
Chapter 702: Israeli Spy Producer

"Bang," Charles swung a golf club, and the ball flew out. At the renovated Miami Doral Golf Resort, Charles was in a good mood!

"Nice shot," said John Boehner, the current Speaker of the House from the Republican Party, standing beside Charles.

Charles smiled and walked with John Boehner to the lounge. "Mr. Speaker, you didn't come all the way to Miami just to play golf with me, did you?"

John Boehner shrugged. "Charles, what do you think about next year's election?"

"Obama's going to be re-elected," Charles took a sip of his drink and stated directly, "Even Jesus couldn't change that!"

John Boehner chuckled. By now, Charles had become a significant figure, holding the world's largest media conglomerate and having strong financial backing.

He had influence on Wall Street, in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and even the military-industrial complex!

"Some want to use the current class conflicts to establish some politically correct standards. Charles, what's your take?" John Boehner asked, hinting that Jewish financial groups were using the LGBT community to divert conflict.

Charles was now a member of the top financial elites, specifically a key figure of the Anglo-Saxon coalition. He no longer cared about party divisions, only pursuing policies that suited him!

"Tell them, with the Hollywood scandal, I hope it's the last time," Charles leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette.

"If they dare bypass me to cause trouble in Hollywood again, I'll do everything to kick them out of Hollywood. CNN did well this time, or I wouldn't mind it going the way of Fox! Remember, it's us who call the shots in Hollywood now, not the Jews," Charles looked at John Boehner. "Time Warner and Sony Columbia dare not speak out now, and News Corporation is on the brink of being broken up. MGM is on my side. With a struggling Viacom and Disney relying on animation and theme parks, why would they fight me?"

The Anglo-Saxon financial group had representatives like Warren Buffet on Wall Street and Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos in Silicon Valley.

In Hollywood, the most powerful faction under control was Charles Capet's, and the military-industrial complex was a given!

"Charles, this..." John Boehner felt helpless. Hollywood used to be dominated by Jewish capital, setting the trends as they pleased.

But now, the biggest force in Hollywood was no longer the Jewish conglomerate, and they could hardly fight back!

"Capet has just gone public, and the stock price is rising. The Jews better consider the consequences carefully," Charles squinted his eyes. "This time, it was that Israeli producer Arnon Milchan's idea, right? The FBI are useless. This guy admitted to being an Israeli agent!"

Arnon Milchan was definitely one of Hollywood's top producers, even wealthier than Spielberg.

The Avengers had just grossed $1.5 billion at the box office, and Capet Universal's Marvel Universe was a huge success.

Now these bitches wanted to make trouble behind the scenes. LGBT, my ass!

John Boehner also felt helpless; Charles Capet was clearly angry now. "How about we get Arnon Milchan out of Hollywood?"

"Do you think anyone in Hollywood would dare work with him now?" Charles smiled dismissively.

Mel Gibson offended the Jews but could still find work in Europe or with low-budget indie films.

Arnon Milchan, however, offending Charles, would find himself with no way out!

John Boehner did not want to offend either side, especially not the now-dominant Anglo-Saxon faction.

With the Occupy Wall Street movement in full swing, media influence was key, and you couldn't bypass Hollywood.

"Charles, what do you want to do?"

Charles shook his head. "I don't want to do anything really, but the scandal has a significant impact on Hollywood. I need to return to LA to clean up Hollywood!"

"Clean up?" John Boehner shivered. Last time, Charles took down Fox News and gave CNN and other Democrat mouthpieces a full makeover.

Adding the earlier women's anti-sexual harassment movement, Boehner was now truly worried about what Charles meant by "clean up"!

"Relax, Hollywood media representing different parties will speak out together against this protest," Charles said, patting John Boehner on the shoulder. "Some people need a reality check. Servants should have the awareness of servants. Even as a housekeeper, they shouldn't think they can make decisions only the master can make!"

John Boehner nodded. The Jewish financial groups were originally just the butlers of the Anglo-Saxon elite.

"Charles, no one wants Hollywood to have problems. It's a vital window for American cultural export," John Boehner reminded.

"Hollywood's issues are solved by Hollywood itself, right? Just because the master has changed, doesn't mean the rules should," Charles shook his head. "Internal Hollywood issues should be resolved internally by us!"

That evening, after having dinner with John Boehner, the Speaker of the House left.


But Hollywood was far from peaceful!

The Israeli-Jewish producer, Arnon Milchan, who produced films like LA Confidential, Fight Club, Pretty Woman, and Heat, had been blacklisted.

As an Israeli spy, Arnon Milchan's assets were worth a whopping $3 billion!

With the backing capital failing to reach an agreement, the Jews could no longer decide Hollywood's direction.

Since the Fox incident, CNN had risen to the top, but with NBC's neutral stance, their ratings were climbing.

Fox representing the Republicans and CNN the Democrats having a rare agreement showed that capital was the real decision-maker!

At the end of the month, Charles returned to Los Angeles from Miami, not concerned about Arnon Milchan anymore.

With someone vouching for him, getting him out of Hollywood was enough.

However, Charles was not one to let things go; targeting CNN, the most important mouthpiece controlled by Jews, was next.

A phone call from Los Angeles reached Ted Turner's ranch in New Mexico. The semi-retired vice-chairman of Time Warner and the founder of CNN answered Charles' call.

"Seeking advice on buying a ranch?" Ted Turner laughed. "Haha, I'll wait for you then!"


