
Chapter 33: The Clock, Ticks, The Hand Turns.

The last year has been horrific. A pirate attack, reports of a giant monkey, and the complete destruction of the planet's surface. As an investigator I couldn't just let my hunches guide me. Which meant the pirates, the Black Suns ended up taking the blame. Their supporter being the old senator of the sector.

He had hired them to take out his political opponent, even giving them an orbital laser to accomplish the job. Ignoring the sheer amount of damage that laser would have done had it hit, that alone would have seen him locked up. Hell, the moron didn't even consider how doing that to wipe out one of the caverns pillars would completely destabilize the whole planet…

Politicians… I couldn't help but sigh… There was no way the pirates destroyed the surface. An anomalous energy signature had destroyed one of the ships. Following that something had obliterated the pirate landing forces with extreme prejudice. We had nothing, no video or even pictures.

It was obvious someone was doing a cover up operation. Even worse was the sudden spike in energy. The evidence of the orbital laser becoming unfocused just above its target, and summarily destroyed. The laser had malfunctioned was the official tag line. Malfunctioned just above the surface? What a load of shit.

Then came the new energy signatures barely picked up by our sensors. A massive laser carving through the planet's surface nearly cutting straight through it. Then the massive energy that wiped out the second ship. We found a few survivors who mentioned hearing a scream that rattled in their skull. Of people just dropping dead with blood leaking from their ears and eyes.

The buildings shaken up, the contents, the people within mixed together… Sickening… And whatever did this was still out there, but politics necessitated an answer. Worse, despite all the evidence, we actually didn't have anything. The only thing that caught my attention was an odd piece of tech I picked up.

Nobody knew what it was. The encryption methods were beyond our poorly paid unit's capabilities, or it could use some method of coding we couldn't fathom. Could go either way. We couldn't even get permission to move it up the ladder due to having no evidence that it may be important. Hell, even I didn't know if it was important, but my own instincts cried out that this was the final piece. That if we could crack open its contents, we could easily see the end of our case.

A knocking came to my door. I looked up from my desk and breaking me out of my brooding, a cigarette burning down on the ash tray left long forgotten. A pair of suits walked in. What was odd was that they didn't have any markings, even when they showed me their badges, I only knew that their authority was well above my pay grade.

"We're with the Intergalactic Council. We heard you may have something of… note."

The way the lead agent, a female spoke to me sent chills down my spine. I didn't know what she was talking about, not immediately, but it dawned on me. Were they talking about the piece of tech I found? That item has been bothering me since I first found it.


Shit, let my wander too much. I've been working on this way too much lately. "I think I have something, is it dealing with the incident from a year ago?"


That was all I needed. I opened my drawer and pulled out the item in question. They looked it over curiously. "Thank you for your help detective." Then took it and left. I sighed, feeling a large weight leave my shoulders. Whelp, not my problem anymore. I picked up the cigarette and finished It off. Maybe he would make it to his kid's birthday party after all…


A time later… Another place…

"Can you decipher it?" A pair of suits were talking to slug-like aliens. They had countless tentacles wielding countless tools and other such stuff.

"Easily… you're sure this involves the planet S8920815125 incident?"

"We were led here by the Council…"

"I guess that's that then. We'll get right on this, but first. Did you guys manage to look over our complaint?"

"I wasn't aware you had one."

"About a year ago, well, one of the suspects for the incident, the new species The, uh, Saiyan I think. We got the information on their ship, but honestly it doesn't make sense. We need the ship properly checked over."

"What's the problem?"

"The problem is that RON's border patrol didn't do its job! The ships are apparently made of an unknown metal and from initial scans show a level of technology that's frankly disgusting! And all that we have on it sounds like a joke!

It's made of plot armor for existence! How the hell is a literary device an armor for a ship!? Since when!? Who the hell approved this bullshit! Not only that, but why didn't anyone even consider the absurdity of an armor that's as, and I quote 'As strong as plot demands' How!? HOW DID THIS NOT GET FLAGGED!"

The slug was getting incredibly agitated, even flailing around a lit plasma torch as they ranted.

"On top of that we have no idea how the thing works, the crews having left it alone, or rather because that alien had paid their debt too fast for us to send a team to check it out! That debts supposed to takes years! Not six months! Next thing I know they're going to say it runs off Unobtainium!

Which means we need them brought in for a proper check on their ship to make sure it's not defying council directives!"

The agent paused to process these words and did a quick search on a small tablet. "Huh… unfortunately they've dropped off the map. But next time they show up we'll make sure to detain them."

The slug huffed and squelched off. To be honest though, as suspicious as it all was, it was far out of the paygrade of the agents to care. Assuming that alien was responsible. Well, not that the engineers cared. Seeing something they didn't understand and the failed attempts to even understand it rightly pissed them off. Again, not that the agents actually cared.

