
Chapter 6

—Third Person—

–Year 1522 : February 28–

–Twin Capes–

"My name is Crocus. I'm the keeper of the Twin Capes lighthouses. I'm 71 years old, Gemini, and my blood type is AB."

"Old Crocus, then," she said with a nod. "My name is Alvida, captain of the Alvida Pirates from the East Blue. This is Kuro, my second in command." She looked at him with a small smile. "Could you tell us what to expect in these seas? We're new here, you see."

"Well, first off, do you guys have a doctor in your crew?" Crocus asked her with a squint in his eyes. "The Grand Line is notorious for having diseases that can kill people."

"Doctor, huh? Well, not right now, but I'm going to find one anyway," she said, as Kuro nodded along with his captain's words.

"Hm, I advise you to find one as soon as possible. Also, do you have a Log Pose?" he asked, looking at her. She looked like a well mannered kid. "Do you even know what that is?"

"Yeah, we have an Eternal Pose to Kyuka Island," Kuro said with a nod.

"Well, that's all you need to know. Also, make sure to never lose sight of your destination. The weather is chaotic," Crocus said, nodding with approval.

"Thanks for the help, Old Crocus," Alvida said with a smile and nod, turning around to walk away. She had only taken a few steps when she heard Crocus call her.

"Oi, brat!"

Huh? Turning around, she found Crocus holding a small handbook, waving for them to come over. She looked at Kuro, he needed no vocal order as he walked up to Crocus and received the book with the same straight face.

"This will help you if you somehow end up in the Calm Belt," Crocus said before shutting the door after that final piece of advice. Kuro then proceeded to give the book to Alvida, who opened it and read for a few seconds before smiling.

'Wind knot technology from Wetheria huh? I wonder what other technologies this world has to offer,' she thought with a smile as she thanked Crocus in her mind while they walked to their ship.

Looking at the departing backs of the two pirates from the window on the top floor, Crocus felt confused.

'Why did I go out of my way to help them?' he asked himself as he watched the ship set sail.

'I'll find out eventually in the future anyway,' he thought with a smile before walking away

—Alvida POV—

The sun was setting as we reached the island. We docked our ship a little way from the shore and took a lifeboat in.

Walking around the island, I was surprised that I had forgotten about this place from the show.

Kyuka Island is a tropical island with several buildings, including hotels. At the center of the island, there's a large tree with an umbrella-shaped canopy and a building on top.

"Rambo, Knox, you guys go and book rooms for us in the hotel. Kuro, you're coming with me," I said, walking away without giving them time to respond.

They'll use the mini Den Den Mushi to contact us anyway.

"So, how's your Haki training going?" I asked, looking at Kuro, who was walking beside me.

"It's going really well. I can sense my immediate surroundings now," he answered with a small, imperceptible smile.

"I'm not surprised," I replied. I actually expected him to learn it faster than me; honestly, with his combat ability and speed, he should have awakened Haki early.

"Anyways, we need to wait for the Log Pose to set. It will probably take a few hours."

I looked at my hand holding the Log Pose; this one should be enough.

I honestly want to catch up with Luffy and become a Supernova as well. I mean, who wouldn't want a cool title like that?

"So, what do you say we—" Before kuro could complete his words, we both had to jump back as an explosion rocked the very ground where we had been walking on.

Even though we chose to enter the island through a non-populated area to avoid worrying about anyone identifying us, we had let our guards down for a second.

"Come out!" I called out as I readied myself. I had left my weapon on the ship and came here with nothing but my pistol.

But that was no problem for me, as I still had my hands to throw around if any rats decided to snoop around us.

On the contrary, Kuro had his weapons tucked away in his body somewhere. As I glanced at him from the side of my eye, I could see that his hands were covered by his gloves, each with five blades sticking out from the fingers.

Two people emerged from the bushes: one was a man, and the other was a woman. Hm, I feel like I've seen them somewhere before.

The man was tall and dark-skinned, with short spiky dreadlocks and wearing a brown trench coat with a pink cravat and a pair of sunglasses. He had a "5" on his coat.

The woman was tall with short blond hair and dark eyes. She wore a yellow and orange hat, along with a yellow dress featuring a lemon-like pattern, lemon earrings, and white high-heeled shoes. She also wore a blue jacket with white stripes over this attire and was holding a bright green parasol with blue stripes.

"Hm, to think that you'd be able to avoid my [Breeze Breath Cannon]. As expected of a person with a 40 million berry bounty on their head," The man said, his rough voice breaking the silence as the woman next to him laughed.

"Kyahahaha! Didn't expect we'd get such a present! Kyahahaha!" The woman's unique laugh echoed through the clearing.

"Don't get carried away, Miss Valentine's Day. They are strong," the man said as he aimed the revolver in his hand at Kuro and me.

Hm, so this is Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine's Day. I could just beat them up and take them as my crew. They clearly weren't using their Devil Fruits to their full potential; I could make them stronger while gaining some good crewmates.

"Kyahahaha! Don't worry, Mr. 5! I'm sure I can destroy that guy there. You can deal with the woman," she said, casting a disdainful look at Kuro. Is she serious? Pfft.

"You can take her on, but don't kill her," I said as Kuro nodded and began to walk away from my side, glancing at Miss Valentine's Day, who did the same and followed after Kuro, leaving me and Mr. 5 alone.

"So, Mr. 5, whatever does that mean? You do know that I'll destroy you, right?" I asked as I stepped forward.

"Heh, you can try," he replied, shooting his pistol five times. I just let the bullets hit me, feeling the compressed air bullets slide off my body.

An explosion rocked all around me as smoke enveloped everything, including myself. Of course, this did nothing to impede my vision, as I used Observation Haki to sense him.

Oh? This is new. As far as I know from the show, this guy was an arrogant prick, but he's putting his guard up now? Did he learn this the hard way from the Straw Hats?

Heh, he might very well be worthy of being my crewmate. As the smoke and dust began to clear, I could see Mr. 5's expression slowly shifting to shock.

"I'm going to enjoy beating you up, Mr. 5. Also, one thing I forgot to mention: you'll be joining my crew after that."


Make sure to read the author's note, some reviews would be great to motivate me to write more you know.

So, what do you guys think about the new confirmed crewmates? Yes, Gem and Mikita will be joining the Alvida Pirates whether they want to or not.

Also, has anyone noticed any patterns in recruiting crewmembers? Is there anything common among them? Lol.

Anyways, author out..Peace.

Vedora_Tempestcreators' thoughts