
Weakness and pride

As evening approached, the crowd dispersed slowly, and the flower dance ended. Jacquelyn ran back to where Kael sat with a drink in front of him and his leg crossed. She panted heavily, tiny balls of sweat forming on her forehead.

"Did you have fun?" Kael asked, using his sleeve to wipe Jacquelyn's face.

Jacquelyn nodded, trying to catch her breath before continuing. "Yes...I danced...and they gave me this beautiful flower crown," she stammered, pointing at her hair.

Kael nodded, "It looks beautiful," he said, not looking at the flower but at Jacquelyn's face.

Jacquelyn nodded, unable to contain her excitement. She reached out to grab Kael's drink. "No...no...too strong," Kael stopped her wrist gently, putting Jacquelyn's hand down to drop the cup.

Jacquelyn pouted, "You're so stingy!" She stood up and left the table, looking around for where to get a drink.
