
Dragons, Roses and Lions.

Author Note

I have set up a Patreon page where you can follow my story, which is divided into five chapters. Instead of releasing all the updates at once, I will be posting one chapter each week. patreon.com/Chartso_


Daemon speaks to the small council and news of what happened in the North is shared. Rhaella makes plans for the future while Olenna and Tywin put their houses in order.

Red Keep 300 AC.



If he thought he would be allowed to ease himself back into things he was sorely mistaken, no sooner had he arrived back at the Red Keep then he was whisked into a small council meeting, he never even got to change. Though if they thought they had any chance of keeping his grandmother out of that room they were in for a big surprise. She walked beside him all the way, Barristan and Bonifer by her side. Thoros came along too at his request, though like with the knights he'd need to wait outside, Daemon walked over to him and called Ghost who came to sit beside his friend.


"Watch over him for me will you?" he said.

"Of course my prince." Thoros said.

"I was talking to Ghost." he said then before laughing.


He turned and walked into the room watching as the council took their seats, looking to the table he saw his father speak to Arthur as they both looked to him. Oberyn sat staring him down trying to intimidate him but only making him smirk, which his grandmother caught as she then glared at the Viper. Varys looked at him with what he knew was curiosity, his mummer's face no longer as foreign to him as it had once been.


Aegon could barely sit still in his chair and Jon Connington was looking angrily at his grandmother except for when she looked his way, the coward. Lord Mace just sat there, all he was short of doing was holding a quill in his hand to take notes for his mother.


"My son you returned much sooner than I expected, I trust you found all well in the North."

"I did your grace, it seems the Hand was correct in his assessment, there is no Iron Fleet preparing to attack the North." he said and saw the surprised look Aegon gave Jon Connington.

"As I told you your grace, this was something made up by the Starks for their own benefit." Connington said and his father looked to him.

"Forgive my mistake your grace, I meant to add now." he said as Aegon looked to him.

"Now?" his brother said.

"I misspoke earlier, there is now no Iron Fleet ready to attack the North, in fact there is now no Iron Fleet at all." he said and his father looked to him a worried look on his face.

"What did you do Daemon?" his father asked.

"I told Balon Greyjoy to stand down, when he refused I made it so they'd not be able to attack the North or anyone else ever again."

"You killed them? You monster, father we must do something about this." Aegon said loudly.

"I destroyed their ships, yes I killed some of them. But how many would have died had they invaded the North as was their plan brother or is it only Iron Born lives you care about?"

"What evidence do you have they intended to attack the North?" Jon Connington asked.

"I have the word of the Warden of the North my lord, is that not enough?" Daemon said staring at Connington's face.

"Your grace, should word get out of what Prince Daemon did, the other lords won't be happy, I propose we take action immediately." Jon Connington said.

"Really and what action do you propose taking against my grandson Jon, do you intend to lock him up for doing what you should have done in the first place?" his grandmother said and he placed his hand on her back to stop her from attacking the griffin.

"We should summon Lord Greyjoy here, have him answer these claims of Prince Daemon." Oberyn said to some nods.

"You had better shout loudly then, for where he is he'll not hear you." Daemon said with a chuckle.

"He is dead?" his father asked.

"He was executed for his crimes. Crimes which included organizing the kidnapping of my aunt." Daemon said to gasps.

"Lady Catelyn was kidnapped?" Lord Mace asked shocked.

"She was, had I not flown to the islands myself she would have been left at the mercy of Euron Greyjoy, though perhaps my dear brother and you Lord Hand believe that to be a myth too." he said angrily at both of them.

"How dare you talk to me like that, you bastard." Aegon said jumping to his feet.

"Careful brother you have no Darkstar here to fight for you, not that he did such a good job anyway." Daemon said smiling as Aegon sat back down.

"Daemon, Aegon, enough." his father shouted.

"Issue an order for the arrest of Euron Greyjoy your grace, let him answer these charges Prince Daemon lays at his feet." Varys said and he saw his father nodding.

"That may be hard to do Lord Varys. Euron wasn't too happy with me rescuing my aunt, seems he took it a bit personally." Daemon said and saw the smile on his grandmothers face.

"You killed him?" Oberyn asked.

"No I let him rape my aunt, of course I bloody killed him." Daemon said shaking his head.

"Was there a Greyjoy you didn't kill my prince?" Varys asked.

"Victarion is still alive as i think is the girl Asha. Balon, Euron, Maron and Rodrik are not." he said and saw his father shake his head.

"You all but wiped out a great house?" his father asked his shock clear.

"I served them justice. I offered them terms which they refused, Maron and Rodrik broke parlay and attacked me, Euron kidnapped my aunt with the intent of making her his salt wife and Balon wished to invade a sovereign kingdom. Is it not the job of the crown to protect it's people, to deliver it's justice wherever it's needed?" Daemon said.

