
Chapter 17 First Encounter

Upon reaching ground level Michael didn't slow down or stop. His hearing had long noticed the absence of people in the living quarters and he wasn't a fool to not know what that meant.

"So they know I'm here." Michael said with a sigh. He honestly tried to be stealthy so things would end faster but he should've known it wouldn't have worked. Stealth and quiet weren't exactly in his portfolio.

Since arriving in this world everything he's done has always caused a stir so it's to be expected that this trend would continue. Michael was a bit down by this realization but in the end it was of no consequence it just meant things would take longer to finish but the ending would be the same.

With some added confidence Michael smiled and proceeded to continue moving through the halls all whilst keeping his senses heightened. He may be confident in winning but that didn't mean he wanted to get stuck in a trap like a sucker. It was a good thing he did too because not long after he began hearing the sounds of boots far up ahead.

"Target is on his way here, close most of the halls and funnel him here" Michael listened to the words of one of the guards as if he was there and he was certainly not amused.

"We'll I could just force myself through the other halls while they are all stuck their" Michael mused imagining how simple it would be to end their plan. "Nah I'll give them what they want but not in the way they expect it" he said with a grin.




In the cafeteria section of the facility, a large group of guards were busy setting up layers of barricades. They knew this wouldn't work but it should slow down the target enough for them to focus on him and if that didn't work they had backup not far away.

Said backup were mutants of the facility that had their X-genes awakened. Naturally, they hated this place and all the scientists that did this to them but they were promised more than just freedom for their aid. They were promised a future, one where they could work in the government. With this, they wouldn't need to fear the hate of regular people because their backing was solid. More than anything safety along with comfortability are what people truly want.

"The barriers are set up sir but something's weird the target stopped progressing and is just staying in his position"

Hearing this made the captain raise an eyebrow. He didn't know what this mutie was up to but he wasn't about to fall into their trap.

"Don't break formation. He'll come eventually" Following his command the guard returned with his unit and continued what he was doing previously.

Looking behind him the captain lightly sighed and walked toward the group he wanted nothing to do with but here he was. "Subject 23 you and your cohorts are only to reinforce us if things grow out of hand. Besides that remain in the back as a trump card"

"Yes sir" Subject 23 or John replied with a light grumble. He hated being called that, it made him feel like he was less than human but he knew it wouldn't last long. 'Come on John I just go to do this and I'm out'

Growing up John Lopez lived with his father but he honestly would have been better off on his own. His dad was an addict who was in and out of rehab for 10 years. If things continued as they were then John was bound to follow the same path. However, this all changed when he was approached by a man named Malcolm. He promised him a chance to actually change the future and potentially become the next Captain America. He obviously found this all fishy but Malcolm explained that he perfectly fit the conditions required and that if he didn't take this chance then he'd never leave this life.

John knew he was trying to play with his insecurities but he also didn't want to let this chance slip by. What a chance that ended up being, instead of becoming the next captain he ended up as some lab rat who got water powers.

Walking back to his group John looked at the other two mutants who came with him for this fight. He didn't know them too well but from what he'd heard they had some interesting abilities. Ones that were at least better than hydrokinesis.

To the left was a rough-looking woman with rusty red hair. It was cut short and made her look fierce but it did nothing to hide her natural beauty if anything it made her feel more exotic. Her powers also carried a bit of wildness in them allowing her to not only grow bones out of her body but even make them into weapons.

Sarah Rushman

To the right was a dark man who had a highly athletic physique. Adding this to his already good looks increased the Australian's natural charm. With all this one would think his power would have to do with his body but surprisingly it was the exact opposite. His true power lay in the mind giving him telepathy and a radar sense that allowed him to better scan his surroundings.

Jack Mead

"So what did they say? Will we get to fight?" Sarah asked the moment he got into speaking distance.

Slightly shaking his head John denied "No they want us out of the way for the most part and only to step in if they need us"

"Hah you mean if things get bad they want us to be their shields while they escape"

He didn't want to put it like that but yeah that's basically what it was. Looking over to Jack he saw that the man was constantly grumbling about something.

