
Chapter 499

Capet gained the upper hand with his purchase of 20% of NBC Universal's shares, becoming a shareholder while GE's sale of NBC Universal Entertainment was no secret.

The entire Hollywood and media industry were in an uproar and it became clear that Capet had already gained a lead in the competition with Comcast!

The Hollywood Reporter: If Capet merges with Universal, its market share in Hollywood's film market will directly exceed 20%!

The Los Angeles Times: Universal has been sold for the fourth time since the millennium, and after losing membership in MPAA this year, Capet has taken the most direct and effective approach!

The San Francisco Chronicle: Hollywood's transformation has finally arrived, can Charles Capet recreate the glory of MGM during Hollywood's golden age?

Rupert Murdoch from News Corp said in a television interview, "Capet is now a significant force in Hollywood, and if they acquire NBC Universal, they will become another giant in the media world."

Jeff Bewkes, Chairman of Time Warner, in an interview with The New York Times said, "Capet has always been a key entity for us to watch, and we have been closely watching the acquisition of NBC Universal. A merger between Capet and NBC Universal will create a significant force in the media world, as Charles Capet is truly a miracle!"

Other media giants like Disney, Liberty Media Group, and Viacom Group also expressed their interest in Capet's merger with NBC Universal.

The excitements and controversies in Hollywood often provoke large-scale discussions, especially this time involving Hollywood's youngest entertainment magnate, Charles Capet.

If Charles Capet were to gain control of NBC Universal, given his own strength, the merger would be far more significant than just adding value. Capet Group would become a global media giant like Time Warner, News Corp, and Disney.

Not yet 30 years old, Charles Capet would become the youngest leader among global media giants; even Howard Hughes was over 40 when he acquired RKO Pictures!

Hollywood's major acquisitions always drew a lot of attention, and this time was no exception.

Unfortunately, after successfully acquiring 20% of NBC Universal's shares from Vivendi in Paris with his team, Charles didn't return to Los Angeles with the others.

Instead, he took Liu Yifei to the southern French coastal town of Saint-Tropez for a vacation, in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region, in Var.

Saint-Tropez, located between Var's capital Toulon and Cannes, boasts a beautiful coastline and the "City of the Sun," one of France's most beautiful beaches, long favored by Hollywood stars and European tycoons for vacations!

Half-laying by the pool at the resort hotel, gazing at the yachts in the bay of Saint-Tropez, Charles truly felt this Mediterranean town was indeed picturesque.

Compared to coastal tourist cities like Cannes, Marseille, and Nice, the scenery wasn't lacking, but it was much quieter!

"Here," Liu Yifei suddenly handed over a glass of iced juice.

"Oh, thank you," Charles casually took it and started drinking through the straw. Liu Yifei, dressed in a bikini covered with a sheer dress, looked stunning.

Charles lowered his sunglasses and had her sit next to him. "So, what do you think? Isn't this place pretty nice?"

"The sky, sea, beach, seagulls, and various Michelin restaurants and luxury stores, this place has everything!"

Liu Yifei nodded, "Way better than the mess in Paris, where we saw too much garbage and too many pickpockets while shopping the other day. Only a few scenic spots are nice, and there is also the Place des Vosges!"

Charles laughed and explained, "There are many Africans and Middle Easterners in Paris, Christians, Muslims, and Jewish elements are quite mixed up. The places you mentioned are specifically designed to attract tourists, of course, they have to look good!"

"By the way, I saw in the newspapers that you came to France to acquire a part of Universal Pictures?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Yes, it's done. Next, I will acquire the remaining shares!" Charles said, squinting his eyes.

"You must have a lot of money now, right? The newspapers said you were offering nearly $40 billion to acquire NBC Universal Group!"

"Yeah, quite a lot. My money now, I can't spend it all, and it will only keep increasing," Charles didn't deny. At this level, money was indeed endless.

"Can't spend it all?" Liu Yifei was stunned, then laughed, "The newspapers said you have $15 billion in assets!"

Charles put down the juice, reached out to wrap his arm around her shoulder, and kissed her, caressing her smooth, fair thighs.

After the kiss, Charles chuckled, "That's just something Forbes magazine wrote. Even I don't know how many assets I have. The funds and various companies under me are too numerous to count!"

Liu Yifei licked her lips, "Top-class wealthy people are really different. In Paris, you're a shareholder of Hermes and the LV group. Either they deliver stuff directly to the hotel, or you shop in a closed store."

"You're not going back to the US? Don't you need to acquire Universal Pictures?"

Charles shook his head, "Now, many company executives are on vacation, and Capet already has a team for the acquisition. Whether I return or not doesn't affect things."

"If there's something important, they will call and discuss it with me. I only appear when it's crucial! Come on, let's go swimming," Charles said, pulling Yifei into the pool.

"Splash," Liu Yifei emerged from the water, brushing her long hair back, the sheer cover-up soaking wet, revealing the black bikini underneath.

Under the sunlight, the droplets on her face shimmered, her fair skin reflecting the sunlight.

Charles swam over and hugged her, "Do you want to visit other places? There are many vacation spots in Europe."

Liu Yifei, holding onto Charles' neck, said, "I've been here for a week, I should head back. I have work at the end of this month."

After speaking, she initiated another kiss. Charles warmly responded, his hands caressing her thighs at his waist.


