
Chapter 36: Blood and Courage

"650 men?" Wolster immediately protested, "That's all my cavalry, You have no right to command them..."

Captain Dibowa didn't let him finish and smiled, "Give me your cavalry, or face the Prussians alone."

"No, don't..." the commander of the Dutch Army sighed resignedly and waved his hand, "The cavalry are under your command now, we can't have infighting at this time."

"A very wise decision!"

Dibowa turned to the curly-haired French lieutenant and said, "Andre, proceed as planned. How soon can you set off?"

Andre saluted, his hat in hand: "Yes, sir! My men are all prepared and can set off at any moment. However, the Dutch cavalry might need a bit more time."

Dibowa nodded, "They are under your command now, go teach them how to improve their efficiency."

"Yes, sir!"

As the cavalry lieutenant left, Dibowa looked at the Dutch officers in the tent: "So, does everyone now agree on taking the offensive against the Prussian vanguard?"

The others nodded in silence.