"You call what you did justice?" Jon Connington said dismissively.

"I call it necessary, had you done your damn job in the first place I'd not have been needed. Which begs the question why didn't you?" Daemon said and saw the spittle fall from Connington's mouth.

"Out all of you, Daemon you stay." his father said.


He watched all of them walk out Aegon and Jon Connington whispering furtively while Varys strolled out as if they'd just discussed the weather, his grandmother stayed and when his father looked at her, he sighed before accepting she wouldn't be leaving.


"Your actions have consequences son, what you've done will spread through the realm, if we can just attack a kingdom as we wish it'll create fear and panic."

"Fear." Daemon said.

"What?" his father asked.

"It'll create fear and fear is a good thing, we need people to fear us as much as we need them to love us." he said looking to his father.

"He's right Rhaegar, they've forgotten it, we've let them, you've let them." his grandmother said looking to his father.

"What are you talking about mother?"

"Dorne, the Reach, the damn Iron Born all of them fear us no longer. The Iron Born were about to attack the North and your council advised you not only was it not happening, but to do nothing if it was." his grandmother said.

"There was no proof?" his father said shaking his head.

"I am the proof, my uncle is the proof, just because they don't wish to accept it doesn't make it so. Why did they not tell you? What did they hope to gain? these are the questions you should be asking yourself your grace." Daemon said turning to walk away.

"Where are you going?" his father asked.

"I need a bath."

"We're not finished talking on this." his father said.

"I am, make your decision your grace, charge me or don't I really could care less at this point." he said walking from the room.


He made it to Thoros and Ghost before his grandmother came up behind him, she almost dragged him back to her room, Thoros chuckling behind him all the way until she turned and glared at him. Once inside the rooms she slapped his cheek hard before taking him in her arms, he looked to Thoros who walked outside as did Barristan, Bonifer staying and taking a seat.


"You cannot be so reckless Daemon." she said shaking his head.

"I had to, had they invaded and my aunt." Daemon said trying to explain.

"I'm not speaking of that, I'm talking of in there, the small council you know better than that." she said and he nodded.

"I know, I just wasn't of a mind to explain myself to Connington."

"Nor should you have to, leave the griffin to me. Now tell me more of what happened."


He told her then of seeing the ships lined up, of offering terms and destroying the ships, when it got to what happened with Balon he looked to see Bonifer staring at him.


"They gave him Northern Justice?" Bonifer asked.

"They did."

"Does that mean something Bon?" his grandmother asked.

"It's reserved for the worst crimes, they send the man to the gods crippled, without sight or tongue to speak, unable to run from the eternity of torment he'll face." Bonifer said and his grandmother looked to him.

"Where did you get that sword?" she asked looking at the sword on his shoulder.

"Euron Greyjoy had it, I took it and the armor from him."

"The armor you gave Thoros?"

"Yes, I owe him grandmother, without him I'd never have made it." he said and she smiled.

"Then I owe him too. You know whose sword that is don't you?"

"I do, I'll give it to him when we meet."

"Good. Now tell me of you and Myrcella."

"Grandmother?" he said trying to deny it.

"Daemon." she said looking at him before he laughed and began to speak.


Jon Connington.


He stormed back to the tower Aegon walking beside him both of them fuming, as they arrived he saw one of his men holding a scroll. Grabbing it from the man he almost threw it away when he entered his room, only to open it and see it was from his man in the North. He read it eagerly and then handed it to Aegon who smiled as he read it, the first smile he'd seen from his prince since Daemon arrived back.


"He knelt to his uncle, pledged himself to him, father needs to know this."

"What difference will it make?" he asked and Aegon smiled even broader now.

"Don't you remember the first day he returned he made a big deal of not kneeling to father, that whole line about kneeling only for the gods, here he's shown that to be a lie. He's disrespected the king, in fact this is borderline treason." Aegon said.

"Your father will never accuse him of treason."

"No not on this, but it's a start it'll push him away, make father doubt him even more and then I'm sure we can figure out some way to make it seem like he's plotting."

"What if he is?" Jon asked "I mean if he's plotting we could be in trouble my prince."

"Pfft, Daemon is too stupid to plot, despite everything he's loyal, but still we can use this. The dragon though, the dragon is going to be a problem."

"I know, I've had word from the citadel, there are some poisons we can use,"

"I don't want to poison it, it's a dragon it should be mine by right." Aegon said angrily.

"Of course it should my prince, but we need to be prepared just in case." he said and Aegon nodded.

"Did you see him give that armor to the drunk? I was standing right there and once again he shamed me." Aegon said.

"I did my prince, perhaps should we be successful you can take his armor for yourself, no doubt your father will strip him of it." he said smiling at him.

"Yes, his swords too, that new one that was Brightroar wasn't it?"

