
Lovers’ Bicker and Marital Strife

The party ended peacefully, and the nobles began leaving in their carriages one by one. Most of the higher-ranking nobles stayed for a brief after-party, but they didn't linger long and soon left as well.

Before long, the large courtyard was empty, with all the nobles returning to their homes.

The party ended earlier than usual because Marquis Edmond was hosting another event the following day, and everyone wanted to get enough rest beforehand.

Normally, hosting an event just a day after another noble's event was considered an insult, but Marquis Cedric wasn't offended. He knew that Lord Edmond had been planning his party long before God Vritra decided to visit Gladius City, which is what led Cedric to throw the welcome party in the first place.

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In the halls of Bluesteel Manor, Vritra and Princess Luciana walked toward the accommodations prepared for them.
