
Massacre of Jalgaon [1]

In the city of Jalgoan in the Qutb Sultanate. Some soldiers were patrolling their perimeter as usual. The soldier numbers were lower than usual due to the war effort against the Marathas. 

The soldiers were patrolling on horseback, clad in leather armor and a sword hung on their waist. Jalgaon held a small garrison of soldiers in the city to ensure that the region wouldn't have a rebellion, as the garrison was responsible for suppressing the rebels. 

The people living in the city were given a strict curfew due to a chance of rebellion. The sultanate's exploitative tax regime, coupled with it's abuse of the populace, created many rebel groups.

The rebels were easily suppressed by small garrisons placed in various cities due to them being under-equipped farmers and people that didn't know how to fight. 

Recently, the rebels have become more organized and began to plan their moves to disrupt the activities of the soldiers. 


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