
ch 66

Charlie's POV:

"You can't be serious! Have you lost your mind?" Billy growled while he was glaring up at Sue.

"I could ask you the same." Sue shot back in frustration.

"Maybe we should…" I tried to calm them both down but they weren't even noticing me.

"You are a nurse…" Billy started and got promptly interrupted by my wife.

"Exactly! I'm a nurse Billy. NOT, a Doctor!" Sue shouted. Her angry, sharp and high pitched voice made me cringle.

Billy glared at her while his face was screwed up into a scowl.

Sue then held her hands up, took a deep breath, closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down meanwhile Billy gripped the armrests of his wheelchair while his body was tense with the fear he had for his son's life but the anger on his face over Sue's proposal didn't reduce one bit.

I sighed and looked out of the kitchen of Jared's and Kim's house, seeing all the injured boys that were tended by their imprints or the parts of their family who knew about their unique condition.

"I know that you are scared for Jake," Sue murmured in a quieter and softer voice while she was looking with sympathy at Billy.

"But he, Dennis and Brady need surgery their healing ability is not enough in this case I can tell you that much….."

"Batiste, Aya and Seth are on their way," Billy threw in.

"It'll be too late! The flight from Europe takes too long. Doctor Cullen lives closer." Sue argued.

"It were those cold monsters who are responsible for my son's and the other boys condition and now you are daring to propose that we let them on our land, even invite them in?" Billy was shouting in blind rage.

I did understand Billy's worry and hesitation to a certain level but this situation was no place for wrong accuses and misplaced fury.

"Billy be reasonable, the Cullen's aren't the same as the others….." I tried gently to get some sense into him but he only flashed a hard and furious look at me.

"This isn't any of your business! You don't even know what happened here." He barked curtly at me.

"What are you even doing here?" Billy looked angered but also a little confused at me.

I blinked a few times at him. Again he had said something that didn't really make sense to me. I had noticed that the fist time about five months ago when he had made a comment about Bella that left me quite confused.

Back then I shrugged it off but after such incidences repeated a few times over the past five months I was slowly getting the feeling that something was amiss with Billy.

"Stop fighting," Haley suddenly screamed, alerting us to the audience we had.

"But…" Billy piped up but Haley shook her head before she sniffed and furiously tried to brush the tears out of her face.

The poor girl was still under shock after the attack on her little brothers who had just phased for the first time today.

"I don't fucking care who it was!" Rachel's smoky voice barked as she stormed into the kitchen and was in her fathers face in no time.

"My brother is about to die and you think now is the time to be a stubborn, old man?" She yelled at him.

"This is serious. We need a real physician and we need him now. We more then obviously are out of our depth here." Then she whipped around and pointed her finger at me.

"Call them NOW!" She growled and instantly I was feeling sorry for poor Paul.

She had always been scary even as a child no one dared to mess with her because everyone knew the consequences would be grave.

I swallowed hard and nodded before I fished my cell out of my pocket and dialled Anna's number.


Anna's POV:


"Jake and Brady were really unfortunate the twins Saul and Jesse Goodman had just phased a few hours before and the two new wolves that had phased last week for the first time were also not experienced in fighting as they all met the four nomads." I let Esme in on what Charlie had told me.

She hadn't been home when Charlie called.

"Oh no! Did someone get hurt?" Esme asked concerned while Jasper and Emmett were down in the basement selecting the weapons we would need in La Push.

Rose was in Carlisle's study whereas Edward was in the medical room that had been set up especially for me, both were packing the medical equipment they would need to treat the wolves.

"Sue says that Jakes injuries are grave and Brady isn't much better off." Esme's face crumbled into a mask of heartbreak and sympathy.

"But weren't there any other to help?"

I barked out a laugh at her question.

"The timing sucked. The wolves just had a shift changeover when everything happened." The timing fate sometimes had. I shook my head.

"The attackers took off when they noticed that more Werewolves were coming their way. If not then…." I sighed sadly.

