
Chapter 120 What tender model party? Silver Pah, that's right!_2

It was clear...

Zheng Jiayi was proud of her experience...

This is the basic difference between Western and Eastern consciousness, and Hong Kong Island... actually has little difference from Western society...

In Mainland China, most people would think being a butler is a lower status job, as for thousands of years in cultural tradition, the term "butler" has always been associated with servants of wealthy households...

But in the West, the value system is different...

They don't feel ashamed to serve as butlers or maids for others, as long as the pay is sufficient...

This is why it's said the West is a paradise for the rich and a hell for the poor...

Because the rich can enjoy everything...

But the poor are only fit to provide services.

But now... it seems Mainland China is also moving in this direction, evidenced by the acceptance of phrases like "laugh at the poor, not the prostitute," which speaks volumes...

