
War Plans

"Why won't you two just go and get a room already." Said a female voice.

Bea looked towards the voice and with sleepy eyes she could make out Lucy grinning down at her.

"Lucy, what do you want? I was sleeping."

"Oh, I bet you were. You two slept real good didn't you." Lucy said chuckling.

'What is she talking about. Yeah, I had a really good sleep for some reason, but why did she make that snide remark. And what did she mean by saying 'you two'.'

At that moment something moved next to Bea which startled her. There on the other side of the bed Seraphine was starting to stir up.

"What's going on? Lucy, why are you bothering me?" Said Seraphine, in a very cute and tired voice.

"You two are unbelievable, if you want to have sex. Go somewhere more private than the infirmary, you are lucky that everyone left already."

'Fuck, she will never going to stop bringing this up.'

Finally, Seraphine turned her way and they looked into each other's eye for a second too. Then they both got up while blushing.

"Oh, you two are so cute."

"Shut up Lucy!" They both shouted.

'Well, this was embarrassing but I like it for some reason.'

"Lucy, why are you here?" Asked Bea, with a bit too much need for a subject change.

"Why did I interrupted something?"

Lucy had a stupid grin on her face as she said it and Bea gave her a look that meant violence if she didn't drop the subject.

"Fine-fine I stop. I came here to see if you two are up to some planning. Because you know, we didn't win the war yet."

That sobered both of them up and got rid of any left over tiredness remaining from their sleep. Seraphine answered for both of them.

"Okay, let's go."

They went through the corridors of the police station, the people of their group were still celebrating the victory. Many people stopped to thank them and probably some soldiers began spreading rumors about Seraphine, because people were calling her 'Saint Seraphine' .

Bea glanced at her and nearly laughed how embarrassed she looked. After all the people cleared she whispered to her.

"Now you know how I felt, when they started calling me Lady Bea." They both laughed at that.

"Don't get me wrong I feel honored, but it will require some getting used to."

They laughed again and finally arrived at the conference room. They went in with smiles on their faces, which caught everyone off guard. Bea looked at no one in particular and said.

"Okay, let the meeting commence. First things first, is everyone alright and ready for action?"

Everyone nodded and Lucy said: "Thanks to Witchdoctor everyone is fine."

"That's good. Now let's talk of the weapons and armor we have gotten."

Clockwork brought up a list on his Watch and read all the weaponry they had looted off of the enemies.

"Most of their weaponry and armor is still good to use and all of their support gear is unharmed. All-in-all if we distribute the gear, we can kit out close to a hundred soldiers and will still have left over support equipment."

Seraphine said with a smile.

"That's very good, while resting me and Bea talked about what to do next..."

Before she could finish Lucy said from the side: "Bet you talked a lot, into the night."

Ignoring her, Seraphine continued.

"...We decided what to do next and that is we move out of here."

After Seraphine finished, Bea began explaining further.

"Nightmare knows exactly where we are. Has way more regulars, Evolved but most importantly gear. But, as we looked through the city plans we found something."

Seraphine brought up the city map and showed it to everyone.

"Here, as you can see, is what we need."

"What is that?" Asked Clockwork.

Seraphine answered: "That is a high grade military bunker from before the Apocalypse. It has everything we need food, shelter, weapons and probably many more things we don't even know, but would certainly help."

All of them were stunned by this information. Clockwork regained his composure first and asked.

"How do you know Nightmare doesn't know about this bunker and he didn't loot the whole place already?"

Bea answered this time.

"Oh, he most certainly knows about the bunker, because we both went and scouted it when we first arrived. But don't worry it's not looted, because the entrance of the bunker is where a Corrupted of the 1st Tier lives."

That dumbfounded all of them yet again, but this time Lucy was the one who spoke first.

"Well, no shit it's not looted, even he can't kill something like that. Why do you think we can do something even he can't accomplish?!"

Bea and Seraphime both looked at each other and laughed. Then Seraphine continued.

"Of course he couldn't make it happen. He didn't have me! The Corrupted has an affinity towards shadows and can control them, but I can summon light which is its perfect counter."

This time it was Witchdoctor of all people to speak.

"I think you fail to realize how much stronger a Corrupted is than an Evolved. Yes, you are the strongest in this room probably, but taking on a Corrupted is still not an option for you or all of us for that matter."

Seraphine and Bea glanced together again and grinned.

"That's why we need to get stronger first and we just happened to live above like a million Life Essence just waiting to be collected." Said Bea.

They went pale hearing and understanding what she meant. Killshot said with a stammer.

"You-you m-mean to t-tell us to... S-start killing those crustaceans in the sewers? Are you both insane?"

Seraphine said with a grin.

"Don't be so scared, they are just 1st Tier Tainted. And our goal is not to exterminate them but to farm them for Life Essence."

They began making out the details of the plan and after a couple hours it was ready. But they decided to wait for a couple of days for everyone to prepare.
