
People's time isn't worth the same

"Damn," I whistled when I opened up the biggest of the boxes and took a peek inside. 

After staring for a moment, I then reached out and pulled a set of two plates and roughly six metal rods before quickly arranging them into their proper, predestined form. 

"I have to admit, they really pulled their weight with those," I then muttered as I admired the finished product. 

Standing before me was a bee-hive-like structure, consisting of two thin, metal walls with six rods arranged in between to keep them steady. Thanks to a series of hooks on the inner side of those metal plates, I only needed to open up another box, pull out the air filters, and then stretch them from one wall to the other. 

Repeating this process a total of nine times, I've filled the entire front-back surface of the whole thing, turning the simple stand into an industrial-grade modular air filter. 