Freshly phased Werewolves had a lot in common with newborn Vampires though their strength always remained the same, unlike a Vampires, baby Werewolves were just as easily distracted and disoriented during a fight as a newborn Vampire.

Seth once told me that it took him a month to learn to use his body and senses in wolf from accurately. Especially the thoughts of the others and their feelings were confusing. Once panic broke lose the ones who were unable to shield their minds to be able to still hear their own thoughts were lost in such a situation.

I could only imagine how it must have been for the four young boys. Their instincts took over once they smelled the Vampires, their bodies were suddenly filling up with adrenaline but they lacked the techniques and experience to fight and then the fear and shock that must have paralysed them when they noticed that they were inferior to their opponents.

Esme nodded and looked over at her husband who was talking with an airline.

"Carlisle and the others will have to break a lot of bones."

Esme looked puzzled at me.

"Seems like when the bones of the wolves heal they do not pay much attention to how. A wolf named Dennis broke his fibula during the fight. The bone broke through the skin and when the others had managed to get him back home the wound had already closed around the bone that still stuck out."

A shiver of disgust ran through Esme and me. Charlie had been equally fascinated and freaked while he was reported about that injury in every little detail. I could barely keep my dinner down.

"The jet will be ready to take off in about two hours." Carlisle said when he finally ended the call.

Behind me I heard Alice rush down the stairs into the laundry room on her haunt for clothes, she kept herself busy with packing her and Jasper's luggage.

"Do you think the attackers will come back?" Esme asked her husband worryingly.

Carlisle sighed heavily before he looked tenderly up at her and stroked her cheek lovingly before sneaking his arm around her waist and the both of them sat down on the couch opposite of me.

"That depends either they will avoid the area around Forks and La Push, having gotten a fright or they just found a challenge they can't resist."

"I hope they can't. I would love to test my new baby," Emmett announced exited when he and Jasper entered the living room carrying a huge silver boxes full with weapons.

Jasper sighed loudly and shook his head in disapproval.

"What," Emmett exclaimed and fished the new machine-gun that he had invented out of the box, "that baby can deal with anything." He leaned the dangerous thing on his shoulder and beamed like a Christmas tree.

"Emmett," Esme scolded him not liking it when any of us was in any kind of danger.

"Sorry, mom," he apologised with a sheepish smile before he put the gun back.

"I don't think you will have the chance to test that." Jasper drawled.

"Why not?" Emmett raised an eyebrow.

"Because the mutts will want to take revenge."

Emmett's face fell and he pouted.

"Maybe I'm lucky." He then shrugged. Ever the optimist.

"When are we going? I should probable pack some things…"

"You are not going anywhere!" Edward's angry voice growled with finality right in front of me as he suddenly appeared out of thin air standing before me.

His honey coloured pools were shining right down at me as he hovered over me while I was sitting on the couch. His jaw was clenched and his arms crossed over his chest.


"Anna please be reasonable." His voice became softer and quieter after he saw my surprised expression and my wide open eyes.

"I will not let you go anywhere near any danger especially in your condition."

"I'm pregnant and not terminally ill." I argued.

"Exactly Anna and you don't want to jeopardise the safety of your unborn child that is completely dependant on you." Rose raised an eyebrow at me suddenly appearing behind my husband.

I opened my mouth to say something but I could not find any objection to what she had just told me.

"No," I sighed while I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest, behaving like a stubborn child.

"Good," Edward breathed out in approval.

My eyes shot up and I glared at him.

The traitor merely smiled at me before he leaned down and placed a tiny kiss on the top of my head.

"Esme will also stay here and keep you company." Edward informed me.

Did he just inform me that I was going to be baby sited while he was away? My mind shriek in appeal.

Anger and rage boiled inside of me as I glared at my dear husband while yelling at him in my mind. He was lucky he couldn't hear my thoughts.

I wanted to protest out loud as well but I bit my tongue in the last second though that had been quite a chore. I didn't want to hurt Esme who came over to sit down next to me and sneaked an arm around my shoulder as she smiled at me.

