
Chapter 597

Burbank, at Capet Pictures' studio for Transformers 3.

"Wow, so many gadgets?" Liu Yifei was astonished at the massive studio filled with green screens, cranes, and cameras.

Charles smiled, "For these big-budget visual effects movies, most of the work is done on computers besides the location shooting. Even Marvel movies are similar; many scenes are done in front of green screens. Regular folks might find it awkward watching actors perform."

Charles took Liu Yifei to tour the Capet Pictures studio in Burbank to give her a more hands-on experience.

"All this acting without props... the Hollywood movie industry has indeed developed so fast," Liu Yifei wasn't unfamiliar with it.

"Yeah, the development of movie technology has made the demands on actors lower. Not all actors can handle this style, especially some big names. But now, because big-budget movies are flashy and exciting, they are very popular with audiences. The demand for a strong storyline isn't as high."

As Charles led Liu Yifei around, he kept explaining things. Not many people got this kind of treatment.

After all, even if Obama came, Charles probably wouldn't bother personally explaining things.

The Capet Global headquarters was huge, constantly expanding and improving, with theaters, restaurants, bars, and other commercial and lifestyle facilities all available.

Now, owning the opposite Hollywood Universal Studios made them even more powerful.

"Boss, The Green Hornet crew is filming at Sony Picture Studios. Should I arrange it?" Phyllis Jones came over to remind.

Charles looked at Liu Yifei, "It's over at Culver City, not too far. Want to go?"

Liu Yifei shook her head, "What I've seen today has already amazed me. No need to trouble yourself."

Charles smiled, "It's no trouble. They should be thrilled if I visit their crew."

"Let's skip it. It's getting late, and we can rest early to prepare for New York tomorrow," Liu Yifei explained with a smile.

Charles nodded, "Let's head home then."

Afterward, Charles and Liu Yifei drove towards Malibu but were actually heading to Malibu's commercial center.

After parking near Malibu State Shopping Center, Charles embraced Liu Yifei and started kissing her in the car, with the lady passionately responding.

"Let's grab a bite later and then chill at the bar on Malibu Beach. There are way fewer tourists there compared to Santa Monica Beach," Charles said, holding Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei cuddled up to Charles' neck, nodding affectionately, "Whatever you say. Will going to New York tomorrow mess with your work?"

"Of course not," Charles said, rubbing her thigh with a smile, "You've come all this way; I have to spend a few more days with you!"


"I originally planned to take you to the Orlando Universal Studios. Last month, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened, and the new area is very popular with visitors," Charles said, holding the lady's shoulders as they walked on Malibu Beach.

"Harry Potter, huh? I saw on the news that this year Capet Global's The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will compete head-on with Warner Bros.' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1," Liu Yifei's face was full of curiosity.

Charles nodded, "That's right. In November, our The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will be released alongside Warner Bros.' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. The release dates are about half a month apart."

Although the Twilight series was impressive, it couldn't compare to the Harry Potter series.

However, there was good news: the production cost of Twilight was much lower. Just movie box office, TV broadcasting, and DVD revenues were comparable to Harry Potter.

But in terms of movie merchandise and commercial development, there was a huge gap. Things like games, merchandise licensing, and theme parks were incomparable!

"Let's go; weren't we going to a bar?" Liu Yifei pulled Charles along.

Charles smiled, wrapped his arm around her waist, lowered his head for a kiss, and when the kiss ended, he said, "Let's go," Charles said, holding her hand as they walked towards the bar.

"Cheers!" Liu Yifei raised a beer and clinked glasses with Charles, "I really have to thank you this time."

"After joining Red Fruit Entertainment, I don't have to hunt for opportunities everywhere. I was even planning to move to Hong Kong's scene!"

"Cheers," Charles said, taking a big gulp and smiling. "Actors as pure as you are rare. With more practice, you'll definitely have a bright future."

"Right, what about Gao Yuanyuan?" Liu Yifei wasn't naive; she knew who was behind Gao Yuanyuan.

"Her? Do you think she has much time to work on her acting now?"

Liu Yifei thought for a moment, "Oh, true. Gao Yuanyuan's shares in Red Fruit now make her very high-status!"

Not just Gao Yuanyuan, even Lin Chi-ling was different now. All because Red Fruit Entertainment's achievements over the past few years were outstanding.

With support from Asia's financial wizard Lily Ying's Fund, they never lacked capital and had top-tier Hollywood connections. Red Fruit Entertainment was a coveted treasure.

"By the way, did you sell your New York house? Want to buy another one? You might come to the U.S. again," Charles suddenly said.

Liu Yifei shook her head, "I probably won't be coming to the U.S. much in the next few years, mainly focusing on my career back home. Besides, didn't you gift me a seaside holiday villa in Saint-Tropez, France last time? My mother and I went over during the holidays, and she loved it!"

"Alright then," Charles knew Liu Yifei wasn't short on money and had a lot of assets.

"A while ago, Gao Yuanyuan took us to a private holiday island near the Philippines. It was you who had it built, right?" Liu Yifei looked at Charles. "The scenery was excellent, really amazing!"

"That one is small. I have another private island near the Bahamas in the Caribbean. The resort hotel there is even more luxurious," Charles raised an eyebrow.

"Want to go?"


