

The Royal Palace of the Yadavas looked exquisite. The decorations were done with care. The servants were neatly dressed and Harsha looked out at the scene with amusement. 

Harsha knew the influence of the Empire within the subcontinent. It held influence and political power on par with the Mughals Empire. The Europeans particularly considered Vijayanagara more important than the Mughals. 

Vijayanagara Empire held a lot of coastal area in the subcontinent. They held a lot of spice production, which was particularly valuable for the European markets. 

Harsha exited the carriage to be greeted by nervous servants. He was dressed with a long cotton-embroidered tunic with luxurious designs and an overcoat over his shoulders. 

He also wore jewelry apart from his standard earrings he wore for a long time. The servants made him wear necklaces and rings along with golden jewelry attached to his dress.
