
138. Tunmei Renews Lollipop! Visit Tony's House

Yes, you heard that right.Su Yi can do what Tunmei wants.That is, a little creative force creates 1.5 things.He can modify it like this.But just like the three bodies and the law of conservation of energy.It's okay to do this.The amount is not large.But just a little more and the universe will collapse!And this crash time is determined according to the amount you create!Remember Stephen's crossing in Doctor Strange2?His arrival and use of magic alone caused the two worlds to slowly integrate and collapse.It's slow, but that's why Sorcerer Supreme is weak!And Su Yi is multi-universe level!His creative power is multi-level!A single universe simply cannot withstand such destruction!Once he modifies it, it will definitely collapse.Unless it is maintained, it is time-consuming and laborious.So don't say it can't be done.It is impossible to try!"It's so scary..." Hearing the consequences of doing this, Tunmei felt a little ashamed: "I still want to try."OK, try and die.Su Yi smiled helplessly.She knows Tunmei's character, she has many brains, many ideas, she is smart and likes to try.It's kind of like Gwen's character.So he suggested."You can learn from the gods.""The birth of their new Celestial Group requires nearly 100,000 trillion biological energy.""And you can try to use your own technology and energy to gradually transform and cultivate a planet with life potential."Then when it's ripe, you swallow it in one gulp.""In this way, the energy cycle is the same as the Tianshen group, the matter is conserved, and self-sufficient."Yes, that's what the Tenjin Group does.It creates and destroys.And so on in an infinite loop."Is the Tenjin group doing this?"Tunmei was very surprised after hearing the operation of the Tianshen group.Su Yi nodded: "You can ask your father for details, he has greeted the Tianshen team, there must be information.""At that time, you can transform other planets, or use the moon as an experiment.Tunmei nodded immediately when she heard it."good!"Since this thing doesn't work.Naton sister will also study other methods.but"Ahem." Tunmei suddenly said a little embarrassed: "My candy is almost finished..."Tunmei leaned forward, raised a finger and asked."Can I continue...?"After she finished speaking, she was still afraid that Su Yi would not believe her.So he opened his mouth to show Su Yi.With red lips lightly parted.Su Yi could see Tunmei's teeth, tongue, throat, and the last point of Phoenix force on the picture."Can Isle awn?"Seeing this, Su Yi couldn't help laughing."Okay, okay, I'll give you another refill."Su Yi flicked his finger.An energy ball with the same file size as the lollipop flew into Tunmei's mouth."Aww~!"Tunmei closed her mouth immediately after feeling it.As if afraid that it would run away.Then he closed his mouth happily and said happily."It's so fragrant. Although it doesn't have the fragrance in Hela's stomach, it is the best energy I have ever eaten for the time being!"Su Yi:?no.You eat this.Can you compare the smell in Hela's belly?Then you are a real cow.Finished with refills.Su Yi waved his hand and said."Hela is probably playing games on it, go find her."Hmmmm."Tunmei opened the door of the equipment and left while chewing on the lollipop."sunglasses.""Oh oh oh."Su Yi reminded.Tunmei came back immediately and put on her sunglasses before leaving.Wait until Tunmei leaves.Su Yi was also thinking.Is it only you who have energy?Are there no other multi-universe levels or other levels?Only you have it?No one else?That's too weird.What causes this?There has to be a reason for this, right?You can't say that your testicles are different from your kidneys, can you?Su Yi put his arms around his arms, thinking and thinking.He looked at the twin dancers."You scan my body to see if the organs are different from normal people."The dancer shook her head."Master, our scanning function cannot penetrate your body, your life is so powerful that technology can no longer reach this level.Well, he forgot.Tunmei from Level Single Universe can't even watch it.The twin dancers will definitely not be able to watch it either.So what is the reason?Su Yi thought about it carefully.Sudden.He had an epiphany."Could it be affected by the rewards I received for checking in?"Su Yi looked at his previous check-in rewards.