"It was, Tywin Lannister will no doubt offer him all the gold of Casterly Rock to gain it for himself."

"Hah, good luck with that, I doubt Daemon cares much for gold."


Jon didn't voice the thoughts which were in his head at that moment knowing they'd only anger Aegon, he agreed Daemon probably cared not for gold, but should he gift Tywin the sword, it would create a powerful alliance. With the way he singled out the old lion's granddaughter it could be even more of a problem should they wed, no he'd need to move to put a stop to that. Daemon couldn't be allowed to marry so powerfully, a lesser alliance was for the best and Aegon needed to shore up his own support before it was too late.


"How fares the Lady Margaery my prince?" Jon asked swallowing his distaste for the rose.

"She is well I think, her and her grandmother are far too keen though, there's not even the element of a chase." Aegon said as dismissively as he hoped.

"Still they offer a lot of swords and coin my prince, perhaps it's best if you played nice."

"I am the crown prince, she'll come running when I ask." Aegon said and looked angrily at him forcing him to shrivel some.

"Of course my prince, but what if your brother decides to shame you some more by attempting to ingratiate himself with your potential bride?"

"As he has with Myrcella, I see, perhaps your right Jon. I should speak to Lady Margaery and her grandmother."


He smiled at him as he got up to leave and once he was gone he looked down to his desk, between the Dornish and their plots and now Daemon things were getting far more difficult. Rhaella being back in the capital only made it worse, the former queen's meddling something he had sought to be rid of years before. He poured himself a glass of wine and swallowed it down before refilling his glass, he needed more information and that would mean a visit to the eunuch, gods knows what price the man would extract this time.


As for Daemon an attempt on his life even successful would cause far too many eyes on him. Rhaella and her pious knight alone may even blame him and he dared not cross that woman yet, but perhaps there was another way. Someone who would have a grudge on the prince, someone who couldn't be traced back to him. He began to write a note explaining what had happened in the Iron Islands, the deaths of his brothers, uncle and father leaving Theon as Lord would create a possible solution.


"Darra, take this note to Marten, have him rewrite it and slip it under Theon Greyjoy's door." he said as Darra took the note from him.




Watching a dragon land was both incredible and incredibly disturbing, seeing a creature of legend in the flesh only in the end made her fearful. Aegon had conquered Westeros with three of these, he'd made the entire land kneel and submit and those who'd dared oppose, well there was a reason they called it the field of fire. What the prince would do with one at his command didn't bear thinking about, especially if for some reason you were to find yourself as his enemy.


Seeing him walk directly to the Lannister girl had been worrying, as was seeing the sword he carried on his shoulder, if that was indeed Brightroar and she had no doubt it was, the old lion would soon be in the prince's corner. She had looked from her rose to the lioness and found the girl a poor comparison, Margaery outshone her in every way possible. Seeing how little attention Aegon paid to her granddaughter compared to the attention Daemon gave Myrcella had grated on her too.


Now sitting in her rooms waiting on Mace to return from the small council meeting she found herself contemplating things even more. She needed to know the boy's intentions and needed to know them soon, should Margaery be tied to Aegon and Daemon to the Lannsiters they could have another dance on their hands. One which they more than likely would lose, since he was the only one with a dragon. Margaery was sitting with her ladies, holding court like a true queen and she would ensure her grandfather sat on the throne she deserved, even if she needed to change which king she sat with.


She dismissed all the little hens when Mace arrived breathless, while she'd normally admonish him for his red face and sweaty appearance she was happy he'd rushed to tell her what had occurred at the meeting. So she allowed him catch his breath and drink some water, even allowed him to take his seat before she glowered at him urging him to begin.


"Prince Daemon attacked the Iron Islands mother, the fleet it is no more." he said and both she and Margaery looked on stunned.

"He did what?"

"Apparently the Iron Born kidnapped Lady Catelyn and Prince Daemon rode to the rescue, killing Euron Greyoy in the process."

"They dared kidnap Lord Stark's wife?" Margaery said her voice full of shock.

"They did but she is unharmed sweetling." Mace said and Margaery nodded.

"The fleet Mace?" she said bringing him back on topic.

"Oh what, yes the fleet. The Prince ordered the Greyjoys to stand down, during the parlay he was attacked and killed two of Balon's sons, when they then refused to stand down he burned their ships."

"All of them?" she asked.

"That's what he said, the Iron Fleet is no more." her son said shaking a little.


"Dead, they executed him."

"How was the news received Mace?"

"Lord Connington and Prince Aegon were most distressed, they called for the prince to be punished."

"Was he?"

"I don't know mother we were ordered to leave then."


She doubted he'd face any consequences, he was a Dragonrider and that was far too valuable a thing to have, but still he had taken out a great house, there would be some who called for retribution. House Tyrell though would not be among them, better to seem a friend than be shown to be an enemy. But what was she to do about him, tying Margaery to him was no good if the boy had no ambition to be king.


