
Chapter 1 -A Dream-


The landscape which was beautiful at first sight, filled with green grass and lively trees. I continued to observe the sightseeing as I described it to myself. 

"Refreshing." I said in a low voice, taking in the breeze which passed with a sensation of warmth. The high sun made my eyes tingle just by seeing the blue sky filled with large clouds, yet, it was sunny. 

I was truly happy. 

After all, I was in none other than the magnificent continent of Dicathen. And if I was correct, I am in the south region of Sapin. Near the main capital but not quite, I don't want to be there either. I thought to myself, watching as a large shadow crossed the fields of green rapidly. 

This is–! 

Turning my eyes to the large floating boulder piece of land, on top it had a city. 

Xyrus city. 

I wanted to go there as well but there wasn't any method to immediately let me go there. If I wanted to go there I had to have a teleportation device or a gate or something like that to arrive in Xyrus city. 

And I don't think this is real–

Before I could finish my thoughts, the loud noise of the alarm clock interrupted my dream–with what I felt like it enjoyed to do quite frequently. 

Annoyed, I opened my eyes. The feeling of rage and discomfort for being woken up in such a manner that I even grabbed the alarm clock and threatened it by throwing it out the apartment window. 

I felt bliss upon my action of recklessness. "Now I can go back to sleep. Just wait for me Dicathen, here I come!" I spoke with a tinge of hope that I would dream about Dicathen and its features once more before I headed to morning college classes.

Wait… College?

I grabbed my phone upon realizing that It wasn't a weekend but a weekday. When my phone turned on showing me the time, my eyes widened in horror. Now I remembered why my alarm rang. 

Because today was my last chance to redeem myself into going to class early. Yet, looking at the time, it seemed like a close case of my incompetence for responsibilities. With that in mind. I jumped from my comfy bed in a flash. 

Cursing on my way to the bathroom. 

My class started in ten minutes and I lived thirty minutes away. 

Time really wasn't on my side. 

After leaving my apartment–in a rush of course–multiple things came on my path. Traffic, traffic, and more traffic. 

By the time I had arrived at my college, an hour had already passed. But being the person I am, giving up wasn't a thing I wanted to do but when things really got out of hand then it would be another story. 

What concerned me now was that this could either go good or bad. And I hope that I am not on the wrong side. 

Many thoughts began to circle around non-stop. It was aggressive to the point where I had to shake my head to get rid of them momentarily for a few minutes, then anxiety attacked as well. 


Am I going to be late to my dream college? 

When I parked my car, instantly I ran towards my class in hopes that the lesson didn't finish. 

The hot sun started to make me sweat as I ran with all my might to my class. Stepping through and possibly hitting a couple of other students by accident. I held my backpack tightly, thinking that it might fall with how sweaty my palms were. 

I had not gone to the gym in some time, in a long time. 

However that wasn't the case right now, again, my class was important. So stop thinking about useless things, me. The world isn't going to end now–it might be in a couple of billion years when I have already died.

Finally, I saw the door to my class. 

I let out a breath of relief seeing that it was still opened. 

When I walked in, to my surprise everyone was gone. Not even the professor was there. The lights were on and the seats seemed to have names already, perhaps there was a seating chart or something similar. I thought. 

"Well let's just wait here and see-"

"The class is over." 

"What?" I responded to the irritated source. "But the description said that it was a two hour class." 

The source of the voice was a professor, to be exact it was professor Pocas. A strict professor that didn't let any student slide even if they were blood related. 

With annoyance and pride, the black eyed professor untied his straight long hair, like he was tired of teaching for days continuously. Sat down on the table all the way to the front–which dictated that it was the teacher's seat and no one was allowed to sit there–grabbing a handful of papers before flipping one by one. 

Checking for something in those papers, as he did, I began to get nervous. Shaking my leg up and down trying to ease it even by a little. 

Then, professor Pocas finally spoke. Without looking at me he spoke, lifting his legs up onto his desk while he sank back in his chair, still looking at the papers. "Well, if that's what the class description says. Then that means you've been dropped from this class." His papers hit the wooden desk with some force, making me jolt a bit. "Now, if you excuse me. I need you to leave this class before I call the campus security." 


