
VIII · Alexandrini On the Horizon

Mass release: 3/25


["The murderousssss maniac isssssss back, witchling!"] Jade hissed.

I can tell! Emerald scoffed through their telepathic link, as she got into the living room, side-eying her familiars now on the left bigger couch.

Dior inhaled her scent, "Using Sa's trust perfume potion, are you?"

"It comes in hand," she rolled her shoulders and held her hand up, then the witch set a glittery sage green backpack with a silver keychain on her hand. "Oh? It's pretty." I may not like pink and light colors, but I love glittery and metallic dark colors, and all shades of green, red, and black. Plus silver, I love silver. My blood is absolutely stunning. "Green."

"Sa told me it's your favorite color with black!"

Scoffing, she nodded, bitterly, "Yes. Black and silver too," and red.

"Black used to represent death witches, silver goes for star witches, that explains a lot, now green is funny, but I guess it could have something to do with your familiars, or whatever. It's the best color," she purred with a big smug. "Regardless, the eyeglasses are inside the bag, I added some Scandinavian runes on the bracelets and anklets that will help containing your magic whenever you lose your temper, and there's also the other bags inside it. The one you're holding the most spacious, you can fill everything else and then put it all inside this one, adding whatever you want to it too."

"I'll began packing everything I left in the lab then."

"Wait," she grabbed Emerald by her left forearm, which got her a death glare, making her instantly release her. "I got something else for you."

Emerald raised an eyebrow at the witch, "What for?"

With a snap of her fingers, a black and a lime green wireless headset appeared in Dior's right palm, together with a pair emerald green ear pods in a black silicone case with 'Emerald' written in forest green.

"The lime green one isn't to hear music or anything, it's to isolate the sound of everything around you, when you need peace of mind, since Alexandrini can be very noisy even at night, thanks to all the familiars and other magical beings that are always there. The black one is to hear music, you can you use when you are around people and you want them to know you are listening to music so they will avoid speaking to you, since the ear pods make it hard to tell. Now, these ear pods, are proper for you to hear music while exercising or running or anything, it also has a spell that allows you to use it underwater, just in case, the hook around it keeps it tight on your ear, while the one you already have can fall and all."

Saoirse definitely makes it hard to hate her, ugh. "Thanks," she got them from her hand, adjusted the backpack on her shoulder and put it inside.

"This too," Dior popped another bunch of things in her hands with magic. A sage green iPad Pro, a black green MacBook Pro, a silver iPhone Pro Max with an iPen and a silicone black case with an emerald green snake on it, an Instax mini light green camera with ten boxes of refill, and a small apple green notebook with a lemon-scented pen with glittery dark green ink.

"The notebook has all the data you will need to access your email, to adjust the settings of your phone and tablet and laptop, to access your Spotify Premium, Netflix, Prime Video, HBO, Hulu, Paramount, Apple+, Disney+, Star+, Crunchyroll, Viki Rakuten, YouTube Premium, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Audible, Kindle, Reddit, FaceTime, Tappas, Manga Plus, Wattpad, Webtoon, Goodreads, and your Office 365 accounts. As well as how you can change the passwords Saoirse picked for you."

"Or how you can create another email, and also how you can access the app of Alexandrini only allowed to students which you will need until you can walk around that maze without the map. You can also make a new account for yourself in everything, after you get your own money from all the selling you're gonna make in there, if you don't want to use those that are under my name. There's also notes on how to make use of the digital bank, how to make purchases, or how to ask for a physical card."

"I passed about half a million crystals to your bank account, it's a present for collaborating with me on this, and for giving me the potions and things you made. You can also make another bank account if you want later, it's on you. Everything is in the magical version, it's different from what the humans use. Also," she said as she helped Emerald put everything inside her backpack, "there's the app of the Daily Alexandrini, it's like the news and the social media for publications, used in there, you should check it up every day."

"Ah, inside the bag, there's a smaller bag with all your documents that I got under the name Emerald Psyche Dimitriadi. I also put that you're born in April 1st instead of April 16th, to differ from what people know about Emma Lorenzen, your real identity as your father's daughter. You're now in birth control, so don't be reckless and fuck somebody who might become trouble to you, because when you lose your virginity, you will bleed, and you bleed silver. Do it in a way they won't see your blood, if you feel like fucking somebody."

"We chose your social name to be Em Dimitriadi in all your social medias, since it'll also differ from Emma, your family nickname, by which everyone know Gerhard's missing daughter by. When you get to the Snake House, you will be added in the private app solely for socializing with the people of the house, and later also to the official social app of Alexandrini, called Chaos Circle, because that place is a self-entitled circle, through it you will be able to socialize with the people from the other houses, if you want. It's easy to use."

"There's also the 6⁶⁶ Express, it's the app where you can access all the catalog of the stores in the Seven Hearts Market, and order whatever you want to buy. Clothes to use when you're in free time, random stuff, or ingredients for potions, materials overall, decoration, and there's also an amazing store called the Wand-Wonder where you will find the best wands you can think of. Though I suggest you to go there personally, in one of the weekends, so the perfect wand can choose you instead, since you will need a wand until you can control all of your power as well as you control your very breathing, unconsciously."

"Mom," Saoirse groaned, "you will overwhelm her."

"What? Why would I?" Dior blinked.

"Even I am overwhelmed," she gasped.

Emerald blinked, "It was quite the mountain of information you just threw at me," she chuckled anxiously. "But okay, I'll keep all of that in my mind. I don't even know 5% of the social media you just mentioned, and I doubt I'll want to socialize, but thanks, either way. I'll study the notebook and learn how to get through it all. Quite technological… a part of me was expecting something more like the Hogwarts from the books."