But perhaps she could use the boy to make sure Aegon stopped with whatever it was that was keeping him from wedding her granddaughter, first though she needed to speak to the prince himself, judge just how much of a threat he would be.


"Margaery have you spoken to Prince Daemon yet?"

"No Grandmother he barely stayed in the capital a day or more before he flew North."

"Then perhaps we should invite him to dinner or tea, I think we should get to know the Prince better don't you?"

"I do grandmother, should I do so myself, invite him?"

"No my dear, let me handle that."


She spent the rest of the day going over papers, pondering the Dragonrider and the dragon itself, should he become a problem she'd need a way to nullify that dragon. Something only Dorne had managed to do and that was a lucky shot, no this couldn't be left to luck, she'd need more than that. She wrote the letter herself and sent for her own ravens to carry it, if there was a man who may know about dragons it was Leyton, he and that crazy daughter of his spent more time than anyone else researching such things.


She watched the raven as the note was tied to it and then watched it fly off before heading back to her rooms, Margaery there with a smile on her face.



"Prince Aegon has asked to come to dinner grandmother." her rose said and Olenna smiled.

"Then we shall have to ensure a suitable meal, come my dear." she said as they walked to the speak to the cooks.


It seemed already that Daemon's presence alone was changing the game she thought, the prince perhaps worrying just as much as she. If nothing else she'd be getting a betrothal request soon enough, the question on her mind though was should she accept it?.




He could sense the tension as Daemon had walked back to the keep, heard the raised voices in the small council meeting and then seen the glare Aegon had thrown his way as he held the breastplate in his hands. Walking back with the prince and his grandmother though he was pleased to see the half smirk on his face. Whatever had happened in meeting didn't seem to have bothered him. He waited outside the rooms looking over the silent white wolf while Daemon spoke to his grandmother and then a few minutes later Daemon appeared and motioned him to follow.


"Is everything well?" he asked and Daemon smiled.

"Of course, same old same old." he said and Thoros chuckled.

"Last time you said that we ended up where exactly?" he asked.

"Is it my fault those Golden Company idiots can't take a joke."

"You did threaten them and what was it you said about Bittersteel again?"

"That he was a coward who ran away with his tail tucked firmly between his legs."

"And what did that lead to?"

"Hey I made it up to you, that wine cost a small fortune you know." Daemon said before they both burst out laughing "I've missed you old friend." Daemon said and he nodded.

"You too my prince." he said as they walked to Daemon's rooms Ghost walking alongside him.


Once they reached the rooms Ghost immediately ran to one of the walls, Daemon put his finger to his lips to keep him silent and then moved to the wall banging it loudly. He heard the scurrying away then and looked to the prince who was kneeling petting the wolf.


"Where did you find your new friend?" he asked.

"Ghost, he's from the North, its hard to explain. I felt them there the old gods, it was as if they wished to speak to me but couldn't, then Ghost came, I can feel him just like Lyanax." Daemon said and he nodded.

"R'hllor must have stopped them speaking to you." he said.

"You always said he was a jealous god."

"He is, especially with his chosen. If the wolf is with you it's because he allowed it."

"I know."


The two of them looked at each awkwardly both trying to ask the questions they really wanted to, in the end it was he who broke first.


"It was Benerro, he sent me here. I don't think he liked we were close, but when I got here I knew something was wrong, I should have returned, I'm sorry my prince."

"There's nothing to be sorry about old friend, did you receive any visions?"

"I did, I saw you fall, then heard the news, I…" he said his voice choking up.

"Why would R'hllor show you that, why keep the truth from you?" Daemon asked.

"What happened when I left?"

"I traveled some more, Lyanax and I and Melisandre. When I got back and realized they weren't telling me the truth about you I spoke to Kinvara, she told me it was Benerro that he was corrupting the faith."

"I think he was, the power he sought far more of it than any of us."

"Kinvara and Melisandre asked me to help, to free them from him. I looked to the flames and saw him fall, saw Kinvara named High Priestess so then we attacked, his own forces were no match for the Fiery Hand." Daemon said his eyes looking down as he stroked the wolf's fur.

"Benerro is dead?" he asked.

"He is, Kinvara rules now. I thought she'd tell me where you'd gone too but she used me too." Daemon said bitterly.

"R'hllor used you my prince, you're his chosen. Benerro had lost his way, the temple had lost it's way, only the chosen could set it back on it's path."

"Then why not tell me where you'd gone old friend, why leave me, us, both alone for three years?"

"It is by the lord's grace that we do what we must my prince, we may not see the path he's lain in front of us, but our role is to follow it all the same."

"You still believe?" Daemon asked surprised.

"I see my prince before me, my path is as it has always been, where you lead I follow Daemon." he said and the prince smiled.