I felt a wave of calm clash over me and the anger and the rage were washed away in an instant. Once I had all my senses together I had to admit that Rose was right my first priority was my baby and his or hers safety.

I got the feeling that those pregnancy hormones would have me on the edge for the next couple of months. I usually didn't get angry like that over nothing.

I took a deep breath before I smiled gratefully at Jasper who nodded back at me with a slight grin that occupied his face.

"Do I really have to go?" Rose wasn't pleased about having to deal with the Werewolves.

"Yes, Rose. Your medical knowledge is needed there." Carlisle looked sternly at her.

"Whatever!" She huffed and took off.

Esme and I sat together on the couch while the others were buzzing around the house and getting everything ready for their trip to La Push.

Suddenly I stood up and ran on hybrid Vampire speed into Edward's and mine room. I had no idea how I knew that he would be there but I didn't pay much attention to that tiny mystery either.

"I'm sorry," I murmured when I sneaked up on him, though I knew that he had noticed me. My arms locked around his waist while I pressed my cheek into his back.

We were standing in our walk in closet Edward had been packing a change of clothes into a small black bag before I interrupted him.

"Love," he said and I could feel that he wanted to turn around. My arms unwound from his body only until he was facing me and I drew him back into my embrace nuzzling my face into his chest.

"Is everything alright?" My husband asked sweetly while his arms encircled me and his lips ghosted over the top of my head.

"Yes….No,….I don't know," I muttered before pulling back enough so I could look up into his slightly concerned honey pools.

Edward's right hand was stroking over my hair as his left was resting on my waist while his thumb was brushing under my tight cashmere sweater. His skin against mine created goose bumps that travelled up to my neck.

"It's just I feel…..weird, moody and edgy and all wrong….since a few days. It comes and goes in cycles and it's getting harder to ignore those messed up emotions."

Edward's golden pools softened as he looked lovingly at me while a tiny chuckle vibrated his board chest.

"Don't laugh at me," I pouted and swatted his chest.

"I'm sorry my love," he said and leaned down to place a kiss on my lips before raining down countless little kisses on my mouth.

I started to giggle and stood up on my toes to bury my face in his neck. I inhaled deeply taking as much of his honey-lilac-and-sun-flavoured scent in as I could before I sighed in contentment.

My sense of smell had improved ever since I had been pregnant at least where my husband was concerned. Before I was pregnant I could detect his scent only when I pressed my nose against his skin and even then the full bloom of the honey-lilac-and-sun-flavoured mix was faint.

It was strange while I had been human he smelled just delicious and unbelievably good but I could never tell what exactly his scent contained not until I was turning more and more into a Vampire myself.

Edward chuckled again while he held me as close and as tender to his body as he could.

"I love your scent." I murmured and took another lung full while my husband did the same with my scent.

"I'll be back as soon as I possibly can." He whispered into my ear.

His cool breath tickled my skin and I squirmed and giggled in his strong and loving embrace.

"And you better come back in one piece and without a scratch or else there will be hell to pay," I threatened playfully.

He smiled his crooked grin before he placed another kiss on my lips. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I was getting drunk on his taste.

After a while I was snuggled up against his chest, my face was buried in his shoulder while his arms build a protective cage around my body. I felt save, protected, warm and loved in his embrace.

"I could spend forever like this, with you in my arms."

"I know exactly what you mean," I smiled against his shirt.



"Can I have the shirt that you are wearing right now? I would like to have something of you with me."

"Something that smells of me?" I teased when I pulled away a little and he smirked slyly at me.

He leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose.

I sighed stepped away from him and pulled my shirt off my body. Once he held my shirt in his hands he brought it to his nose, gazing up at me from under his long lashes while a delicious fire was burning in his golden pools before he put it carefully into his bag and zipped the expensive piece of luggage up.

"Guess the gentleman will not be the one who will come back to me, huh?" I raised a flirting eyebrow at him.

He inched his way to me, his hands were instantly on my hips pulling me roughly into his body before his lips hovered over my edger mouth but were not keeping the promise they were making with their closeness instead they travelled torturously slowly over to my ear.