Elsewhere! ELSEWHERE!!! In an unknown location…

A dark room. a large circular table in the center. Figures filling the seats.

"We found the culprit." A circle of shadowy figures all around a large round table. The caster in the center lighting up, a hologram of a girl. Of the Saiyan, Rettas.

"She can transform into a giant moneky? This… furless simian?"

"Is she really a new species?"

"I can't find anything in the records about any Saiyan's."

"Any idea if their whole race is capable of that?"

"It's better to assume they can."

They discussed, each shadow speaking in turn as the figure at the head of it sat, hands steepled, eyes watching. The slight flickering of their shadows forms the only hint that they were talking.

"Do we bring her in? Or rather, is she a threat?"

A silence descends as they think.

"No." The head said with conviction. Not a single soul dared counter them. "As it is, the Saiyan is being handled. Nobody is to make overt moves and any and all attempts to lock her down or arrest her are to be stopped. Is that understood?"

Nobody dared speak up. Although, a single figure seethed. "Good, as it stands, we received information she went after Project Harbinger. What's the word on that?"

"We have reports they left the sector successfully. Whether or not they have the data is another question."

"They likely already have it then. Otherwise, they wouldn't have left alive regardless of her strength. Any news of the facilities destruction?" The head asked.

"No, however when we sent scouts to confirm, they found the sector abandoned."

A few worried murmurs echoed out, only stopped by the head raising a hand. "For the time being, it won't be a problem. However, we will need to purchase the data. Have someone purchase the data through an intermediary. After that, we can redistribute it to hide our own involvement."

A round of nods follow.

"Anything else before we end the meeting?"

A figure stood.

"Doctor?" The head said. The figure bowed their head slightly. "I have reviewed some of the data on the Saiyan we were able to retrieve from the event in RON. Including the retrieval of the alien's device. I'm still figuring out, but the language used is foreign and the technology both fairly advanced and also primitive. As if made for children to handle.

I would like to ask for the opportunity to put forth a test for the Saiyan to glean more data." They finished and sat down.

"Very well, any disagreements?" The head asked.

Heads shook, none disagreed.

"Acceptable. See if you can't set something up. We need to know if these Saiyan's are a threat or if this Rettas is different from the rest. We'll also need to make other plans to be discussed later. Anything else?"

Nobody spoke, and like that, the meeting was adjourned. Figures faded away until only a single one was left. Their form shook as they watched footage of the Saiyan fighting the Black Sun leader. In the end, they sighed and they too vanished. Leaving the room empty. The last light faded.


 Unaware of the attention she had garnered, Rettas was back on her ship. In her hands a large data chip the size of a domino tile. A small caster on the table next to her as she lounged in her room on The Spite. The caster came to life, a figure of a woman appearing. The doctor, Cambridge, Bailey.

"Are you certain you want an extra copy of the data?"

"Yes, I imagine your data is worth something. And it will be worth even more later." Rettas replied calmly. Her eyes were watching the data chip. Her eyes flickering as she considered her options. They'd left the research ship rather abruptly after she finished. The mutants had been essentially decimated, but the flaring signs of them awakening sent a chill down her spine.

She was completely and totally spent. She needed to rest and recharge. Something she couldn't do while on the research ship. Bailey assured her she'd deal with it and prevent them from being destroyed. Rettas didn't really care, but she assumed it meant she'd self-destruct the base or something.

She didn't really dwell on it either way.

"And you're certain that not letting them know you have this is, wise?"

"Infinitely… Call it a backup. Well, that and I do have you." She also didn't want them to have the sole copy, consider her selfish, or perhaps prepared for betrayal. Even if she thought it unlikely, it was better not to take chances with people. Either way, she doubted any of them would complain since she did all the work essentially. Plus, the Helmsman did get his copy.


Rettas sighed. Her thoughts were only known to herself as she sat. Her emotions were in flux. Evidenced by the way her tail moved. Her eyes were watching the data chip. A glint in her eyes, a path forward. Just a hint of understanding of what it is she truly wished for.

And once more the Director sighed as they put down the pen. In front of him a notebook filled with words. A familiar tale in the making. The future was long out of their hands. The moment she left behind that planet, the planet inhabited by those she called Squidizens he had lost all control over the narrative, but that was the plan, initially anyway. He couldn't keep dragging the strings or pushing things to happen. No, it wouldn't work if that happened. She needed to choose that path. Otherwise, it wouldn't work.

He just had to hope that he chose the right person. Again, he sighed. And opened his suitcase. Numerous small vials fill it. Each labeled with a name. I grabbed a single vial. Inside a single strand of hair. At worst, he can just find another, he supposes. He placed it back where it belonged. Closed up his suitcase and adjusted his glasses.

A fedora on his head, he walked out into the streets. A tune on his lips. A haunting melody fills the streets.

He had a really good feeling about this one. All things considered.


End of Book 1...
