
The Samurai Wants to go on a trip

The Samurai Wants to go on a trip


After hours without receiving any communication from Fervis and I, Luna went out to go look for the two of us and it didn't take long before she found her way to our location as she saw the destruction that Fervis's wind had caused.

For the past two days, Fervis recovered the magic power she expended in the fight between me and the magic beast. I never thought about how draining it would be to use the level of magic she used, but it must take a toll on the body equivalent to exercise, I would guess.

It seems that the body I have now can exert nearly the same amount of strength that I had when I was a Samurai in Japan. I still can't remember much from my past life, though, only that I was a (Male) Samurai, all the techniques I used, and some of the battles I participated in. I still cannot wrap my head around why I became such a beautiful young girl, but after 3 days I came to accept it. 'There isn't anything I can do to change that after all…'

The countless moves and techniques all felt so familiar to me that it was almost as if they were forcibly engraved into my brain, but one thing I can always remember is the calmness of the ocean waves slapping against the shores of a sunny beach.

"Mimi?" Fervis was seated with her knees up and wrapped around by her arms as she calmly called my name. Her dazzling silver hair created the aura of somewhat of a sleeping beauty, and it was hard for me to stop myself from staring.

No matter how many times I look at her, my thoughts remain the same. 'This girl is just way too cute!'

"Hey Fervis, you're not human, are you?" I asked her randomly, and Fervis seemed to jump a bit when I asked her the question.

'I mean, she has two red horns at the top of her head and sprouts these giant red wings from her back. Could humans actually do that?' I pondered in silence while I waited for Fervis to respond.

"Seriously, how dense can you be?" Fervis sighed and, with a poof, the red and scaly wings sprouted from her back almost instantly. "I'm Half Dragon, half human. I'm what you humans call Demi-Humans."

I couldn't help but be in awe at the sight of the red, majestic wings. I don't remember fighting anyone back in Japan with wings like those, which reminded me of the fact that I was in another world.

"They're so beautiful!" I stood up from my seated position and walked over to Fervis and sat down right in front of her. As I reached out to touch her wings, a thought crept into my head. 'I should probably ask for permission before I touch them…'

"Fervis, can I touch them?" I begged her with a pleading face that could likely make any man or woman swoon.

Fervis' face seemed flushed with conflict for a moment before she meekly nodded and turned around so that her wings faced me. As my hand grazed her wings, I heard a slight breath come from Fervis, who seemed even more tense now.

'They must be very sensitive. I'll make sure to be gentler.'

After reconciling with myself, I turned my attention back to her wings and began touching them from top to bottom, and before I even realized it, Fervis turned around and her brown skin was completely flushed with the color red, so much so I wondered if she was sick.

"Please stop…" she uttered only slightly over a whisper. Her voice sounded like she was on the brink of collapsing.

"Um, Sorry…"


The very next day, while Luna, Fervis, and I were eating lunch together inside Luna's kitchen, Fervis explained her plan to return to the Royal Capital tomorrow and to bring me along. I was worried that Luna would object to the decision, but she grimly smiled.

"Mimi, I always knew you would want to see the outside world one day. Once I found you with those strange clothes and that look in your eye, I figured you planned on leaving." Luna explained with a pained smile plastered on her face.

"That waterfall I found you in was the same waterfall your father used to train by. He would always go on and on about the honor of a Samurai"

As Luna spoke, images started to flash in my head. I saw a Black-haired man with no face raise a Katana into the air. When I looked beneath him, there was a young blue-haired man who was staring directly at me and the man with no face drove the Katana down into the young blue-haired man's neck, beheading him.

The young man's head flew directly by my face, and his blood-spattered onto me. The shadows all around me all seemed to chant one phrase "This is the way of the Samurai…"

"This is the way of the Samurai…"

"This is the way of the Samurai…"

"This is the way of the Samurai…"

"This is the way of the Samurai…"

"This is the fate of the Samurai…"

"Mimi!" Fervis was frantically shaking me by the shoulders to get my attention and I saw Luna's pale face as she observed me.

"Uh, sorry, did I worry you?" I tried to exchange a smile with Fervis and Luna to calm them and the conversation resumed as normal.

"So Mimi, when the two of you depart tomorrow, make sure you take some of the sandwiches that I left in the cabinet." Luna smiled and gave me a thumbs-up.

She also handed me a pouch that was filled with circular pieces of metal. There were ten of them that were golden and twenty of them were made of silver.

"What are these?"

Luna's eyes glimmered with a hint of amusement as she explained what the silver and golden circles represented.

"Those are Gold and Silver coins. You can use them to purchase things while you're inside of the capital although I'm sure Fervis will take great care of you." Luna added the last bit of her sentence with a smile directed to Fervis who meekly nodded her head.

I didn't want to steal rations and money from her, since I was sure that she also needed to eat, but it would be very rude to reject her offer, so reluctantly accepted it.

"Alright Grandmother, I will." I slightly bowed my head and when I raised Luna was watching me with a tear in her eye.

"Ah, is it too sudden for me to call you that?-" Luna interrupted my words and embraced me tightly. That unknown warm feeling seemed to creep through my body again, and it delighted me. 'These things aren't too bad after all.'


During the time Fervis had been staying here, I had been sharing my room with her, but she always insisted on sleeping on the floor despite my pleas for her to just sleep on the bed and that I would sleep on the floor.

Forcing such a beauty to sleep on the floor every night truly terrified me of some sort of bad karma. Fervis also needed to fly tomorrow while carrying me, so she needed all the sleep she could get. I couldn't allow her to sleep on the floor again, so I decided I would be pushy tonight.

"Fervis, if you don't sleep on the bed tonight, I'm going to sleep on the floor with you," I ordered her as Fervis scampered off the floor and quickly hurried into the bed.

"I'm not going to do anything to you, don't worry," I assured her as I watched Fervis peek at me with her head raised only slightly over the blanket.

Fervis seemed angered by my words and turned in the other direction of me and just whispered the word "Idiot."

Is two girls sleeping in the same bed that big of a deal in this world?