[Ricochet, comics, anime, weapons, eating and drinking, playing, Ability, using, Huangdi Neijing, Jumping Candy...]Etc., etc.Huangdi Neijing?This thing is not difficult, so Su Yi learned it at a glance that day.Now he took it out and looked at it again.This turned out to be a two-day exercise?!If he can inhale, she can inhale. uh. Inhale the essence!So it wasn't just Hela that was effective at the time?But Wanda and Gwen have it too!pinch numb.It turns out that the effect comes from here!I said why is my thing useful.(bdcg) It turned out to be a two-day exercise!And Su Yi is so powerful, so he didn't feel much when he used it.He is using it all the time!But it never felt better!But others have!However, the improvement of Wanda and Gwen is not obvious.And the perception of Hela's divine power is obvious.The feeling of swallowing sister is also more obvious!So it caused the reasons for the lack of clarity and doubts before!Gan, now I understand."Then learn it all"Su Yi looked at the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic in his hand, then threw it into the system and said helplessly."Forget it, that's it, learn everything."Isn't it the nutrition of the milkshake?Take it as a good deed.Well, that's right!After figuring things out."Woo~~~~~"Su Yi stretched himself.It was two or three o'clock in the afternoon again.This whole day of small pen class is finally coming to an end."Doo beep~~~"Then the phone call came.Su Yi picked it up and took a look.It was Tony calling.Line connected."Hello.""I've finished your gravity chamber, when will you come to pick it up?""Forehead..."Su Yi suddenly remembered.It turns out that there is still such a thing!But Gwen doesn't seem to need it anymore!If she slaughtered the gods, would there still be problems with exercise?From now on, she just catches the villains and slaughters them.But let others help.Just treat it as useful."Aren't you going to use it?" Tony frowned on the phone."How can it be useful."Gwen doesn't need it, but it can also be used."Then when will you come to pick it up? This is a big guy." Tony smiled at the other end: "I don't include delivery. How about coming to my house for dinner?"Hear Tony's invitation.Su Yi thought about it, Gwen seems to have it today.And Wanda has time almost anytime.That's fine, no problem."Yes." Su Yi agreed: "I will take Scarlet Witch and Ms. Spider there that night."Two? Cool brother!" Tony immediately exclaimed when he heard that it was two, "I've never found two people who love me at the same time. I still need you.""I'm not, I don't." Su Yi immediately retorted: "Don't talk nonsense.""OK, I understand~" Tony chuckled: "To be honest, this is still a symbol of Ability."But the love of the rest of my life is for the hurt Pepper, you know.""I understand." Su Yi nodded.Between men, understand and understand.Nodding to each other, they should understand everything.A real man, give her love!Bad man, give her scum!So now Tony is a real man, responsible.Cough cough Su Yi too."That's fine, let's not talk about it, if you come at night, I will go to prepare vegetables with Pepper first, and we will grow many of them by ourselves.After Tony finished speaking, he remembered something again."By the way, what time do you guys come, and I'll see what's prepared."Su Yi thought about it."About 5:30 to 6:00."Eat something, save the dishes, and let Wanda and Pepper cook together."Tony is not hypocritical, he will do what he says.He said it secretly and humorously."Then shall we go out and play something else?""Ahem, we are discussing business, understand?""Yes, let's discuss business.""Then hang up, wait for get off work.""ok."After hanging up the phone.Su Yi was opening the address book to send a message to Gwen.[Su Yi: Come to me before 5:30, I will take you to Wangda and Tony's for dinner. ]After a few seconds.[Gwen: Tony's house? Didn't he announce that he's living in seclusion, oh I know! Let's go to where he lives in seclusion, shall we? I'll go!][Su Yi: Yes, then you can come later, I'm going to call Wanda. ]Then Su Yi asked Ling to inform Wanda.Unexpectedly, Wanda opened the door and asked after knowing.Wanda: "Isn't your name Hela?""She's playing games with Nata, don't call, let her play with the baby after Tony has a baby.Wanda: "Wait, Stark has a kid?""Come on, it's been a few years.Wanda: "Then I'll add Pepper's phone number, I'm going to see the child if it's okay.""Anything is fine. 17The portal closes.Wait until 5:00 pm.Su Yi appeared on time and locked the door.After the mind checks in.He looked at the dancer and said."You can move freely."The dancer nodded, and then gracefully went upstairs with her hands behind her back.ding~Then the elevator doors opened.Gwen has jumped out of it and said happily."Success! Sue!""NYU for sure!""The curfew is gone, and I can move out!"Su Yi smiled: "Free?""Free