"Fine, lets grab some food, we need to move your things anyway."


"What you think I'm letting you stay in the tavern, I need you here, Ghost can't watch my back alone." Daemon said laughing.


They ate in the kitchen, the cook and servants surprised by the fact a prince of the realm would deign speak with them. Daemon laughed and japed with the old cook, the woman beaming when he praised her work. As they left he handed each of the servants a silver stag and Thoros watched as they looked at him as if he had given them the greatest treasure in the world.


Once done they headed down to the Street of Steel where they stopped at Tobho Mott's, the blacksmith took his measurements and told him the plate would be ready on the morrow. After collecting his things from the tavern and after Daemon pointed the little birds out to him as they walked, they returned to the Red Keep. The room they gave him was a floor down beneath Daemon's but it was far more luxurious than he expected and Daemon explained it was probably his grandmother's doing.


"I have to go eat with my family, have you everything you need?" Daemon asked.

"I do my prince." he said looking around the room.

"I'll see you on the morrow, we have a big day ahead of us, we're off to see a lion." he said and Thoros laughed.

"Better bring your wolf then." he said looking down to Ghost who just cocked his head.

"I will." Daemon said as he was leaving before turning back to him "Thoros it really is good to have you back.".

"You too my prince."


He lay down on his bed that night and tried to figure out what R'hllor's plan was, he had sent him here and denied him the truth, he had played him false, Why? What was so important that Daemon needed to be alone? It wasn't Benerro he'd have helped there with pleasure, nor was it Kinvara as she was the only choice, or was she? A small voice said in his head. Would the temple have demanded him to lead if Benerro fell?.


Daemon held the Fiery Hand and with them the temple, to all he was Daemon's closest ally, the closest to the prince that was promised. Would that have made him the one they looked to lead? He thought that it might and that was not his path, he was not supposed to stay in Volantis and convert followers. As he closed his eyes he began to wonder if that's what R'hllor had done, had he taken him away so he was never an option.


The boy was a natural, the way he moved, yes Thoros could teach him some tricks but when the boy grew he'd outshine him completely. But for Thoros it was the sheer joy of training him, of sparring with him that made his days feel more special. There had been those who doubted him, who said the boy couldn't be the prince and that Thoros's visions were false. But he'd been shown it clearly, seen the dragon hatching from the stone, seen the boy older and far more assured as he flew through the air.


So a week after he arrived back at the temple he had gone to Benerro and Kinvara and demanded to be allowed to train the boy, at first he'd been refused but then the flames had burned brighter showing R'hllor's anger and so he had been allowed to have his way. It became clear that the boy was far more advanced than any of the others, so Thoros himself had taken to train him exclusively and the boy excelled. He had never seen someone learn techniques so fast, never seen someone so willing to learn.


It was three months later when the visions began to change, a month after that the others started to have them too. The spars became more of a spectacle, more and more of the priests and priestesses coming to see the boy for themselves. When the Fiery Hand started coming things became interesting, within a week he had to move to the larger area such were the numbers. When Daemon began having his own visions he had tried to guide him, but for that he needed Melisandre's help.


"Look to the flames my prince, tell me what you see?" Melisandre said.

"I see a city by a river, a river of flame, the city is covered in darkness. I see myself walking a bright light surrounding me. There is a building dark and black and a voice beckons me inside, I walk into a room and see a throne and surrounding it are seven men. They come at me in the darkness and then the room fills with light and I am left alone holding a large black stone in my arms." Daemon said.

"The city of shadows and the seven lost kings." Melisandre said her voice hushed and expression fearful.

"Where is it?" Thoros asked.



He woke up the room in darkness, reaching over he drew a flame from his fingers and suddenly the candles were lit. grabbing the water jug beside the bed he drank it down greedily before dressing and walking to the window. He stood looking out as the sun rose, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck finally settle. After some time he turned to go break his fast thinking on the dreams he'd just had.


"For the night is dark and full of terrors." he whispered as he left the room.




Waking up he found Ghost asleep at the end of the bed, his sheer size covering over half of it, he got up dressed and washed and grabbing his swords he looked at the wolf who immediately jumped up. Ser Barristan was on guard outside his room and he found him talking to Thoros who was up early as usual, the three of them and Ghost walking down the hall to break his fast. Both Thoros and Barristan had already eaten and his grandmother had left an hour ago so Daemon ate alone.


Once done he decided to head out for a spar with Thoros and Barristan and as they arrived at the grounds he found he was not the only one to do so. Some of Aegon's hangers on had come, he saw the Tyrell, the frog prince, the Lannister boy and the squid who moved towards him as soon as he saw him. Barristan immediately moved to stand in front of him though it was seeing the white wolf which slowed the squids movements, as he quickly turned back and began speaking to the frog.


