
Section 8 - Sunflower Seeds, Peanuts, Beer, Airplane...

"Connection successful, recognizing device IPv6.Fe80:1c57:6c9d:30a9:4fC5|ID Name: A-39B SN:AFO0058568"

"Connection successful, recognizing device IPv6.Q1ed:9xTF:00ED:S557:5A3b|ID Name: Note PAD User: Chen Fei, Work ID: 911-95533"

The interface of the "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" on the tablet and the LCD screen of the A-39 "Big Mouth Monster" simultaneously displayed prompts.

"First, perform a quick self-check to examine each integrated module of the aircraft. If there are no issues, proceed with specialized in-depth tests, focusing on sensors, communication of avionics systems, flight control modules, and engine components."

As a young man and a university student, Chen Fei quickly became familiar with the basic operations of the professional maintenance software "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" under the one-on-one guidance of Xiao Ming, the chief airplane mechanic.

The basic maintenance work for the A-39B "Big Mouth Monster" light turboprop attack aircraft did not require disassembling the aircraft into pieces. By connecting a dedicated data cable to the on-board computer's maintenance module, the tablet could obtain data sent from sensors in each component, giving a general understanding of the aircraft's current state.

If a fault was discovered, it could be described in one sentence, "replace whatever is broken, So-easy!"

The "Big Mouth Monster" had a high degree of integration, even incorporating quick-release designs, allowing modules and assemblies to be easily disassembled and replaced without many tools and equipment.

As a professional aviation maintenance software, "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" had even more advanced and complex functions. With the limited access that Chen Fei, a rookie, had just acquired, he could only use the basic mode. Above that, there were intermediate, advanced, and Siege Lion modes.

After instructing Chen Fei on how to use "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection," Xiao Ming said very seriously, "Always remember the most important 'Hein's Rule': behind every severe accident, there are inevitably 29 minor accidents, 300 near misses, and 1000 potential hazards."

If a fighter pilot sacrifices himself in an aerial duel, even if the plane is destroyed and the pilot is killed, it can only be attributed to his lesser skills, fate, or destiny.

But allowing a sick fighter to take off, thereby causing unnecessary damage or even casualties, is murder and cannot be forgiven.

A plane flying for a minute in the sky requires ten times that in maintenance on the ground, and nothing can be overlooked.

The job of the maintenance team is to ensure that the Sky Knights go into battle with reliable weapons and come back alive as much as possible.

Following the instructions of Xiao Ming, the chief mechanic, Chen Fei carried a dedicated data cable and plugged it into every aircraft in Hangar 1, not sparing even the two armed helicopters.

Armed helicopter: 〒▽〒

"Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" supports not only the A-39B "Big Mouth Monster" light turboprop attack aircraft but also includes hundreds of other aircraft models, incorporating most of the modified models in the series.

Choosing the most remote idle workspace next to a workbench, Chen Fei, with a furrowed brow, held a thick "Big Mouth Monster" technical manual (A) and compared the data just retrieved by the "Sky Eye Cloud Inspection" software on his tablet with it, when someone pushing a small cart walked in.

"Sunflower seeds, peanuts, beer, airplane cups, space cups, anyone interested?"

Sunflower seeds, peanuts, beer, uh... it seems like something strange got mixed in.

In fact, even condoms are military supplies. Anything related to the military isn't strange; it's just uncommon.

Chen Fei's ears pricked up, and he looked up towards the sound to see a simple-faced man with single eyelids pushing a cart full of items around the hangar.

The man did not approach the workspace but merely circled around the guys from the flight squadron. The maintenance team was unfazed, seeming already accustomed to it and let him shout his wares while they continued with their tasks.

"Pu Aihua, bring a dozen Qingdao beers and a packet of fried peanuts."

One of the men playing poker called out.

"Alright, coming right up!"

The man addressed hurriedly took the items from his cart and scurried over with them.

With the opening of beer and peanuts, others soon asked for chips, chocolate, and other snacks.

The flight squadron was the highest earning group at the Aircrew Base; all departments revolved around them, and each pilot was quite well-off.

After clearing out a tenth of his cart's inventory, Pu Aihua made another round of the workspace.