My face laid onto the cold marble library table. The sole essence of my career was only that classroom, with that I had to learn more of the advanced stuff before graduating. 

A sigh left my mouth, when I remembered those many times where I had done all nighters like crazy just for a higher grade. Nevertheless, after so many things I've done to get here. Everything was for nothing? 

What a waste of time. 

To be honest I was pissed, my efforts were thrown into a void. I had poured my soul into this career and rewarded with nothing but dogshi–

I stopped myself from finishing that sentence. 

My body felt a little heavy from normal, was it the toll of the all nighters that have catched up to me? To be honest, I think I was doing that for a whole two years give or take. So taking a nap right now to lift my health a little could be my reward, right?

By placing both of my arms in a comfortable position to place my head to sleep, I closed my already tired eyes. 

Visioning nothing more than the void in my eyelids. Loud sounds from what I thought were the students at the library became muffled to the point where it sounded distorted and dissuaded. 

There was a point where I heard my name being called but my sleep reward was more important, so I let it go. 

As the muffled and unrecognizable noises started to fade, my mind too began to fade from any unnecessary thoughts…

I felt my body fall into nothingness, no, that was the wrong word to use. I was more like floating into the void, waiting for something or someone. 

Ah whatever, as long as I get some sleep, everything else can wait…

But… "Can someone shut that baby up!? I'm trying to sleep here!" 

I screamed, irritated at the loud cries that the infant let out. But his cries didn't stop no matter how long I waited. I knew that getting mad at an infant for doing their natural things, but still, who brings a new born into a quiet place known as the library!


Why isn't my voice coming out? 

I opened my mouth and tried to utter some words but it wouldn't budge, not an inch. Were my vocal cords damaged? Or was my sleep so good that I forgot how to talk? 

Though that wasn't all, my eyes as well didn't budge either. It was never this intense when I normally tried to open my eyes from a nap or even an 8 hour sleep. So why am I not able to open my eyes!? 

I was scared. Scared that I was turning blind from reading on my phone all day. The same chapter when it was released, over and over again. 

With all my might, I tried opening my eyes once more. I couldn't give up if I wasn't sure of my situation right now. Yet no matter how much I tried to, getting them to move was impossible, like I had lost strength in my eyelids. Like I was a baby all over again. 

No, that can't be possible! 

Right, right?

I was just dreaming right? It is all a dream and I must wake up before they close the campus. 

Again. That infant is crying. 

"Congratulations… He's…Boy…"

Who is–

"Why… crying… much…"

Voices that aren't familiar?

Why are they talking when I am sleeping? Are they nurses, then they should be here to help me right?

Wait. Finally I can see something!

The hope that I once reappeared again when a ray of light followed by a flash opened my eyes. Lifting my hand up trying to cover the light from hurting my eyes, I was met with a surprise. A small tiny hand was in place of my adult arm. 

"Look honey, he finally opened his eyes."


Not only that, my surroundings were different to where I was. I was supposed to be in the campus library, yet, I'm in a medieval house? This house was old and ancient, the blinding light was a high flamed candle, the walls weren't made out of brick, stucco or fiber cement. 

Three adults were in the room, two females and a male. 

The male with black short hair with blue eyes moved back and forth while biting his nails, while an elegant nurse–who had her hair covered by some sort of hat and mouth by a mask but not her green eyes–tended to me and wrapped me around a blanket. Then I was handed to some, the second female in this room who I assumed had been exhausted over something but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

Her graceful white long hair that fell past her shoulders smiled when her red crimson eyes landed on me. Though I didn't know her or even recognize her, she still gave me warmth in the form of a smile. 

Moving my head was a problem too, it felt heavy with every turn I did.

That is what confirmed my suspicions, my voice not coming out, a heavy body, my small hands. All of this leads to one thing that was called a conspiracy theory for many years on earth. 


A dream that I was reincarnated into a different world. 