"So which of you fine gentlemen is it to be today?" he said turning to Thoros and Barristan.

"Why don't you go Thoros, I think it better if I stay on guard." Barristan said as he turned to look at the group who were watching with interest.

"As you say Ser."


Daemon took out the blunted swords throwing one to Thoros, his own and Brightroar he unstrapped from his back and handed to Barristan. Over the years he and Thoros had fought in perhaps thousands of spars, they'd fought side by side too, though not for years, he looked on as Thoros took his usual stance and they began. The blades crossed and they moved together, he had only just started when he saw her and her uncle and brother arrive and then without even realizing he was doing it he began to show off.


He put more effort into his spins, threw in more jumps and turns and saw the smile on Thoros's face when he caught him looking up to her on the balcony above them. Moving swiftly he came in at Thoros turning in a complete circle before clashing blades and then ducking and bending backwards to avoid his return thrust. He allowed Thoros to come at him and without using his blade to parry, just moved out of the way of the strikes, turning left and then right to barely avoid them.


When he saw her smile he moved in for the win, his strikes faster and faster forcing Thoros back, before he swept his feet only for Thoros to grab him and pull him down as he fell. Both of them landed hard on the ground, Thoros on his back and Daemon on his front. But he was up first and placed his sword on Thoros's chest, before helping him up.


"That was new." he said smiling as Thoros got his breath back.

"I'd have had you too if you weren't so quick to your feet."


Daemon put the blades back and took his own from Barristan, strapping them to his shoulder along with Brightroar. He looked to see Aegon's friends walking away before he, Thoros and Barristan walked up the steps to the balcony.


"Ser Jaime, Lady Myrcella." he said as he kissed her offered hand.

"My prince may I present my brother Tommen," she said and the blond boy stepped forward.

"Your grace you fight very well, those moves where did you learn them?" Tommen asked.

"When I was in Volantis I was lucky enough to train with the Fiery Hand." Daemon said and Myrcella looked at him curiously.

"Fiery Hand my prince?" she asked.

"Warriors of the lord of light my lady." Daemon said when Ghost suddenly came running up behind him.


He saw Ser Jaime and Tommen move to stand in front of Myrcella though surprisingly the girl herself showed no fear, he held his hand up and turned to pet the wolf relaxing them some.


"This is Ghost my lady, he'll not harm you or yours I swear it." he said and she moved towards the wolf.

"Cella?" Jaime said warningly but her hand was already stroking the wolfs back and Daemon watched as he leaned into her touch making her laugh.

"He likes you." he said and she looked to him a small little smirk on her face.

"I'm very likeable my prince."

"That you are my lady." he said and she giggled.

"How went your trip to the north your grace?" Jaime asked and Daemon looked away from Myrcella to take in the fallen Kingsguard.

"Better for me than the Iron Born Ser Jaime." he said and got a chuckle in return.


Thoros coughed from behind him and Daemon blushed when he realized he'd not introduced him or Ser Barristan.


"I'm afraid being away from court so long seems to have stolen my manners, May I present Thoros of Myr and Ser Barristan I think you already know." he said and Thoros nodded to them while Tommen looked at Barristan with something akin to awe on his face.

"Are you taking part in the tourney Ser?" Tommen asked.

"I don't know lad, perhaps." Barristan said with a soft smile before looking to Jaime.

"Will you my prince?" Myrcella asked.

"I shall my lady, though I've not much experience with the joust."

"Too busy flying on a dragon to learn your grace?" Jaime said and Daemon laughed.

"I'm afraid Lyanax ruined horses for me Ser Jaime."

"Will you join us for lunch my prince?" Myrcella said looking at him eagerly.


"Go my prince, I'll go collect my armor alone, I've some things to do in town anyway." Thoros said and Daemon reached in and took out a coin purse and threw it to him.

"Take Ghost with you Thoros." he said then looking to the wolf and motioning with his head to follow him.

"It seems my day is freer than I thought my lady." he said offering her his arm which she took.


They walked through the keep to an awaiting carriage and Daemon looked at them in surprise before Barristan was offered a horse along with Tommen. He shook his head as Ser Jaime took a seat in the carriage to act as a chaperone.


"Those are some interesting swords you have your grace." Ser Jaime said as Daemon unstrapped them to take a seat.

"Please call me Daemon Ser, I understand the formality in public and Ser Barristan will no doubt insist but it's hard to get used to this your grace stuff."

"Doesn't Thoros call you my prince, Daemon?" Myrcella said seemingly relishing calling him by his name.

"It's for a different reason Myrcella, perhaps I'll explain when next we speak. As for the swords Ser Jaime, the first two are a very long story, the other you may recognize if you look closer." he said handing the sword to him.


Jaime looked over the hilt and pommel before drawing if from it's sheath and then seeing the Valyrian steel for himself.


