
Chapter 1: Words in My Mind

"On the shore, I was lying down on my mother's lap. I was a child at the time, and we were spending the day together. I stood up and approached the sea, touching the calming water. In the distance, I saw a ship equipped with cannons and mortars. It began to bombard the land, the town on the mountains, and us. We were under attack. Rockets struck, and we were knocked unconscious. I heard my mother's cry before everything went black. It was just a dream.

I opened my eyes to see the jungle burning. I stood on the shore, but my mother lay lifeless beside me. I approached her, held her head, and kissed her forehead. I carried her into the jungle and buried her there. I placed a cross on her grave and spoke to her, saying, 'I love you, Mom.' We were the only two in our house, and now, I'm alone. I will never forget that day we were attacked. 

I will find the person responsible and kill him. I will not forgive him or his army for what they did to my mother."
