
Chapter 417: Trouble


This time, the person in charge of AC stole all the future concept sketches and sold them to AC's competitors. Not only that, the bastard also stole all of AC's client resources and sold them to the competition as well.

As a result, AC suffered severe client loss, and competitors not only got their hands on Li Xiaoya's future design plans but also offered lower prices to them. In turn, Li Xiaoya's company became very passive; clients began to drain away severely, and Li Xiaoya was plunged into a very passive situation.

The factory stopped production, and the workers' wages could not be paid.

The financial affairs of the branch companies were in disarray, and all of the funds from both companies were embezzled. In addition, Li Xiaoya's group company was also affected by this event. The subsidiaries ran into trouble and the news went out, causing Huihong Group's stock market to be severely shaken, hitting several limit-downs immediately.
