
3 - Meet Prince Min Jun (Min Jun Daegun)

Uk stood up, keeping his feet lock on the ground in front of the building. From his spot, he could smell something fermented, smokes and mixed of more and more alienated scent for his nose. He winced a bit when he smelled the stuffy air. He had been asking himself repeatly.

What's worst to come? This is only just the entrance only!

"Come," Ji Seok calmly pulled him inside the double storey building. The wood looked shining from the outside, with laterns hanging around the building, illuminated the compound. The night was getting dark, but the area was still lively.

"May I help you gentlemen?"

A woman, perhaps around 40s greeted them at the foyer. Ji Seok glared at Uk, checking the man from time to time. He knew the knight wasn't really keen of a place like this.

"We're looking for a man..."

"Oh... Only one?" the lady in red smirked.

"No. I mean..."

"It's doable. But we have to charge double; from you and your partner-"

"That's not what I meant!" Ji Seok was trying to explain the real situation but it seemed that the lady had caught in a misunderstanding.

Meanwhile, Uk skimmed around, looking at the interior and the vast activities. Men and women mingle everywhere, laughing, chatting and drinking. Sometimes, the chattering sounded so loud, it attracted the other table as well.

"I was looking for someone. He's here now, maybe somewhere between those rooms..."

"We can't disclose the customer information,"

"This is important!"

"Sorry, but we can't do that..."

Uk glared at Ji Seok and the lady. They were still arguing at the counter. Seemed like the conversation was going nowhere.

"We're looking for du beonjjae wangja," Uk told the lady, straight to the point. The argument halted at once.

The lady gazed upon Uk. She checked on him from the head to toe. Slowly form a smirk on her face.

"Ah... Certainly! He's waiting at the upstairs. The room at the end of the right wing," the lady said. Uk nodded a bit before dashing himself to the location.

"Ah.. ah.. not you! You have to wait here," the lady stopped Ji Seok from pursuing Uk. The man tried to fight the lady, but she insisted him to stay put.


Uk carefully strolled along the dark corridor. He could see some people along the way. Most of the time, they were acting so explicit and weird. He pretended not to bother by them, even though it was hard not to dismiss some of those people, especially those who were in the explicit pose.

When he arrived in front of the door of the room at the end of the corridor, he could heard the noise coming from the inside of the room. A sound of men and women mingle, maybe not in they way they should.

Uk shut his eyes and breathe. He gritted his teeth before pushing open the door carefully.

A sight in front of him made him speechless. There were couples all over the room, toppled onto each other. Some even taking a spoon position, some even busy playing horsie.

And there was Uk, standing in the middle of these adultery businesses, with horrified reaction visible from his face.

"Who's that?" a voice came just a few feet away from Uk. He could heard the voice, it was sharp, synical but a bit chimey. But, the person was still nowhere to be seen.

A lady came forward, giving Uk a slurry look. Uk remained stoic on the ground, looking away from the lady's sight.

"He's handsome!" the lady chimed in jolly.

"Ah... Let me see..."

Those ladies slowly scooted away, forming two lines facing each other. In the middle, there's a man sitting on the velvet sofa. His handbok was undone, revealing a soft, fair chisel chest. His long black hair fell on his shoulder with the medium length curtain bangs covering his face. His was sitting with legs wide spreaded.

Good thing that his pants was still intact on his body!

Slowly, the man opened his eyes. It was a pair of crystal clear grey eyes, in a shape of almond with the sharp gaze. His long eyelashes adding some feminine feature that complied his beautiful face. He's a man in beauty instead of being a handsome gentleman.

"Hmm..." he lazily stood up and walked towards Uk. The man has a medium size body, he's quite short than Uk..or maybe, it was Uk who had quite a height, plus his bulky appearance scuttle the presence of the little man before him.

He lifted his face, staring deep into Uk's eyes. A smile, a wicked one, forming from his thin crooked lips. His eyes slowly went down, checking Uk obviously.

"You're quite dark compared to the description. But, don't worry..." the man leaned closer to Uk. "I like it so far," his whispering voice cause a stir to Uk's heart.

Even before Uk could calm the storm inside him, the man softly placed his slender finger onto Uk's chest. He immediately smacked those fingers away, a normal reflex response for an unwanted touch by a stranger.

"It's inappropriate," Uk murmured at the man. He ended up snickered instead of fume up.

"You make me like you more..." the man tilted his head to the side, checking on Uk's shocking reaction. He finds it amusing and attractive.

"I love challenges. Most of the time, they just surrender before me. That's a turn off, actually..." said the man. "I know I am a wangja, and people need to obey me. But, there is no fun when people submitted too soon!"

Uk finally glared at the man. For the first time, laid his eyes upon his face properly.

"So, you're Min Jun daegun..." he said. The man before him smiled from ear to ear.

"It's rare for people to call me like that but yes... That's my name. People used to call me by my title. Sometimes, I even forgot my birth name myself!" Min Jun smirked at Uk.

"If so, then, you have to come with me now..." Uk's sudden approachment created an alert to Min Jun. He immediately back off a bit, gazing at Uk with his sharp sight.

"Why?!" the tense air between the two causing chaos inside the room. One by one dispersed out, leaving only Min Jun and Uk, facing each other in wary. "I'm not leaving!" Min Jun stubbornly resisted.

"You have to come home now..."

"No! No one can make me go home tonight!"

"Please don't make me force you, daegun jaga..."

"Forcing is not working with me! I won't leave, especially with someone I don't know!" Min Jun insisted not to leave.

"I don't buy it in some way, but, right now, let's not put a lot of questions. Come with me," Uk calmly stretched his hand. But, Min Jun, being a stubborn cow, stood there in silence.

"Min Jun daegun..."

"I'm not going anywhere!"

Uk held a deep sigh. He batted his eyes for a moment, staring at Min Jun with so done face.

"Fine. You give me no choice..."

Uk charged forward, grabbing Min Jun, who was trying to escape from him. He hugged the prince from behind, turned his body around, lifted Min Jun's slender body and hang it on his shoulder.

"Put me down, you bastard, or I'll cut your throat! Son of a-!"

"You can slaughter me in anyway you want, but not in here..." Uk calmly responded to Min Jun, leaving the room with Min Jun screaming on his shoulder for help.
