
Awards Ceremony

"Shoto's become quite a tough opponent, huh? It won't be easy if we end up facing them in the Kanto tournament." - A boy with a fake mustache on his face remarked. This was Kohei Sasaki, the ace of Hokuto Junior High School, and he seemed pretty interested in Shoto's team, especially in Shun, after seeing the boy's perfect game.

"Hmph! Let's go!" - Sugawara, Hokuto's catcher, huffed as he stroked his long, fake white beard. He didn't seem interested in watching the awards ceremony at all.

"Alright..." - Kohei sighed as he looked at his irritated friend. For some reason, Sugawara always acted like this after seeing Shoto win, yet he always insisted on watching Shoto's games. Luckily, Kohei knew his friend was a bit of a weirdo, otherwise, he would have started losing his mind from interacting with Sugawara.

The two friends got up and started walking toward the exit, but before they reached the stairs by the dugout, they heard a child's voice calling.