spicy~!"Gwen jumped on Su Yi happily.For a middle school student.The moment of freedom begins in college.Anyone who has been to school will know and look forward to this moment!This can't wait to be free and grow up.It will give you hope for the future!can't wait to growbig!Su Yi dragged Gwen's upturned tuft with both hands, then patted and laughed."Isn't it that I'm going to your house for dinner again in a few days?""definitely!"Gwen picked up Su Yi's face and scented it several times.mua~!mua~!mua~!..."I have had a tentative chat these days, and my mother and George both want to see a doctor!""Okay, then I'll go after my weekend break.""Great~!"Gwen couldn't be happier.He slapped Su Yi a few more times.At this moment.Wanda just opened the portal and came down.She saw Gwen clinging to Su Yi's body.So she raised her hand.After Su Yi found out, he let go of his hand to get out of the way.Wanda slapped him again."Crack~!""Ah~!"Gwen was taken aback.Quickly jumped off Su Yi's body and covered Tun'er.It turned out that it was Wanda who hit him."Okay you!"Gwen went over to take the picture right away.What she focuses on is not to suffer.How could Wanda be willing?She immediately hid beside Su Yi.Gwen grabs a few times and Wanda dodges."Wanda, if you don't let me call back, I will bully you at other times!"It seems that Wanda can't be caught up.Gwen spoke harshly.Wanda knew exactly what time it was when she heard it.But how can you be weak at this time."Then you try? I have a way to last longer.""Huh! Try it then"Crack~! Crack~!Seeing that the two of them still have to turn to each other.Su Yi grabbed the two of them and slapped each of them.This slap is a bit painful."Ah~!""Hiss~~~"This is just great.Gwen now covers the two fields with both hands.Wanda cried out in pain."Okay, stop playing."Su Yi clapped his hands and said."We're going to Tony's.""I agreed that you and Pepper will cook together when the time comes.""So remember, ahem."Do you want to make something more delicious than others?"Although I am so good.But my main thing is comparison.Hey~!The food my woman cooks for me is better than yours~~~Hey~!Hahaha.Gwen didn't understand at first.But after seeing Wanda Mingwu's eyes.Gwen got it too.Comparing!"Do not worry.Gwen patted her chest tremblingly and said."Be sure to take it!"Wanda also gave Gwen an ok gesture.It was an accident just now.We sincerely cooperate now!Take the victory between women and women!After watching the two women get ready.Su Yi raised his hand and snapped his fingers.next moment.Three hours.Then appear outside Tony's reclusive home.Gwen looked around at the scenery."Isn't this our low-profile version of the small universe?""Shh~~~" Su Yi immediately held Gwen's mouth: "Ahem, don't tell the truth, and don't compare yourself."Wanda couldn't help smiling when she heard that.I still want to compare myself at home.He is a gentleman on the outside.then.Su Yi led the two girls towards Tony's house.When the three approached.Friday had already reminded Tony of the visitor.So Tony came out sideways with some logs.Then he raised the log in his hand to say hello."Hi, it's so early, I'm still preparing materials."Su Yi looked at the wood in his hand."What can you cook with wood?"Tony smelled the wood, then walked over and handed one to Su Yi and said."This is a log of fruit wood, and the steak at night will have a fruity aroma.Su Yi took the wood and smelled it.It really is.He skimmed off a sniffing gap, and handed it to Wanda and Gwen.Ask Tony again."Applewood?""Yes." Tony raised his eyebrows: "It's very fragrant, and I cut the wood myself, and it has been stored for a long time.""good.Su Yi nodded, then turned his head and said to the two women."Our family also grows a piece of it, and it will be used for barbecue when the time comes.Gwen nodded.Now that we know that the log barbecue of fruit wood has this effect.Nagwen and Wanda have no reason not to plant.But Tony didn't understand it."Can you plant a piece in your house?"This is an apple tree.Planting a piece is at least calculated by mu."Sure." Su Yi smiled and joked, "It's not that I don't know the mayor of New York, just ask him to flatten a piece of Central Park and plant it for me."Tony curled his mouth when he heard it."Fried, again pretended in front of me. 11But Tony didn't really doubt it.Because Su Yi could do what he wanted, but he was just joking.next.Tony took the fruit tree and put it at the door of the house.Then he brought Su Yi and the others into the room and said."Pepper, come out and get acquainted, and his mates are here.Remember, yes. .