Besides those pilots, he sometimes managed to make a sale or two from the maintenance team. No matter how small a mosquito leg is, it's still meat; how could he pass up the chance for extra income if he could make a sale?

"New here?"

The cart kept rolling and finally stopped in front of Chen Fei, the simple-faced man blinking his single eyelids, curiously sizing up the young man.

"Hello, I'm Chen Fei, the new guy in the repair team, it's my first day on the job."

Chen Fei hurriedly put down the thick and heavy technical manual, with stacks of BCDEFG by his feet, almost as tall as Pu Aihua's small cart. In this era of digital documents and e-readers, paper books were still not obsolete, becoming an important carrier for high-quality literary readings and technical publications.

The other party shook hands with Chen Fei, surprised but devoid of the arrogance typical of old employees, instead, he humbly said, "Nice to meet you, nice to meet you, I'm Pu Aihua, from Goryeo. I assist Chef Abel in the cafeteria and do some small trading on the side. Want to buy something? I have everything, all reasonably priced."

The Aircrew Base didn't have a convenience store, which let this shrewd and meticulous guy seize the opportunity to get himself a small cart. He would buy and sell in his spare time, making a little money to supplement the family income. As he was respectful and always smiling, keeping a low profile, it made him hard to be angry with. Over time, everyone turned a blind eye, tacitly allowing Pu Aihua to peddle his goods in his spare time.

When the other party tried to do business with him, Chen Fei quickly waved his hands and said, "Thanks, but I don't need anything for now."

He was deep in debt and broke, with no spare cash to waste.

"No worries, it's fate that we met, consider this a welcoming gift, a token of friendship. How about this? Newly arrived 'Flyers' cup, very useful and very smooth. If not this, the 'Space' cup is also very practical, drinking more hot water is good for your health."

This Piao was indeed good at business, directly taking items from the cart, insistent on giving something to Chen Fei, even if it was for free.

Even if the business didn't go through, the goodwill remained, and maybe, he might patronize some of his business in the future.

Give and take, what you give, you get.

However, the 'Flyers' cup and 'Space' cup, inside and outside the atmosphere, felt like a harmonious pair.

"No, really, I don't need it, thank you!"

He firmly refused to take the two cups being pushed at him as if they were hot coals.

The two pushed and shoved for a while, until Pu Aihua finally gave up, sighing, "There's really no helping it!"

Just when Chen Fei thought this guy was about to give up, Pu Aihua turned around and brought out a small nest made of interlaced twigs and grass.

"This is a magical beast egg that was given as an extra gift when I was stocking up. It's really free, please accept it, otherwise you'd be disrespecting me, Pu Aihua, and I would be very upset, which could have serious consequences."

It was as if Chen Fei's refusal to accept the free bird egg was a personal slight against Pu Aihua.

A magical beast egg?

Chen Fei, bemused, looked at the naturally made bird's nest, centered around a soft greenish egg no bigger than that of a quail. It was just an ordinary bird's nest and egg, yet another instance of a merchant's gift of deceit!

Magic beasts were a specialty of the Cangqiong Realm across from the "Halo" Dimensional Gate; even the weakest magical beast had a significant price. Didn't this business-savvy guy have any clue about that?

Not even someone with a mine at home would casually gift a magical beast egg to a person they just met for the first time. That was worse than wasting money, sheer folly.

"If it hatches into a powerful magical beast, you'll have made a fortune."

But Pu Aihua, with full sincerity and a smile that brooked no refusal, again aggressively handed over the nest to Chen Fei, along with an extra lovely paper box.

If he didn't accept it today, there would be no end to it.

"Alright! I'll accept this gift, thank you, Brother Pu."

Having no other choice, Chen Fei reluctantly took the feather-light charming little nest.

If he didn't accept it now, the other party would surely persist, potentially impacting his work.

This was his first day on the job, and if he didn't make a good impression on his bosses, his future might not look so bright; he might even get metaphorically tripped up.

"Open-hearted, you get busy, I won't disturb you anymore. If you need something, just come find me!"

Pu Aihua nodded firmly, patted Chen Fei's arm, claiming non-disturbance while having taken up several minutes more before finally happily pushing his cart away from hangar one to continue pestering other departments.

With the bird nest in hand, Chen Fei wore a helpless expression, wondering what exactly had just happened.

Was he just bamboozled?

