
III · Vengeful Maniac

Happier Than Ever (Edited version) by Billie Eilish was halfway into the melody already in the room, when Emerald opened her eyes again. When the memories of what had happened and of her almost-outburst came to her mind again, she felt like puking all the salamander stew she ate before she left her cottage. But when she tried to stand up, she found herself tied down to the bed she was in, by her wrists and ankles.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," she panicked, trying to get rid of it but unable to, both made of a dark green stone and with Scandinavian runes onto them, spreading chills down her spine. "No," she screamed, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, he can't be here, he can't be here, he can't be here."

"Your father is not here, child," Dior's voice made her freeze.

Her eyes snapped to where the green witch was standing, or better, sitting down of the couch at the left side of the room, and she fully on hissed at her like a savage beast. "What the fuck do you think you're doing to me?"

She tilted her head to the side, amused, "This was the only way to block your catastrophic power from destroying my house and harming me and my daughter, kid. You made me do this. But don't worry, it's just until you calm down that hot temper of yours. Scandinavian runes are the only ones that will work on you, because your father may have been born back in Scotland, but his origins are in Denmark. A Scandinavian country."

Emerald's eyes widened, "I… Saoirse… did I… hurt her?"

"No. I acted before you could, had I not, you would have. You need urgent training and magical restraining bracelets, Emerald. The changelings are known for their volatile abnormally huge magic, and if a normal witch wouldn't be able to go on normally without magical training for 19 years, a changeling like you, definitely wouldn't. You need magical education, way beyond what I can offer you, as you are no green witch, even if you have the aptitude for all kinds of magic. Which is magnificent and dangerous."

"I am not a changeling," she groaned tiredly.

"Yes, you are. But that's not a bad thing, kid. Not if you manage to get a hold of controlling your powers. That would be extraordinary," Dior stood up. "Sorry for freaking you out before, I've never seen a changeling as old and powerful as you. It was stunning to say the least. And to know you are Gerhard Lorenzen and Lalita Maya's daughter at that," she clapped her hands as if that was good, when it's the opposite. "Not only their only child together and a changeling, but a star and death witch!"

Her soul froze for a second, then she was looking at her body, eyes searching for a cut, which she found on her left ring finger, her eyes widened and she swallowed, "You examined my blood," she accused angry.

"Well, green witches aren't known as the scientists of the magical world for nothing, little changeling," she chuckled unbothered. "Your blood is silver and has a smoky scent," she purred, "you should be careful with that, both are only seen in our darkest history books. Star witches with their cosmic silver blood that can cure any kind of disease and break any kind of curse if consumed in a quantity large enough to fill two goblets. While death witches have a almost translucent blood with a strong smoky drug-like scent that can cause hallucinations and be use as the worse of the poisons and the deadliest of the curses. All depending in your intention as a changeling."

"What are your real intentions with me, Dior?" She hissed.

Dior grinned mischievously, "I want to have you on my side."

That got a sarcastic laugh out of Emerald, "Way to go. Let me give you a tip, doing all of this to me was not the way to have me on your side."

"Had you not lost your control to your anger and listened to the deal I am here to offer you, you would realize it is extremely beneficial to you. That is, if you want to control yourself enough to live a longer life, and to stop running from that bastard of your father!" Dior snapped annoyed.

She swallowed her curses, clenching her jaw, "Speak then."

"I'll offer you upmost protection through the Dragon faction, I'll be open to sponsoring you myself, and to guarding you in Alexandrini. I am as powerful and influent as your father is in there, and the white headmaster likes me more," she purred. "It will be dangerous, of course, but not at all as dangerous as right now, when they could get you at any time. By the look on your face, I can tell you don't want to go to the academy, changeling, but you have to. You need the training only they have, if you don't want to keep having a trace of destruction and death following you everywhere."

"No one will like me there, Dior!" She gasped.

"Well, we can hide that you're a changeling!"

"I am not a changeling," she insisted. "However, if you want to hide my mixed nature, it won't be easy. Because unfortunately, lens don't work on me, there's no hiding my eyes!"

"Changelings can't hide their eyes with lens," Dior scoffed. "You can hide them with blackout glasses. They look like sunglasses, entirely black and thick enough to even hide the shape of your eyes, it's almost like a blindfold, but glasses version, and it's a one piece, it doesn't has the eyes separation like in a normal one. It's a magical artifact with quite the salty price in the Seven Hearts Market, near the global ministry of magic."

Finally, Emerald began to easy up, the tension starting to leave her. "It's for blind witches though."

"And with a little tempering, it'll be perfect for someone who isn't blind, like yourself. As long as we keep the glasses on, avoid you from any kind of bleeding, and put some magical restraining bracelets and anklets to avoid you from blowing everything up when angry, at least until you learn to control your temper better, we'll be good. And your father might even not realize it's you," she purred, amused with her own idea.

Sighing, Emerald laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, "What about my teeth?" She asked softly.

"Let them wonder," Dior giggled. "We'll act like you're a green."

That made her frown, "A green?"

"Yeah, it's good that you are able to conquer green magic, given your changeling nature," Emerald did her best not to snap at her again, now that she's realizing Dior will not change her mind about that matter. "At least until you can control yourself, then when you learn how to fight with it, without killing your allies on your way, then you can come out like you actually are, and not even Gerhard Lorenzen will be able to do shit!"

