within the Targaryen family after Viserys claimed Vermithor without informing his wife and queen. Last night's supper was a clear indication of the tensions that would surface today. Although servants from both families extended invitations to break my fast with them, I declined the Targaryens' invitation, citing a prior engagement to discuss matters with Corlys.

I made my way to the chambers of Corlys and Rhaenys, where we would be breaking our fast. All four Velaryons were present as I took my seat, having greeted everyone. The servants began to prepare the table, and we waited for them to finish and depart.

"The items you seek, Lord Drakonar, are indeed rare. Therefore, anticipate some delay, as it will take time to gather everything you desire. However, I have ensured that you will receive everything listed on your parchment," Corlys stated after all the servants had exited the chamber. I was confident he could acquire them; despite their rarity, Corlys was among the select few in this world who could procure all these things for me.

"Thank you, Lord Corlys. I had known beforehand that it will take time for you to procure them. But see if you can get them as fast as you can. I will of course pay for a trouble it will cause you" I said to him. 

"I will try and see if it can be done in a fortnight," Corlys replied with a contemplative look. I could tell he was pondering how to procure the items I desired as swiftly as possible. Indeed, a fortnight is not an extensive period when you seek things that are not readily available here in Westeros.

"I also wanted to inquire if Lady Laena is available after breakfast, as I would like to share some knowledge about dragons with you. Additionally, I aim to explore ways to enhance the bond between dragon and rider." I refrained from mentioning a ritual, as it's necessary to assess whether it's feasible or not as Vhagar is too old, and older dragons often exhibit whimsical behaviour, given that the ritual impacts both the dragon and its rider. Strengthening your bond with a dragon is not without its effects. The change might be minimal for me due to my lineage, but it's uncertain how it will affect Laena.

Laena glanced at her mother and, upon receiving a nod, she turned to me. She said she needed to change into her dragon-riding attire before we could head to Vhagar, who was resting in a secluded area near Blackwater Bay, a place fishermen rarely frequented. I acknowledged with a nod of my own and mentioned that I would gather a few items from my chambers before meeting her in the outer yard of the Red Keep, from where we would proceed together to where her dragon is resting.

After discussing with Corlys and Rhaenys the timing of my marriage to Laena, who is of age and ready for marriage, I expressed that there's no rush and it should occur after the war, as I cannot divide my attention between two significant matters. In this world, marriage quickly leads to expectations of parenthood within a year. Failure to meet these expectations leads to undesirable gossip, which I wish to avoid for both Laena and myself. Moreover, I am hesitant to marry a thirteen-year-old girl, regardless of the customs of this world. Corlys and Rhaenys agreed with my decision, content with Laena staying with them for a few more years. I mentioned to Corlys the need to sign a contract, a concept unfamiliar to him, which I then explained. He inquired about the necessity of such agreements, to which I replied that I would provide a full explanation at the appropriate time. With our discussion concluded, I proceeded towards my chambers, noting that Laena had already departed after finishing her breakfast.


I have gathered all the necessary items for performing a ritual. This one will not be as simple as the one I will provide to the Targaryen's for obvious reasons. They will receive a slightly inferior version of the ritual I will perform for Laena and Vhagar. Even if Laena were to reveal to her parents the details of this ritual, they would not be able to replicate it, as it requires magic, a skill they have not yet mastered.

I arrived at the location where Laena awaited me, accompanied by a few Velaryon guards and two horses. Making my way towards them, I mounted a horse and began to follow Laena, as I was unfamiliar with the route to Vhagar's resting place. As we approached the vicinity of Blackwater Bay, where Vhagar lay, I caught my first close-up glimpse of the Targaryen's current largest dragon, once known as the Queen of Dragons in my former world. The first thought that struck me, as it would anyone upon seeing her, was her sheer enormity. Though not unfamiliar with it but still its new experience seeing every time Dragons like size of Anarion or even greater than him.

Although Anarion is nearly as large as she is, her advanced age gives her a distinct appearance from Anarion. It's challenging to articulate the differences in their presence, but one certainty is that Vhagar's magic would be immensely beneficial to Laena. Even without being near, I can sense the ancient and dense magic; it must be formidable. In the ritual, a small portion of Vhagar's magic will transfer to Laena, reinforcing their connection. The effects of such potent magic may not be immediately apparent, but they will become evident as time progresses.

"Where is your Dragon Lord Drakonar? I haven't seen him anywhere. I tried to find a new dragon when I arrived here yesterday, but even with Vhagar and me making several circles around King's Landing, I haven't found him," Laena inquired while stroking Vhagar's scales. The ancient dragon emitted long, laborious growls, a sign that age had finally caught up with her. Vhagar's gaze met mine, and I could discern a glimmer of the intelligence that typically lay concealed behind the nature of every dragon's reptilian eyes. However, that intelligence is too far hidden behind cloudiness and, if I'm not mistaken, a hint of hope.

My familiarity with dragons stems from the many books my former self read about their behaviors. That's why I possess extensive knowledge about dragons, having observed Anarion during our time in Skagos. I've noted all his moods and reactions to various situations. I discovered that the information from the books the previous Daeranyx read in Old Valyria about dragon behavior is mostly accurate. The ancient Dragonlords at least endeavored to understand what made their mounts likes or not and how they behave in different situations. This is the reason I recognize the hope shining in the old lady's eyes.

Dragons that have aged and carried more than two riders often lose their sense of purpose. The relationship between us and dragons is not as one-sided as many believe. While they may offer more than we can, they also have needs that we fulfill. A rider provides them with a purpose that a dragon in this world otherwise lacks. Unlike the dragons of Middle-earth, they do not hoard gold or claim territories; if they did, I would not be alive, for the Valyrians lived among dragons for many years before mastering them. Thus, when dragons outlive their riders or serve multiple riders, they may lose the purpose bestowed upon them, leading to a dangerous cloudiness of mind. Once they rediscover their purpose, they pursue it with unmatched zeal. And with old age comes great power, making such dragons a formidable challenge to subdue.

The ritual will not pose a problem, as it will strengthen the bond between Laena and Vhagar, providing Vhagar with the purpose or goal she currently lacks. "Anarion is a free spirit, Lady Laena. Please, call me Daeranyx when we are alone, as we are now betrothed. I am not fond of excessive formality either, so feel free to address me by my name. If you wish, I can summon Anarion here once we have completed the purpose of your visit," I told her, casting a non-verbal, wandless Muggle-repelling charm in mist of our conversation as I don't need anyone to see what we will be doing.

"You may also call me Laena, Lo... Daeranyx. And yes, let's proceed, but what exactly will you teach me about dragons? I mean, which specific topic?" Laena inquired, her voice tinged with excitement. Observing Laena's eagerness, Vhagar let out a huff and laid her massive head down with a plop on the land.

"Although I promised to teach you about dragons, that will come later," I said, noticing her excitement fade into disappointment and confusion. "We will perform a ritual to strengthen your bond with Vhagar, deeper than it currently is, which is necessary for me to teach you the knowledge once held by the Dragonlords of Old Valyria." And was it stars that I'm seeing in her eyes? I think it only happens in anime.

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