"Your husband is going to return who is going to be very hungry for his beautiful wife." His cool breath sent shivers down mine spine.

I giggled and shook my head before I became serious as I pulled away from his face and looked sternly at him.

"Be careful over there."

"Of course my love," he answered in an equally serious tone and placed a sweet kiss on my forehead.


"Watch out for one another and don't forget to call." Esme said once again while the others were getting ready to head off to the airport.

Carlisle cranked his neck to look at his wife as he was about to get into the car.

"I will call you as soon as we landed."

Esme nodded and smiled longingly at him.

Edward ghosted across the front yard to me to steal a quick last kiss before he was back in Carlisle's Mercedes while Rose, Emmett, Jasper and Alice occupied Em's Pick-up.

Esme and I watched with mixed feelings as the cars disappeared out of our sight.


Edward's POV:


I was looking out of the car window observing the rising morning sun that was waking the world, outside the rental car in which Carlisle and I were in, to life.

My eyes snapped shut while I clenched my jaw and fisted my hands as the memories of what had happened nearly eight years ago in the ever green wood that we were currently passing by slammed into the forefront of my mind.

The image of Seth's tears stained and shocked face was forever burned into my mind along with the content of his mind in those gut wrenching movements when he repeated what had occurred only seconds before I arrived at the cliff.

I hadn't allowed myself to see the images of Anna's last moments before the angry black waters swallowed her in so long that the memory of it drew a pained whimper out of my throat.

"Son?" Carlisle's concerned voice and his hand on my shoulder brought me back to the present.

My eyes snapped open and my head whipped around to look into my fathers worried face.

"Anna is fine and alive back home with Esme and Rose." His wise eyes burned into mine and he squeezed my shoulder in reassurance.

"I know it's just this place…" I sighed.

"I know, son. This place has many bad memories for all of us," I swallowed thickly and nodded.

Carlisle squeezed my shoulder once more before his hand fell down and gripped the wheel. Normally I hated, more like disdained, it to be a co-driver but in this case I was grateful that Alice insisted that I did not drive one of the cars that were waiting for us at the runway after we landed.

To appease my strained nerves I pulled my cell out and send a short message to my beloved wife.


I miss you.

Always yours Edward.


Carlisle snickered besides me but didn't say anything while he was singing a song from Ray Charles hiding his thoughts as my cell alerted me to the fact that I received a text.


Miss you too. Hurry back!

I love you.


I chuckled when I read the text and my nerves were at ease at once.

"Brother, you own me ten bugs. I told you he wouldn't even make it from the airport to Forks without calling her." Emmett laughed in the car behind Carlisle and me.

I chuckled as suddenly I saw a huge wolf appear out of the forest and run along with our cars.

Follow me. The wolf grunted in his mind.

"Seems like we have a welcoming committee," I mumbled and we followed the wolf.

Through the pack shared mind I could hear that most members of the pack were out in the woods haunting the attackers who nearly killed two of their brothers.

I could also hear that not all wolves were happy about the fact that we entered their territory. The pack had grown again and contained over fifty members.

During my sweep through the packs mind I could detect that their solidarity had become a fragile thing because too many different personalities with different opinions were pushed together.

Some took their role as protectors overly serious and didn't appreciate the treaty or the cooperation with us while others were for the alliance and there also the ones that were undecided on both accounts.

It truly amazed me that they were still all one pack. I would have to inform Carlisle and the others about my discoveries once we were on our own.

The thoughts of grief, worry and anger grew stronger the closer we came to the yellow painted two level house that looked well worn where the patients waited for us.

"Good, your here!" Charlie greeted us once Carlisle parked the car in the drive away of the yellow house.

"Everything is already set up as you requested."

"It's good to see you again Chief Swan. I just wished the circumstances were better." Carlisle greeted him after he exited the car.

"Me too," Charlie nodded while Carlisle and I went to the trunk to retrieve the medical equipment we would need.