"It can't be, this, this is Brightroar."

"It is."

"But how, it was lost, how did you come to have it?"

"Euron Greyjoy acquired it somehow, I took it from him."

"Took it?" Myrcella asked.

"I paid the iron price I think the squids call it." he said and Jaime nodded.

"What are your plans with it Daemon I'm sure my father will pay whatever price you ask." Jaime said excitedly as he looked over the sword.

"It's not for sale Ser, it belongs to your house I intend to return it." Daemon said and Jaime and Myrcella looked at him in surprise.

"You just wish to return it, for no cost?" Myrcella asked.

"Yes." he said and the smile she gave him beat any price he could charge.




After waking up she and Bonifer had an early morning meal and he then took her on a trip around the city. She walked her head covered in a hood and soon came upon a crowd who were lining up to get a free meal, she looked to see her daughter standing there with some other girls handing out food with a smile on her face. When a woman with a child would come along she'd see Daenerys hand the child some candied fruit making the child's face light up with happiness.


She watched for a few minutes until her daughter and the dark skinned girl beside her took a rest and was going to go speak to her before she saw the two of them kiss. She had heard her daughters interest ran that way but this was the first time she'd ever seen it and she found it threw her some, so she and Bonifer moved back into the crowd and walked away. Flea Bottom seemed in much worse condition than she remembered though it had been eight years since last she'd been here.


They entered a small tavern and she saw some of Bonifer's men in the shadows watching in case they were needed, they ordered what turned out to be a really bad ale which she didn't touch instead just listening to the talk around them.


"That Dragon were over a hundred feet long I tell you, and the prince he were up on it like it were a pony."

"Heard tale he fought the squids up north."

"No he were just flying around on that thing."

"I don't know did you see the flames it let out, if he wanted to he could burn us all."

"If he wanted too, but he's not like his grandfather is he. "

"No he's a true dragon that one."


After satisfying herself that the talk was positive, she offered her drink to one of the men who drank it gratefully and she and Bonifer headed back to the Red Keep. She was walking back to her rooms when she saw her through the window and she couldn't resist going out to speak to her.


"My queen you surprised us." Lady Margaery said seeing her first, her grandmother slower to rise.

"I was just passing when I realized it's been an age since I spoke to your grandmother, isn't that right Lady Olenna?"

"It seems like only yesterday my queen." Olenna said and Rhaella motioned them to sit while Bonifer pulled her out a chair.

"I had not heard you were in the city Olenna."

"Nor I you my queen." Olenna said and Rhaella resisted the urge to laugh, the chances of her not knowing she was here were pretty damn slim.

"I came to see my grandson." she said noticing Margaery glance at her.

"Prince Daemon certainly knows how to make an entrance." Olenna said looking at her.

"That he does, of course having a dragon does help." she said and laughed a little which only Margaery joined in with.

"I hear we're to have a tourney in honor of the prince's return my queen." Margaery said.

"Should be fun should it not, will your brother be competing Margaery?" she asked and the girl nodded.

"Will their graces my queen?" Margaery asked.

"It's been a long time since I was here last Margaery does Aegon usually compete?"

"No, Prince Daemon seems more the type." Olenna said and Rhaella smirked at her.

"Perhaps he'll crown some sweet girl queen of love and beauty, wouldn't that be a sight." she said as Margaery looked to her grandmother who gave her an irritated look back.


She stood up then and bid her farewells, the roses were still in play it would seem or was Olenna playing both sides against the middle, as they walked down through the gardens she turned to Bonifer.


"We have people close to the roses?"

"We have people close to everyone my love."

"Good, watch them closely, if Daemon is more than infatuated by the Lannister girl they could become a problem."

"As you command as always my queen." he said and she hit him in the arm softly making him laugh.

"I want you to arrange a meeting with this Thoros fellow, just he and I, perhaps he'll be willing to tell me more of Daemon's past."

"Would it not be best to ask the prince himself?"

"I will, I just wish to see if I can find anything about him myself first."

"How fares our men in the Riverlands?"

"Ready if needed, but you know what Brynden desires."

"He can't have it not under a Tully, but a Stark perhaps, would that be acceptable?"

"I believe it would."

"Good come my love, tell your men to allow the birds to follow now." she said and as they turned she heard him whistle.




He had been sitting in his solar in the Rock when the reports came in that it was to be Margaery Tyrell, at first he had been furious, it was bad enough that Joffrey had been a waste of time and effort, he had hoped for more from Myrcella. When news came in of Prince Daemon's return though he had found himself more at ease and hopeful, he knew of Aegon's tendencies and prince or no he'd not get away with that married to his granddaughter. But still he was a grandfather first and an unhappy marriage wouldn't be living up to Joanna's wishes.


