
Chapter 36: Embarrassment

Loxus's PoV

After the game, Loxus and Wilt went to the local supermarket.

Natasha blinked and glanced at Loxus and Wilt. "I thought the steak was going to be from a restaurant."

Wilt chuckled. "Originally thought the same, until Loxus mentioned cooking it."

Loxus smirked. "And since you lost, you're the one who has to cook it. Please be sure to add some real seasonings. Not that herbal stuff you put into the tofu stew the other day."

Natasha chuckled as she eyed Wilt. "Tofu stew?"

Wilt scratched his face and laughed. "Yeah. It's more delicious than it looks. And it's a lot healthier too."

Loxus crossed his arms and scoffed. "You need protein to grow stronger. Else you'll be stuck with noodles for legs and arms."

The redhead grumbled. "But soy has protein."

He scoffed. "As in animal protein." He grabbed Wilt's arm. "It's no wonder you are so scrawny."

Wilt narrowed his eyes and grumbled. "I'm not scrawny, I'm lean!"

Loxus smirked and shrugged. 

Natasha hummed as he looked Wilt up and down. "Loxus might be on to something."

Wilt looked over his shoulder. "What do mean, Nata?"

"What I mean is, that maybe your body could use some more animal protein. There are things only meat can give."

He scratched his face. "But I do eat chicken."

She smiled. "Chicken is fine and all, Wilt. But there are benefits to eating red meat too. Like iron, B12, Zinc, and the like. Avoding it might actually be hurting your leg."

Wilt grew pale and gulped. "For real?"

Loxus smiled at her. "You sure seem to know your stuff."

Natasha blushed. "Well, I do want to be a doctor."

He hummed. "A doctor? For people? Not animals?"

"While I do like animals, I also care for people. Actually, I'm a bit divided on it."

Wilt gasped and glanced at Loxus. "Wait, was Loxus the giy your mentioned last week? The one with the cute kitty?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

Loxus turned away and blushed. The two were the only ones ones outside his gang who knew about his love for Dusk. 

Wilt looked at him and laughed. "Why so red? Embarrassed?"

"S-shut up or I'll break you leg, pest," Loxus said, his face heating up.

Natasha giggled. "Dusk is a cute kitten, so I don't blame you for being smitten with him."

Loxus sighed and glanced around. If word got out he had a thing for cats, his reputation would be in the gutter.

Wilt put his elbow against his shoulder and snickered. "There's nothing wrong with liking cats."

He glared at him. "Easy for you to say."

Natasha giggled. "I think Wilt is right. It's not like it makes you any less of a man."

Loxus grumbled under his breath. The two just didn't get it. They had no idea about street cred and the like.

As they entered the meat aisle, Loxus immediately made his way to the steaks. His yellow eyes quickly scanned the selection, settling on the most expensive ribeye steak. He picked it up one of them and inspected it carefully.

"Are you sure you can afford this, Loxus?" Wilt asked, peering over his shoulder.

Loxus rolled his eyes. "I'm not the one paying, remember?" He smirked at Wilt, who just groaned in response.

Natasha beamed. "Wow, this looks really good. Are you sure you know how to cook it, Wilt?"

Wilt puffed out his chest. "Of course! I'll have you know, I can cook more than just tofu stew."

Loxus and Natasha shared a skeptical look before bursting into laughter. Wilt, looking slightly offended, glared at them.

He pouted. "Hey, what's so funny?!"

Loxus shook his head, trying to contain his laughter. "Nothing, nothing. Just... make sure you don't burn it, okay?"

Wilt huffed, but didn't say anything else. He took the steak from Loxus and threw it into their cart.

"So, are we getting anything else?" Natasha asked, looking over Wilt's shoulder.

"I think we got most of the ingredients at the dorm. I've got spices, herbs, that sort of thing."

Loxus raised an eyebrow at that. "Just remember, no tofu," he warned, earning a chuckle from Natasha and a playful glare from Wilt.

"I get it, I get it," the redhead grumbled, but there was a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "No tofu, only real manly food."

Natasha giggled. "I would think you two boys were brothers or old friends if I didn't know any better."

The two huffed. "He ain't my friend!" they said in unison The two smiled at each other. "Jinx, you owe me a soda!"

Natasha chuckled and pushed the two along. "Come on, you two. Let's get going before you owe each other an entire soda factory."

Loxus, Wilt, and Natasha paid for their steak and made their way back to the boys' dorm.

As they approached the dorm, Wilt suddenly turned to Natasha, a puzzled look on his face. "Wait, are girls even allowed in the dorm?"

Natasha hummed as she checked her watch. "I think I have a good two hours left before curfew. As long as I'm out by then, it should be fine."

