
Chapter 77

☆ ☆ Beta Morgana (Greed) ☆ ☆

I gulped. The Ulfric was right, but his brazen accusation shocked me. I tried to gather my composure before saying, "Yes, we were very fortunate." I looked around the table to determine everyone's stance. Aside from Beta Morgana's Alpha, most were skeptical, but I had quelled his suspicion earlier by completing his tests successfully.

I held my breath, and he finally spoke up. Alpha Gray said, "Beta Morgana was luckier than your brother, and I'm sorry about his current condition, but she can still shift, communicate, and recall events from her past. I'm unsure what was done to him during that short time, but this isn't a trial. She is not our enemy."

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. I changed the subject, "Now that Beta Darius can no longer fight in battle unless somehow your healer is able to reconnect him to his wolf, you have a slot open in your selective task force. Layla is here to convey her beneficial contributions to this team if you would consider her for the role."

I nudged Layla's arm, gently encouraging her to speak up. She bowed her head, "Ulfric Draven, I was told of your initial decision, and I fully understand how you came to your conclusion. However, I feel that not permitting me on your task force will ultimately lead to Kara's demise and, therefore, prevent us from obtaining a Lycan King."

Layla made eye contact with the Ulfric and continued to plead her case: "After speaking with Kara, I know that she will choose to stay with the Vampire, James. She loves him. Alpha Kayn spoke to me and told me about her recent hospitalization; I know that whoever did this to her wasn't him. He..."

The Ulfric cut her off, "Are you implying that he is not the one feeding off of her as well? Or are you claiming that she is willingly allowing him to feed from her? If that's the case, she's a lost cause, and we should just plan on assassinating her from the start." His words cut, but I could tell he was trying to elicit an emotional response from her.

The rest of the table sat stunned, and I slipped my hand under the table to give her a subtle squeeze. She inhaled deeply, regaining her composure, "Ulfric Draven, I don't think you meant that. I just wanted to make sure that you understand her background. She has been mistreated her entire life by werewolves."

She paused briefly, "I have been the only one to show her kindness and compassion, and she trusts me. You will need to use that trust if you want to convince her to come with us. Otherwise, she will not go willingly, and your chance at retrieval will be null and void." 

The Ulfric cut his eyes in our direction, "If I allowed you on the task force and she still refused to come with us, then what would you do? Would you turn on us to defend her, or would you help us kill her to prevent the alternative prophecy from being fulfilled?" I continued to take my notes as she thought about her following answer.

Layla began, "Initially, I did say that I would turn on anyone that tried to harm her; that was also while I was being held prisoner and deprived of basic necessities." She sighed, "That was before Beta Morgana had asked me to trust her and told me that she wanted to try to ensure that Kara survived as well. Since then, she has kept her word to me, and I respect that." 

She paused, and I continued writing down my notes. She continued, "Beta Morgana is brilliant and even discussed with me prior about taking a small team, with myself included, to try to retrieve Kara; this was before your revelation about creating your own team. She bowed her head, "This isn't a dig at your leadership capabilities but just to provide insight that you have amazing pack members under you."

From what everyone said about Beta Morgana, I knew I would have liked her; it was a shame that she had to die. Alas, we were mortal enemies, and it would have been impossible for a friendship to be kindled. I sighed; perhaps in another time or place, things could have been different.

I focused back on the meeting at hand and let out a soft smile from Layla's kind words. Ulfric rebutted, "Whose to say that you aren't just lying to get onto my team? I'm not willing to put the others at risk because of you." Layla almost scoffed, "With all due respect, Ulfric Draven, what chance would I stand against five Alphas and their Betas."

The others looked at him inquisitively; she had made an excellent point. Lyala was the wife of the Beta from her back, but in terms of power, she wasn't even close to comparable. We all turned to him, awaiting his subsequent response. He sat there perplexed. Depending on his following words, he could make himself appear weak. 

He cleared his throat, "Let's put it to a vote. The Alphas who will be on the task force will decide. Beta Morgana, can you contact Alpha Black from North Carolina, Alpha Braum from Tennessee, and Alpha Galio from Virginia? I will be a tiebreaker vote if necessary." I hurriedly pulled their numbers from my phone and patched them to the intercom system. 

Once they answered, the Ulfric began his schpiel; after he finished, Layla was able to convey her stance on the situation. Then, the decision was passed to a vote. Alpha Gray voted in favor of having Layla accompany the team. I knew if Alpha Kayn and Alpha Garren had participated, the vote would have easily been swayed in Layla's favor. 

Alpha Braum from Tennessee spoke next, "I disagree; this should be handled by the strongest members. Layla, though her intentions are pure, would only be a hindrance to the mission. We can easily remove Kara forcefully; we don't need her permission. The Ulfric spoke, "That's one vote for and one vote against."

Alpha Black from North Carolina stated, "I don't think it would hinder the mission to have someone that Kara knows and trusts in our retrieval party. Besides, Kara coming willingly would only help our cause by giving us the Lycan King. Layla held her breath, as did several others at the table, as we waited to hear from the final Alpha.

Alpha Galio said, "We already have a female presence with Beta Morgana on the task force; I don't feel it's important to have another." Little did he know that she would not be present; I didn't have enough blood to get me through unless Morgana completely disappeared for several days while I remained as Darius' doppelganger in the same house, which was too risky. 

I said, "That leaves the decision up to you, Ulfric Draven." Something that he had initially tried to avoid to prevent himself from sounding like an asshole or a weak, incompetent leader. We waited on bated breath, he said, "I'm sorry Layla, my answer has to changed." I could see the expressions of anger flash across several faces at the table, namely Layla's and Alpha Kayn's.

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. I could see her holding back her tears, trying to remain strong in front of the room full of men. I asked, "Is there anything else? If not, I need to escort Layla back down to her cell." The Ulfric waved his hand to dismiss everyone, and we all stood and bowed our heads. 

As I led Layla to the basement, I overheard her Alpha say, "You know what to do." She nodded discreetly, but I still noticed, though I feigned obliviousness. I walked her to her prison cell, "I'm so sorry, Layla; if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. She wiped a tear from her eye. She looked so pitiful and defeated.

I locked the cell and left her to go back to Beta Morgana's room; I needed to drink some blood soon. As I locked her cell, I noticed that my disguise was fading. My normal-looking fingernails had started to return to their usual sharpened appearance. I needed to move swiftly. Thankfully, Kara's mate was asleep this time.

I rushed to the room to find my stash of blood but was blocked when I arrived at the door by Ulfric Draven. I asked, "Do you mind? I need to use the restroom before checking on Beta Darius." He muttered something but ultimately stepped to the side. I rushed into the room, shutting the door in his face before entering the bathroom. 

Even my reflection in the mirror was dwindling, and I took one of the bottles from the cold water bath the melted snow and ice had left behind. Fuck, I guess I would need to deal with that too. I gulped it down and could feel my body fully resume its state of Beta Morgana. I looked outside on the balcony once I finished to see if there was any newly fallen snow that I could use. Unfortunately, there was none. 

Pride should be coming up with a better solution for me soon so that I could maintain the temperature of the blood to preserve it. I sighed and composed myself before going to check on Beta Darius. It was almost dinnertime, and I would have to help feed him. I walked to the guest room where he was staying and overheard the healer talking to the Ulfric.
