
Out of control

The little green monkey who had leapt out of Lithe's pocket just before Lithe got struck down by the tree branch had remained silent up to this point.

Even scared out of wits, the intelligent little baby monkey could also tell that the normally gentle Lithe was no longer in his right mind and out of control. 

The baby monkey scrambled up the nearest tree to be close enough to the action but not get caught in the middle of it.

Then it thought about the other wolf king he had seen earlier with Lithe. 

It had been afraid of its black aura, a terrifying power that emitted ferocity and dominance but then he remembered how gentle and kind it had been with Lithe.

Even though the green puff was afraid he made a quick decision to help Lithe in any way that he could.

Effortlessly, the green furry monkey glided through trees swinging from branch to branch in the direction Zen had gone. 
