
Battle of Warangal [2]

Warangal, Vijayanagara Empire.

The stage was set for a great battle as the sun rose from the horizon and the cold night's aftereffects faded as the warmth of the morning cast over the field. Raghav Reddy had prepared for an initial ambush for the Shekhar army as they passed through the forest to reach Warangal.

The archers were in positions in the forest, and the special units were placed to detect and eliminate the scouts that came up ahead of the army. The ambush was precisely placed in a spot so that they would have to run to the area where Raghav's army would be waiting.

Raghav, sporting his ornate armor and a sharp steel talwar, was ready for battle. 

"I can't lose this battle!" he muttered.

Raghav was at the edge, as a loss would mean the end of the family even if he didn't die. Covering the debt owed at that point would be hard. He would need to sell all his assets to even become debt-free with all the interest.