When we entered the house that was filled with people to the brim the atmosphere changed notably. The sobbing and quiet mumbling ceased and all eyes focused on us. Some were looking angrily at us while others seemed to be grateful for our arrival.

The strong dog cologne burned in my throat and lungs. I heard Rose complain about the odour at the top of her mental lungs while a look of disgust was plastered on her face.

Carlisle quickly checked over the two critical cases and assigned me and Rose to operate on a wolf named Brady while he and Sue took care of Jacob who seemed to have taken in the worst of the attack since he and Brady tried to protect the inexperienced pups.

Jacob and Brady would have faired better in that fight against those four nomads if the pups had not been there. From what I was able to see of the fight in the brief glimpses out of the packs mind I could tell that the two older wolves were busy trying to hurry to the aid of the pups that were overwhelmed with the happenings.

The two new additions to the pack could not deal with what suddenly was happening in their minds after the fight began. They were completely disoriented and could not tell apart their own thoughts and what they saw with their own eyes from what they saw through the pack shared mind.

They were an easy target for the attackers and a hindrance for their own team.


"How is Brady? Will he be alright?" Alisa, Brady's wife as I could read in the minds of the others, asked me, in a shaky and scared voice, after I had finished operating her husband.

Upstairs I could hear Carlisle's and Rose's thoughts as they were still fixing Jacob up. Rose had gone to help Carlisle with the operation when we were nearly finished with our case. Jacob had been graver injured then we first thought.

I looked at the scared woman and sighed heavily.

"He will be but he needs one or two more operations."

"What?" She looked puzzled at me while the others in the house paid close attention to our exchange.

"Your husband healed but unfortunately not how he should have. That's also the problem with Jacob." I answered while a man who worked as a paramedic for the hospital in Forks and had assisted me while I was operating walked out of the room, being worn and tired.

He walked up to the female and hugged her before he let go of her cranked his neck to look at me and silently asked me to explain because he couldn't. He barely understood what had happened in there.

"What so you mean with that?" A woman asked from behind Alisa. From the thoughts of the others I learned that her name was Rachel and that she was Jacob's sister.

"I think that Jacob as well as Brady took quite a few spills over and over. They must have been attacked rapidly while their bodies were healing at the same time." Everyone who stood in the tight hallway was looking at me with puzzled expression and wide open eyes that beckoned me to explain further.

"To put it simple their bodies just patched up inside to prevent them from dying ignoring their body's anatomy."

I was amazed that they still lived. It appeared that as long their heart or brain was not damaged they could "heal" from everything. The natural instinct in every living being to stay alive was obviously well-marked in Werewolves.

"I have never seen something like this before." The paramedic breathed while he was leaning against a wall and drove his hand roughly over his pale white face.

"So it's bad?" Rachel asked at the edge of a freak out.

Her thoughts raced with horror as she came to the wrong conclusion that I was trying to tell her that her brother was about to die.

"No one is going to die. It will take a few more operations but, my father and I are sure that they are going to be alright." I assured her and the others.

Operating a Werewolf was more challenging than I thought. Their healing ability made it a race against time. Every time I would place a cut I had to secure the wound to be able to work or it would heal up before it served it's purpose.

They would certainly need to be fixed. If we left them how they were Carlisle doubted they would be able to live once they stopped phasing. I agreed with him.

"Um…if you are done with Brady so far could you take a look at my son?" An older woman asked who stood at the exit of the small hallway.

Everyone turned around to look at her and I heard her racing heart when she saw me. She was equally scared of me as she was overwhelmed by my appearance.

She offered me a nervous smile while her thoughts were a tumbled mess of sounds, whirlwinds of broken thoughts and worry for her son.

"Of course," I flashed her, a warm smile that never failed to calm and charm humans.

She seemed to be in a daze before she snapped out of it as a tall, thick man shook her shoulder.

She and some others guided me to the neighbour house. On the way out I past Emmett who stood near the front door being on guard. Only a few Werewolves stayed behind to watch out for the women, children and injured but they were enough to make Emmett uneasy since they were too close to Rose for his liking.