Saoirse failed in holding her laugh, "Cute. No, technology is all that is now. I mean, the real magic lies in the actual books, grimoires, and all of that, but technology makes the other side of living there, easier. We can go to the ⅞ Hearts city every weekend, as well as we can stay in the academy if we want or if we're grounded, which happens a lot, especially in professor Grayson Qin's classes, because he's a devilish man, who hates technology. He, yes, he's more like… well, Severus Snape in Harry Potter."

"I loved Snape though, he was my favorite adult with Hagrid," she tilted her head. "But alright, I got the memo. I have a lot to learn. How do we get to ⅞ Hearts?"

"⅞ Express, it's a sky train that crosses through all magical cities in the UK. Aside from teleportation spells, which require a load of magic, it's the only way to get to Alexandrini, to ⅞ Hearts, and to the Ministry of Magic in the UK. As well as to the Asphodel Fields, which's where all kinds of magical competitions between the Alexandrini houses and between the other magical schools connected to Alexandrini happen. Since Alexandrini is the greatest magical school in the world, and most legacy families from all over the world try to put their witchling kids in there," Saoirse told her.

"The priority is for the UK kids first, then all others," Dior added.

Let's pretend I didn't knew any of that. "It's very… complex."

"Welcome back to our witchy world, Em," Dior purred.

["Yessssss, I've alwayssssss wanted to go there,"] Jade beamed.

["The only upssssssside in thissssss hellissssssssh sssssituation you got yourssssssself in out of being ssssssstubborn and ignoring our warningssssss, when you know you ssssssshould only trussssst usssssss, witchling,"] Peridot groaned and Emerald side glared him. ["Glare at me all you want with thossssse beautiful eyessssss of yourssssss. You know we are right."]

"Fuck off," she groaned, annoyed at herself, and adjusted the back-pack on her back. "I'mma finish packing everything, then I'll be back and we can leave to that hell… I mean, academy," then she put on the ear pods again, Speed Drive by Charli XCX playing on, to silence Peridot and Jade, and strode back into Dior's kitchen-lab.


Making sure neither Dior nor Saoirse were looking, Emerald put all the 10 love spell jars, which she also made when there weren't anywhere close to her, quickly adding the basil, mint, cinnamon, cocoa nibs, thyme, rose, lavender, lemon, verbena, and the hibiscus in the cauldron with the rose water, the perfect one for love and self-love spells. Each bottle of rose water she's also taking with her being a 2 liters bottle, which will definitely be enough for another huge batch of potions.

"Learning all this was definitely the biggest upside of this chaos," she grinned to herself, when she finish hiding all the love spell jars inside the bigger backpack. "Dior," she yelled, taking off her right pod, "I'mma steal your medium-sized cauldron and the silver with ash medium spoon!"

The witch came inside the room, nodding, "I only use the small or the bigger ones either way. Make good use of it, and cause havoc in that hell, okay? Feel free to cheat on ways to mess with the Circle without any direct confrontations."

Nyx, this woman plays low. But so do I. "I will!" Closing the bigger backpack with a world of stuff inside and setting on her back, she put the bracelets and anklets on, realizing they are the perfect size for her, enough not to move about of the place or to hurt, then she put the eyeglasses. "Oh, I can see everything with these," she beamed.

"And," Saoirse jumped inside like a rabbit, though she was more for a spider than anything, her and her mother, if her familiars didn't tell that much, "you can see in the dark with that, no need for flashlights."

"Now, that is awesome!" Not like I didn't know that though, or the fact that those eyeglasses can record everything I see, and only I can watch it all again later, through the inner lens, whenever I want. "Fancy."

"You look pretty, and witchling normal," Dior clapped her hands together, a habit she has. "That's exactly what we need. Most will wonder if you're blind, it's on you to act like you are or not, though we'll stick to the whole bad-eyesight-sensible-to-the-light thing."

"Jade, Peridot, come to my waist," she told them as they walked in the living room again, and quickly as thunder, the two serpents slid to her and crawled up her body, serpentining her waist like a belt, and make it the deep crevices of the curve even more obvious. "Comfortable?"

["Yessssss,"] the both whispered, satisfied.

"They are satisfied," she stated, when Dior and Saoirse stared at her with curiosity. Emerald set the right ear pod she had taken off in her frontal right pocket, where she had put the iPod, and took a deep breath. "Shall we go? I'm ready!" To hell I am. I feel like my heart is about to pop out of my fucking throat, I can hear my heartbeat screaming in my ears. I'm almost shaking like a lamb, Nyx help me, I'm an anxious mess.

"Wait," Saoirse ran to the actual kitchen and after a second she was back with a black and green straw bottle, which she handed it to Emerald. "It's my iced chamomile and chai potion tea, stirred anticlockwise to repel negativity, it'll help with your anxiety, stress, and will calm you down."

Ugh, why can't she just be a bitch to me after all that? "Thanks." She took a sip and felt her cheeks blushing, "Honey for sweetness?"

Saoirse's cheeks turned as red as her hair, "Always."

Dior clapped her hands again, "Take a sip and let's go," she took a look in her wrist watch. "It's mid-day already. We are an hour late."

"The best always comes at last," Saoirse winked at her mom.

Dior winked back, and for the first time, Emerald saw her light oak wand with an emerald crafter like an egg at the bottom, "Teleportation takes a load of magic, so I always need my wand," she winked at Emerald who was staring at her, making her cringe. "To hell we go," she sang excitedly.