He had promised her a royal wedding and Daemon had always been her choice, her friendship with Rhaella having seen to that, but when the boy disappeared he had no other option as he'd not go to his grave without fulfilling her final wish. So he had tried with Joffrey only for the boy to disappoint and then had no recourse but to push Myrcella into a match he disliked. Now though not only had the prince returned but he had done so on the back of a dragon.


He had to admit he had thought his children had lost their minds, no matter that it was both of them saying it was true, but seeing it for himself, seeing it in the flesh, he had been as awed as the rest. Seeing the prince too had impressed him greatly, the boy walked how a prince should, not arrogant but confident, assured and seeing he had a dragon and wolf at his back why not.


When he had come to greet Myrcella he had felt as proud as the lion on his sigil, looking around seeing the assembled lords and ladies looking at his family. Seeing the swords on his back and knowing they were Valyrian Steel only added to the impression the boy made, but seeing the other one he felt his heart stop, his breath catch in his throat, Brightroar the prince had Brightroar.


Now a marriage was even more essential, he couldn't buy a sword from a prince, even he had not the coin to do so, but perhaps a future child of his blood could wield it. For now though he had other matters to deal with so he and Tyrion sat waiting for the boy to arrive and the ungrateful wretch had deemed to prudent to be late. When he strolled in almost an hour after he was supposed to and took a seat almost laying casually on it, he bit his tongue and waited silently for the boy to speak.


"You wished to see me grandfather." Joffrey said disinterestedly.

"I did." he said and Tyrion sat silently beside him.

"For what I'm very busy you know."

"Really doing what exactly?" he asked.

"Prince Aegon wishes for us to make ready for the tourney and so we've to meet him tonight."

"And where is this meeting to be held?" he asked.

"Chataya's grandfather."

"I've received some complaints from the lady regarding your behavior on your previous visits Joffrey."

"Complaints from a whore grandfather, they're lucky I pay them at all."

"You pay them do you, find your own source of coin somewhere I don't know?" he said staring at him.

"I pay out of my allowance." Joffrey said shrugging his shoulders.

"Speaking of which, what else are you spending my coin on?"

"Just necessities."

"Paying extra for girls to beat up is not a necessity." He said raising his voice "Sit up straight you are a Lannister mores the pity." he said and Joffey immediately sat properly.

"From now on I'll be placing restrictions on you boy, Chataya's is off limits to you, girls are off limits. I've brought you a new sworn sword too, send Clegane in." he called out to a servant.

"You can't do this, the prince, how am I to be friends with the prince if I can't spend time with him in the brothel?"

"I care not about your time with the prince, it's done nothing for me and I hear now you were a party to some plan to harm your sister."

"The imp is lying." Joffrey said jumping to his feet.

"Sit down now and should you call your uncle that again, I'll do more than take your coin away." Tywin said and Joffrey glared at him for all but a second before sitting down.


A moment later Sandor walked in, it had taken a lot of coin to bring the man back into his service, that and a promise that should he be asked to do anything he disagreed with he could leave and still be paid. Normally he'd not have even considered the idea but he needed a lid on Joffrey's behavior and the man would certainly be that.


"You have your orders Sandor."

"I do. Come little lion we have work to do."

"Work?" Joffrey said his voice rising in pitch making Tywin grimace.

"Sandor's to begin teaching you how to wield that damn sword you carry, your brother learned easily enough."


Joffrey stormed from the room and he looked to Tyrion who sighed, reaching over he grabbed a bottle of wine and poured them both a glass.


"You think it a waste of time?" he asked.

"I do, that boy will not change."

"Then we'll need him sent far from here." he said and his son nodded.


It was a little later when the servant came to tell them that the prince had arrived for lunch, he looked to Tyrion and both were about to go to him when Myrcella and Jaime entered along with the prince himself. Both Jaime and Myrcella smiling at him as he and Tyrion stood up to greet the prince.


"Lord Tywin, Lord Tyrion." the prince said.

"Your grace you honor us." he said and the prince just waved it off before taking the sword from his shoulder.

"I believe this belongs to you Lord Tywin." he said handing him the sword.


He looked at the sword almost too excited to remove it from it's sheath, when he did he felt his heart race as he saw the whirls of the Valyrian Steel, the craftsmanship absolutely exquisite. He looked from the sword to the prince, to Myrcella and Jaime and then back to the sword.


"Euron Greyjoy had that on him when we met, in the end I felt relieving him of it the best course of action, the Iron Price the squids call it, no matter. My lord I hereby return Brightroar to your house may it serve you well."


Tywin stared at the prince, he was just giving it back to him. No charge, no price just returning this sword he had searched most of his life for, this sword he had dreamed of holding in his own hands. The prince may be doing this for no reward but this was a debt that needed to be paid back and a Lannister always pays his debts.


Up Next Daemon and Myrcella spend some time together and the tourney to welcome back the Dark Prince begins.