I nodded to him to assure him that everything was alright and that I didn't pick up anything in the thoughts of the Wolves that would hint at danger for us, well at least not immediate danger.

"Where are Jasper and Alice?" I asked when I was not able to detect any of their thoughts.

They left La Push. Alice couldn't see anything here. She wants to try to see if she is able to get a vision of those attackers to help the pack in the haunt. They also went to check into a hotel since we sold our house here. Emmett informed me.

I nodded shortly and went to the house next doors where a young boy about fourteen was waiting in a make shift operation room with a broken leg.

While I was operating the boy's leg I heard how Batiste, Aya and Seth arrived. Batiste and Aya had to break the bone of another young wolf. The lower arm bone had not healed right and needed to be set.

Shortly after I finished operating the leg of the young wolf Carlisle and Rose were also done with Jacob. We had a briefing with Batiste and Aya before we left La Push and went to the hotel were Alice had checked us in.

"First you guys have to get a shower and give me your clothes I will send them to a dry cleaner. This stench," Alice shuttered as she took a sniff.

"Tell me about it. I was up to my elbows in that disgusting sludge," Rose scrunched up her nose in utter repulsion.

"Dad, you alright?" Emmett asked Carlisle who looked lost in thoughts.

He was fascinated with the cases that had presented themselves to us here and his thoughts also bursting with pride in regards of Rose's and mine medical abilities but the strongest line of thought was the need to call his wife, to be able to hear her voice.

Anna. A nearly silent voice in my mind that was laced with love and longing whispered her name.

"I'm fine Emmett," Carlisle assured him.

"I have been trying to see the attackers but no avail. I don't see anything around Forks those mutts are everywhere." Alice huffed a little annoyed.

"It blows they do not want our help with chasing those nomads." Emmett mumbled dejectedly.

"It's already enough that we came here to stitch them up no need to get ourselves in danger for those flea backstops," Rose growled annoyed and irritated before she went off into her and Emmett's hotel room to take a shower and rid herself of her smelly clothes.

After Rose's dramatic departure out of Alice's and Jasper's hotel room Carlisle, Emmett and I also retreated into our rooms.

I ached to call my Anna and hear her delicate voice but first I had to take a shower I didn't want to have the pleasure of talking to her muted by the stench of wet dog.

After a quick shower and the disposal of my clothes I sat down on the bed dressed only in my jeans and finally I allowed myself the blessing of calling her.

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you? I missed you." I hear her beautiful, musical voice through the little piece of technique and my body left lighter with relief.

I didn't know how tense I was until I could hear her again.

"Can you switch the video phone function on? I want to see your beautiful face." I murmured quietly.

"Sure," she chirped happily and in my mind eye I saw the delicate shrug with her shoulders as she did so.

That breathtaking smile appeared on the small screen of my IPhone and I couldn't help but to smile back.

"You look tired." My lovely wife noted.

"It was a stressful day," I sighed.

It were not the operations that took so much out of me but being apart from her, especially with the condition she was currently in. Every second I was away from her was wasted and I could never get that second back to fill it with the presence of my beautiful wife.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How are Jake, Brady and the other boy that got injured?"

"We operated them but they will need further treatment. Batiste and a few others from the reservation will transport them into the hospital for a MRI and after that we will know more."

"But they just got operated?"

"I know. Carlisle said that in about two days they should be good to go. Hopefully until then with the help of their healing ability they will be transportable. A brother of one of the mutts is a paramedic. He knows someone who they can bribe at the hospital to get the MRI done."

"How long will you be there?" I smiled as I heard the longing in her voice.

"I wish I could go home now but we have to wait for the MRI." I sighed.

The cutest little pout occupied her face a grin broke out on my face.

"I miss you so much my love," I mumbled while my forefinger tenderly touched the screen of my IPohne tracing her prefect face.

"I miss you too, especially at night," I smiled wickedly at her hearing that and a chuckle broke out of me.

"Hey, I didn't mean it that way…..OK I also meant it that way," her musical giggle filled my ears, "but what I originally meant to say was that I miss lying and falling asleep in your arms."

