

From onwards This story continue in One Character POV. I want everyone understand Ritsuka inner thoughts from onwards.


(Ritsuka POV)

After we arrived at Tony's house, I saw the anger on his face and knew what had happened. He was ready to go after the terrorists. He showed me the photos.

Seriously, Obadiah is an idiot, a greedy bald man with no real villain motive. It was a good idea to get rid of him, but he was just a stepping stone for Tony.

Pepper Potts won't like this and will be against Tony, but she will support him regardless. I mean, in Endgame, she wore her suit and fought alongside him.

But the problem is the poison in his body. I seriously don't know how to deal with it.

Da Vinci will help Tony stop the poisoning, but she can't cure it. That's why I tried to summon my friends. If Lady Luck blesses me, I could summon the Greek doctor Asclepius. He could save Tony until Tony creates the new element. If Lady Luck blesses us, everything will go like in the movie, with some difficulty.

I really miss Sion. If she were here, she would come up with a different idea to save Tony.

Tony rushed toward his new suit, which was ready. Da Vinci had also added many other features, and now Tony could even kill average to mid low-level mutants.

Karna was talking with Dum-E and U, trying to understand them.

Morgan left to our room, too happy to care about the current situation.

"Da Vinci, Yinsen, get the suit ready. I have work to finish. And Jarvis, do a final analysis before I use it," Tony said.

"'What work, Tony?" Yinsen asked. Then Tony gave him the photos.

"Apparently, Tony Industries is still selling weapons illegally on the black market and still making weapons," I said to both Da Vinci and Yinsen.

They had serious expressions because the situation had gotten out of Tony's control.

I turned ON the TV to show the horrors happening because of Tony's weapons.

"Tony, go ahead and kill those bastards. They're wasting all your weapons and starting unnecessary wars. They're wasting your creations," Da Vinci said, clearly upset. No creator can stomach seeing their creation used for useless war.

"No, Tony. Don't go. We escaped that place after a near-death experience. Think about Potts," Yinsen said, not wanting Tony to throw his life in danger again.

"Yinsen, didn't you say before that I shouldn't waste my life? Now I'm trying to use my life to do better things. Please support me again," Tony said.

"Ugh, Yinsen, stop being such a worrywart. Believe in our creation. Didn't you see how powerful the suit is?'' Da Vinci said, hitting his hand.

"Okay, but promise me you'll come back safe,'' Yinsen said, and Tony smiled at him.

"Yes, now I can check the results of our work,'' Da Vinci said, eager to see the suit in action.

Soon, as in the original timeline, Tony arrived at Gulmira, destroyed the weapons, and killed a bunch of terrorists. He even encountered evil mutants and killed them. On his way back, he was attacked by the US Air Force, but he managed to shake them off while saving a pilot whose plane had exploded. Rhodes helped cover for him but asked for a better personal explanation later.

After coming home, Yinsen was happy to see Tony safe. Jarvis, Da Vinci, and Yinsen helped remove the suit, but then they heard a voice.

"What is that? Are those bullet marks?'' Pepper had just come to the lab and saw Tony taking off the suit with Jarvis's help, while Da Vinci, Yinsen, and I looked on.

Sorry, Tony, but you should face her. We all thought the same.

"This is not what it looks like, Pepper. This won't be sold to anyone. I want to correct my legacy,'' Tony said seriously.

"It's fine if you make weapons and other things, but I won't be part of this if you put your life on the line,'' Pepper said, deeply saddened. Tony was shocked but eventually convincing her that what he was doing was right for the first time.

"Potts, I know you want Tony to be safe, but you need to understand his problems,'' I said, recalling how Tony felt guilty about being the reason for so many deaths.

"Because of Tony's weapons, many people died in recent wars. Many lost their loved ones, and many became orphans. We know Tony didn't kill them, but in a way, he's responsible. Now he wants to redeem himself. If he can't stop the terrorists, Tony won't forgive himself, and you'll lose the Tony you care about, Potts,'' I said, hoping she wouldn't leave Tony and would support him.

This is the real comic world, and I know Tony has nightmares. I need to see him happy because Tony always tries his best to save everyone.

I understand the feeling of killing innocent people to protect the world. That guilt kills me every day. Every time I breathe, I feel the pain, but I won't reject it. I remember them, even when everyone else forgets. I won't forget. Most of my friends know I act as if everything is okay, but only Morgan and Da Vinci truly know about it.

"Hmm, fine. I'm sorry, Tony, for not considering your side. But please don't do anything dangerous again. I'm only agreeing because of Ritsuka's words, not because I want you to do risky stuff," Potts said.

Tony smiled at me and thanked me. I smiled back.

"Okay, now I want you to hack into the company's main server and find out if there are any back deals going on. I've been locked out, so I can't do it myself. Karna can accompany you," Tony added.

"I will do this, for now," Pepper said and then left.

"Master," Karna came to me after talking with Dum-E and U.

"Karna, go and protect her," I said.

"But Master, I heard it's a crime to use any powers in public," he said, already preparing for the worst.

"Don't worry, Tony will cover it up with fake news. He's rich," I said. Tony, overhearing, threw a pizza at me, which I caught and started eating. Then I left for my room.

"Tony, you should tell her your feelings. The world is more dangerous than you think. Seriously, you both have feelings for each other yet refuse to admit it," Da Vinci said.

"Yes, Tony. You should marry her and start a family already," Yinsen added.

"What are you guys saying? We have to repair and add new features to the suit," Tony said, leaving shamelessly while Da Vinci and Yinsen watched him.

Tony noticed that Ritsuka became emotional when talking with Potts about people who died in the war. He wanted to know more about Ritsuka's backstory but knew now wasn't the right time. He decided to ask Da Vinci in the future.

Karna followed Pepper to the company.

Soon, Pepper and Karna arrived at Obadiah's main office. Pepper started the process with a USB device given by Tony while Karna stayed at the door on lookout. The truth soon came out as she watched a video showing that Obadiah was responsible for Tony's kidnapping and his new project with suits named Sector 16.

While the information was being copied, Karna warned that Obadiah was coming, and Pepper needed to hide. She hid the hard drive with a newspaper.

"Who is he? Your new bodyguard?" Obadiah asked after entering the office.

"Yeah. Tony said I needed an assistant, so I hired him. What's up?" Pepper said, calming herself.

"Haha, I thought he was a model." Karna didn't give him a look. He could already tell what type of person Obadiah was.

They initiated small talk while ensuring Obadiah didn't realize the files were being copied. After the process was completed, she left in a hurry. Obadiah knew something was wrong but didn't say anything. When he saw that all the files were copied, he realized his secret was out.

As he came out, he saw Coulson and join him. Pepper informed Rhodes, and Karna explained everything to Coulson, thinking Coulson was a government agent. After half an hour, Coulson understood the situation. Meanwhile, Da Vinci, Morgan, and Ritsuka left to check on the Shadow Border.

Few hours later, Obadiah arrived and paralyzed both Tony and Yinsen, taking Tony's heart. But few minutes later, Da Vinci, Morgan, and Ritsuka came out to see this.

I went to Tony and saved him by giving him the Arc reactor that Potts had left behind.

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