Wilt nodded, looking relieved. Loxus, on the other hand, couldn't help but smirk at the redhead. He was such a rule-follower; it was almost endearing.

As they entered the dorm, Natasha looked around in interest. "So this is where you two live, huh? It's...cozier than I expected."

Wilt chuckled as he led the way to the kitchen. "Yeah." He took off his shirt, prompting Natasha to blush and turn away.

"W-what are you doing?"

He laughed. "Gonna go freshen up."

Loxus chuckled. Was Wilt a moron? Or maybe he wasn't a rule follower after all.

With a chuckle, he made his way to his own room, leaving Natasha in the kitchen.

As he entered his room, he was greeted by a series of high-pitched meows. Loxus's lips curled into a soft smile as he spotted Dusk waiting impatiently by the door.

"Hey, Dusk," Loxus said. He kneald down to pet his tiny feline friend. 

Dusk purred, rubbing his small head affectionately against Loxus's big hand.

He spent a few minutes playing with Dusk, scratching him behind the ears and stroking his soft fur. It was a comforting routine, one that never failed to put Loxus at ease.

Chuckling at Dusk's antics, Loxus stood up, stretching his limbs. "Alright, Dusk," he said, giving the kitten one last pat. "I've got to go freshen up before dinner. You behave, okay?"

Dusk meowed in response.

Loxus couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes."

As he turned to head to the bathroom, he noticed movement in the corner of his eye. He turned to see Natasha standing in the doorway, a warm smile on her face as she watched him interact with Dusk.

Loxus felt his heart jump, his cheeks heating up. He hadn't expected anyone to see him in this state - playing with a kitten..

"H-hey! Are you some kind of pervert! Don't barge into a man's room without knocking!"

She chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that. It's just that you suddenly left and I began to hear familiar meows." Natasha knelt down and pet Dusk. "He sure is a cutie."

Loxus huffed, his heart still pounding in his chest. "Yeah, well... just remember to knock next time," he grumbled, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Natasha chuckled, her attention still focused on Dusk. "Alright, I'll remember that. Sorry for barging in."

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "It's... fine. Anyway, I need to take a shower before dinner. Don't wanna stick up the place."

Natasha gave him a small wave. "Sure, take your time. I'll keep Dusk company while you're gone."

Loxus couldn't help but roll his eyes at her enthusiasm. But as he closed the bathroom door behind him, he found himself smiling.

Despite the surprise, he was glad Dusk had someone else to keep him company. He hoped Natasha would feed him. Dusk had to be hungry.

Feeling the warm water cascade over his body, Loxus couldn't help but feel the guilt gnaw at him. He sighed, cursing under his breath. He should've known better.

Turning off the shower, he quickly wrapped a towel around his waist. He hesitated for a moment, glancing at his reflection in the mirror. His face was flushed, not just from the heat of the shower, but also from the thought of confronting Natasha in nothing but a towel.

But Dusk needed to be fed, and that was more important than his own embarrassment.

Gritting his teeth, he exited the bathroom, making his way to the living room where Natasha and Dusk were playing.

"Natasha," he called out, trying his best to keep his voice steady. "Can you do me a favor?"

She turned to look at him, her eyes widening when she noticed his attire. Her cheeks flushed a bright red and she quickly turned her gaze away.

"Loxus!" she squeaked. "You could've warned me!"

He rolled his eyes, ignoring the heat creeping up his own cheeks. "I need you to feed Dusk. I forgot to give him his snack before I got in the shower."

Natasha sighed. "I was just about to give him a kitty snack."

Loxus stared at her hand and noticed some kibble. He felt even more embarrassment, having walked out of the shower for nothing.

"Oh, I see."

Natasha giggled. "It's adorable how much you care for him." She lifted up the kitten. "You got an overprotective papa, Dusk."

Loxus's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. This wasn't exactly how he'd planned this evening to go.

"Yeah, well... just take care of him," he mumbled, ready to make a hasty retreat back to the safety of the bathroom.

Natasha giggled, cradling Dusk in her arms. "Don't worry, Loxus. I'll take good care of him."

With that, Loxus made a quick exit, nearly tripping over the edge of the carpet in his haste. He could hear Natasha giggling behind him, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to get back to the shower and wash away his embarrassment.

As the warm water cascaded over him once more, Loxus couldn't help but smile. Despite the awkwardness, he was glad Natasha was there. She seemed to genuinely care for Dusk, and that made him feel a little better. Maybe she would make a good kitten mama.

He grumbled and shook his head. What was he even thinking? He came to Kallen for basketball, not to get himself a girlfriend. Plus, Natasha seemed close to Wilt. Falling for a girl who liked some other guy just wasn't his style. 

This might be the longest chapter to date. Hope you enjoyed it!

sun_imperialcreators' thoughts