Hah, does she think she'll be able to control me as her puppet to use me against my father? I may despise him, but I would never kill him. "And what's your purpose with this? Using me against him?"

"Of course," she giggled overjoyed. "Only his blood will be able to kill him, that's the prophecy. That must be why he's hunting you. To kill you before you can kill him."

Prophecy? "What prophecy?" She sat up, feeling suddenly anxious.

"He who conquers it all and himself, wielding the blood of those in his way, the red Viking of the Highlands, will be invincible, having only his own blood as his weakness. For those hunted shall make him one day their prey, to pay for his sins," she quoted, taking it seriously. "The Red Viking of the Highlands is your father's codename. You are his weakness, the only one who might be able to kill him. You are the key for my revenge, which is why I need you alive, why I'm not handing you to him."

What the hell? "What revenge?"

"He killed my entire coven when I was 22, Emerald," she hissed. "My parents, my siblings, my in-laws, my husband. He only didn't kill me because he said I wasn't worthy, but it probably was because I was pregnant with Saoirse. He was the general of the reds in the battle against the greens almost 20 years ago."

She's 5 years younger than dad then, it was around the time mom was pregnant with me. I've heard about it, but never in depth. Now she wants to use me to kill him because she lost people in a war the blues and the greens started? I may not know much, but I faintly remember how the greens and their alliance attacked red forces to force them into the war. My mom used to talk about it faintly. Should I just use her since she wanna use me? Emerald ponded, not at all, buying what Dior was feeding her.

Though Dior firmly believed she was getting under her skin.

"You said I can't bleed, but what about my period?" She changed subjects. "I bleed silver down there too, Dior."

"We'll put you in birth control. Saoirse told me you're a virgin!"

Emerald did her best not to flinch. Everything she promised to keep a secret for me, she spilled to this devilish woman. I can't believe this. Fuck, it hurts, betrayals like this really fucking hurts. Jade and Peridot were right all along. "I was too busy surviving to waste time on trivial matters."

That made Dior scoff mockingly, "Sex isn't trivial in the slightest."

"You've never had to survive like I did, your words are worthless."

"Being rude to me won't take you anywhere," she hissed annoyed.

"It's you who need me, Dior, not the opposite," Emerald mocked.

"But you need me if you don't want to get killed by your father!"

They were right, I shouldn't have come. I should have ran to the opposite fucking direction. "Nah, I can just get angry and explode on them, and kill everyone trying to kill me," she hissed.

"And you say you're not a changeling!"

This woman is testing my patience. "I am not!"

"Your eyes say otherwise," the green witch purred, fearlessly.

She wouldn't be so fearless had those cuff not be holding me back, would she? "How do you expect me to pretend being a green witch, in that hell, exactly, Dior? What are you gonna say to justify bringing me into that place now, when kids have been there since they were 9 year olds? How am I even gonna be accepted into Alexandrini at 19 when their education lasts until we turn 23?"

Before the 5th Coven War, it was until 20 years old, but they added more three years so the students like Emerald and Saoirse would have more preparation for a war breakout in the future, as peace treaties are never to be taken as an ultimatum.

"One question at the time, little changeling. For the first one, it's easy. You will pass for my apprentice that I've been training in secret for about a year, an orphan, your name will be Emerald Psyche Dimitriadi, born in Athens, Greece, by a non-magical family with Indian inheritance that left you in an orphanage when you were 7. You got adopted by a non-magical couple in Sydney, Australia, and abandoned again at 9, in Australia. Where you stayed until you were 18, when you left the orphanage and we crossed paths. You never had magical training prior to our meeting, a year ago."

So, she wants me to put on a show? "You're quite the mastermind."

"Thank you, thank you," she beamed amused.

It was not a compliment. I can tell she's magical powerful but not that bright when it comes to sarcasm. "What else?"

"As a changeling, you are a prodigy in magic learning, so," leaning over the chair she was in, Dior grabbed a pile of seven green grimoires with an amulet of a black widow spider in the middle, with it's eyes made of pink diamonds, "this will do. I'm famous for having the kitchen as my sanctuary as a green witch, these are magical recipes that you will be expected to know as my apprentice. Saoirse will help-"

"I don't want anything from her," Emerald hissed, hurt. "I'll learn on my own. You said it yourself, I'm a prodigy when it comes to learning. And I know my way in the kitchen, I'll work on it."

Dior pressed her lips together, feeling annoyed for having fucked with her daughter and Emerald's friendship, that could have made Emerald way more agreeable to obeying her. "Whatever you think it's the best way for you to learn this, but keep in mind you need to master this, then we'll be able to fool them by saying this is all I've taught you so far. About your eyeglasses, we'll say you have vision issues, and your eyes are sensible to the light, it'll allow you to have the eyeglasses all the time."

At least she's thinking of everything. And though I'm definitely not gonna let this witch use me to kill my damn father, no matter the bone me and dad have going on, as it is now, this will definitely be useful to me, since he won't be able to kill me. I'll also be able to take advantage of her. "And the rest?" Emerald referred to her other questions.

"We'll be able to get you in now with no suspicious because all the top fifty 18-19-year-old students are assigned to find a witchling diamond in the rough and bring into the school. Then they will evaluate the amount of power the witchling brought in as a new student, no matter the age, has, and distribute the points to the student responsible," Dior purred with the biggest of the grins, thinking of how her daughter will finally win over all the other students by bringing Emerald in.
