
Chapter 235: The Subjectivity of Genius

The remaining matches for First Celestial were also as quick, if not quicker.

They also maintained their humiliating tactic of defeating their enemies with as few contracts revealed as possible.

While for the 3-vs-3 they had to send up 3 participants to the stage, each member of First Celestial only summoned one contract each, while their opponents summoned 3 each.

However, even despite the severe numerical disadvantage of 3-vs-9, First Celestial still won overwhelmingly.

And because they won the first two matches, there was no need for the 5-vs-5, therefore the two strongest members of the top 5 first years at the College were still not revealed.

The pattern remained the same for the upper years as well. The 1-vs-1 battle winning with only one contract revealed, and then winning with only 3 contracts against the opponent 9, for the 3-vs-3. Not a single year level had to participate in a 5-vs-5 battle.
