
Marriage contract

Liam's pov

"Why isn't Rachel picking up? Today is our wedding day for goodness sake," I paced back and forth in my room feeling frustrated.

"I don't understand, did you two fight?" Alex asked me and I shook my head.

I sat on the bed and my mind was full with questions. Why would Rachel do this?

"Hold on, let me call her," Alex said and I waited impatiently as he dialed her number but she didn't respond.

"What's really happening? The wedding will start in two hours and my bride is no where to be found," I complained, my heart beating heavily with the fear of rejection.

What if she doesn't show up? What's going to be my hope?

I will be on the news and be tagged as the CEO whose bride left him on his wedding day.

This can't happen, Rachel cannot salvage my reputation this way.

"Calm down, Liam. We will do something about this," Alex assured me. I sat on my bed thinking about a lot of things that could make Rachel behave this way.

I jerked up from the bed when I heard my door open but I was disappointed because the person was not Rachel.

"Mia, where's your friend? I have been calling but she didn't answer," I said angrily out of frustration.

"Rachel left," Mia said and I raised my curious brow in confusion.

"What did you say? I don't understand. Can you please explain?" I asked Mia pleading for an explanation and Mia sighed.

"She called me few minutes ago and said she's no longer interested in the wedding. She also said she is in Los Angeles so you shouldn't bother looking for her," Mia explained and I was shocked.

My legs gave out and I felt my whole body weaken at this news. I sat on the bed with my mind all over the place.

"She left on her wedding day? Is she out of her mind? What are we going to do? There are guests waiting, the press are waiting," Alex said.

My whole world came crashing down in front of me. The thought of facing our guests and the press alone suffocating me.

I felt like I'd been punched in my gut, I was confused struggling to comprehend how the woman I loved could leave me on our wedding day.

"Please, calm down. I know you are hurt by what Rachel has done to you. We can call off the wedding and... " Alex voice reassuring but I didn't want to hear it.

We were together last night. We talked and she told me how excited she was to marry me today.

I never knew she had the plans to leave me. How could she be so cruel to do this to me?

"Liam, let's just call off the wedding already. We still have time to do that. It's better to call off the wedding than to show up without your bride," Alex suggested and I shook my head.

I can't do that, I will be mocked. I can't be the laughing stock in the city. I need to find Rachel, I need answers to why she did this to me.

"I can't call off the wedding, Alex. I will be mocked as the CEO whose bride left on their wedding day," I Said and looked round for my keys.

"I need to find Rachel, I need to..." I said as I grabbed my car keys. Alex grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Alex, I need answers from her. I need to know why she did this to me," I said.

"Liam, listen to me. We can't just drop everything and go to Los Angeles," he said in his serious firm voice.

"What do I do? I don't want to call of my wedding," I muttered and I started pacing round the room again.

"Since you don't want to call off the wedding then we need to find a substitute bride," he suggested and when I thought about it, it was a perfect idea.

Rachel has been the only girl I dated in two years so I had nobody in mind to be my substitute.

"We can do something like a marriage contract, just two months and everything will be over," I added.

It was a crazy idea but I was desperate. I had thirty minutes to find a bride.

"This is risky but since you are desperate enough. We will do this," Alex nodded, his expression thoughtful.

"You have to help me find a girl that can stand in as my wife. I have just thirty minutes to find a bride," I said desperately.

"All the girls I know are either married or in a relationship," Alex informed me and i rushed towards him. I grabbed his arms and made him look into my eyes.

"You know a lot of girls. You are the only one that can do this for me please just think of someone. I'm willing to pay any amount for the girl," I pleaded and he made me sit.

"My sister," he said quietly more like a whisper and my eyebrow rose.

"Jasmine? How can I put her in a difficult situation?" I asked Alex and he frowned.

"Stop pretending, you know she loves you. She cried because of you last night, Liam. You getting married to Rachel is something she is finding hard to accept," Alex said and I sighed.

We grew up together and spent time doing silly things together. I have no feelings for her that was why I rejected her when she confessed to me yesterday.

I couldn't imagine myself doing what couples do with her. How will I ask her to marry me after I rejected her yesterday? I'm sure she will curse me out.

"I can't do this, Alex. I made her cry when she came to my office yesterday, I doubt if she will accept the proposal. She really hates me now," I said and he shook his head.

"I will talk to her. I will do this for you because you are my best friend," he assured me.

I watched him as he left my room to call Jasmine. I tapped my feet on the tiles and waited impatiently for him to tell me his response.

It's just a marriage contract for two months so nobody will get hurt. When we get married, I will make her hate me and look for Rachel.

"Congratulations, man. She has agreed," Alex said with a smile as he entered the room back and I sighed in relief.