I sighed wistfully.

"I know my love."

We were silent for a little while just gazing at one another. It was nothing like having her in front of me but it was as good as I could get in that moment.

"What have you been doing?"

"Alice left me a list of things to decide upon. I'm slowly working my way through it." She rolled her eyes.

"When did she actually have time to write that damn list? You were all in a hurry!" My Anna exclaimed and her lips puckered. She was so cute when she did that.

When she was mildly frustrated about something she always wore one of the most adorable expressions on her face.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Who knows with Alice?"

We continued our conversation a little longer until I heard Alice approach my room. She had shielded her thoughts from me and I had to regrettably end the call with my wife. I sighed heavily and ran my hands through my hair while I waited for whatever Alice wanted to talk with me about.

I didn't need to let the pixie in she had key cards of all of our hotel rooms.

"If I thought it would help even a little I would be giving you a pep talk right about now but since I know better I won't waste my breath." Alice sighed with her hand on her hips, shaking her head at me in disapproval.

She hadn't commented on my feelings regarding Anna's pregnancy at all, unlike my other sister, but of course Alice had to bless me with her two cents at some point.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"You are as stubborn as a donkey," she shot at me.

"And you are unbelievably short for someone who is so impossibly annoying."

"Love you too dear brother of mine," she smiled sarcastically at me.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked her trying to be as polite as I could.

It was not her fault that I missed Anna and wanted nothing more then to be, home, with my wife. I knew better then to let my foul mood out on my sister. I just had to remind myself of that.

"Actually I'm here to help you." She beamed at me as she sat down on the bed.

I raised a curious eyebrow at her.

She smiled crookedly and pulled an envelope out of the inside pocket of her jacket.

"What is that?"

"That's your ticket back home. Your plane will take off in four hours."

"What?" I was bewildered.

"You'll grow more anxious every single hour you're here and away from Anna. By morning you will be a pain to be around. Carlisle does not need you here anymore. With Batiste and Aya now here there are more than enough physicians to handle the situation."

"Are you sure?" I wanted to run back to my wife but at the same time I didn't want to leave my family alone with a pack of mutts.

"It will be fine, son," I heard Carlisle say as he pushed the door open that I had been left ajar.

I gave him a sceptical look.

"But the Werewolves?"

"We'll be fine and if a situation should occur Emmett is carrying a complete weapon arsenal with him," Alice chimed.

That was true Emmett had strapped guns to both his ankles as well as carrying one on his belt and two under his arms while they was covered with his thick leather biker jacket. He kind of looked like a CIA agent gone bike gang.

He was defiantly playing too many of those video games.

"But you should look out Billy Black has Alzheimer. It's still in an early state but all the progress we made with them is lacking in his mind and he sees us as the monsters that we are described as in their legends."

Carlisle sighed sadly.

"Does anyone know?"

"Only his daughter, her husband and Jacob. I could read in her thoughts that they discovered it about a year ago and that Billy insisted that they told no one. He does not want to be pitied."

Carlisle looked gravely and I went to open the door as Jasper was outside approaching my room after he heard the news about Billy Black.

"This could be a problem. The old man is highly regarded among the pack. If he is against us he treaty might be in danger." Jasper analysed the situation.

"When I read their thoughts I discovered that not all of the mutts are in agreement with the treaty and the alliance between our kinds. There is a small group among them that does not want to acknowledge us as different. They would love to kill us."

Carlisle was disappointed and saddened by this development while the rest of us looked grave.

"I could see in their minds that Jacob is not tolerating such behaviour not that that is stopping them." The pack contained over fifty wolves so conflicts and different opinions were only to be expected.

"I will have a talk with Miss Meraz, her husband and the second in command since Jacob's condition will not allow him to take part in that conversation," Carlisle announced.

"Maybe I should stay at least until we have talked with them." Carlisle and Jasper nodded, regarding my suggestion as the best curse of action.

I sighed resigned but knew that this was something that needed to be done.
