
A Cat Cage

Lilian, fuming with anger at Stellar and Lucas, stormed into the restroom. She grabbed a pack of cigarettes from her bag and lit one near the ventilation fan. 

She was pissed beyond belief as she shook and snarled in anger, "That bitch! The nerve of him, walking hand-in-hand with Rex! He was mine!"

She took a deep drag from the cigarette, and an acrid taste filled her lungs before she exhaled the smoke through her red lips.

"Just you wait, Wang. You will regret this. I will get my revenge soon enough."

Her head was pounding from madness: if someone had given her the chance to kill Lucas, she might have taken it already. 

"You better prepare yourself, you stupid bitch. I will take what was once mine."

She finished her first and stubbed it before immediately reaching for another.

Just when she was about to light the second her phone buzzed from her small Elwhi bag. She grabbed her phone, looked at the caller ID and frowned.