"What is it Jack"

"It's their thoughts. They see us as nothing but freaks. I even heard some of them jokingly think about accidentally shooting us in the fight"

Sarah grit her teeth upon hearing this news while bone spikes slowly came from various parts of her body. John, noticing this, lightly tapped her shoulder to get her attention before shaking his head. This was not the place to do this, not when they were almost free.

"Look guys I know things are bad but after this things will be better. Right Jack?" John asked knowing that his telepathy could have been used to make sure they weren't cheated.

"That's what they said but this all came from a middle man… for all he knows he could be saying the truth when in fact the truth is something else altogether"

John didn't know how to feel about this but before he had the chance to respond he was suddenly grabbed by the collar and pulled down to the ground. Looking at the one responsible he saw it was Jack who did this not only for him but also with Sarah.

"What's goi-"

"Stay Down!"


Hearing a strange sound John kept his eyes up and saw a red beam swipe through the room and not long after the sound of thuds began to spread all around. Looking around all he found were the bodies of guards cut in pieces lying around. Most were in half but some clearly tried to avoid that beam but they were too slow.

"Jack what was that!"

"It was the target! One moment I was focusing on his location when something suddenly shot out of him" Just thinking back to the experience made Jack shiver in fear. One moment things were fine and then the next he felt every bone in his body want to run from whatever was coming for them.

"Damn Muties, why didn't you warn us! This is why I keep saying your lot are all useless." The captain who had been watching the group followed their actions when they first ducked and ended up surviving. Yet despite this, he felt no gratitude and berated them for the loss of his men. It was illogical but hatred makes even the wise fools.

The three test subjects stood still in frustration but remained as they were. How could they have warned everyone in time they barely dodged that themselves!

Jack most of all was angry. Being a telepath he heard every one of the captain's thoughts and knew that the man also saw his comment as impossible. Yet instead of admitting this, he planned on placing all the blame on them so that their deal would be broken. Keeping them forever captives in this facility.

With this knowledge in hand, he glanced at his fellow mutants and shared what he learned telepathically, Immediately causing discontent. Sarah in particular looked ready to jump at the guard not caring for the consequences that may follow but Was suddenly yanked back by Jack.

"What are you doing? We need to kill him and escape!"

"Because we don't need to do anything" Lifting his hand he pointed his finger toward a blur that suddenly appeared behind the captain. Standing at a respectable 6'1" was a blonde man wearing a unique black outfit with a cape that swayed gently with his arrival. What truly drew the group's attention was the crimson glow that emanated from his eyes as he looked down at the man like he was his lesser. With no words shared or even a change of expression, the newcomer simply lifted his hands and snapped the captain's neck effortlessly.

Watching all this the group stepped back immediately drawing his attention. Especially at Jack who unconsciously used telepathy to ask the man to let them live.

'Please let us go.'

Rushing over the man lifted Jack by his throat in a threatening manner. "Stay out of my head!"

Sarah and John wanted to help and were about to when Jack lifted his hand and stopped them. "Cough I-I will, pw- ease I can't breeathe"




Looking at the man in his hand Michael thought about his options. He didn't expect to meet mutants so soon and expected them all to be locked up but from what he had heard they were recruited to help fight. Now he could simply end them and be done with it but it felt like a waste. Michael hadn't really figured out his whole life's plans. He usually liked winging it but having some loyal mutants under his wing was much better than regular people. But then again there was a telepath in his midst something Michael hated in comics with a passion.

'What to do… maybe I could use this telepath.' There's definitely use for it and it's not like the guy learned anything from him yet. Lastly, he could probably use him to find ways to block telepathy. He already knew about things like Magneto's helmet but having an actual telepath opened up options to test other ways.

Then there are the two mutants beside this one. Watching him kill their teammate would definitely leave a bad taste and he doubted they'd stick with him after that.

'Looks like I have my answer at least for now' Dropping the man he immediately collapsed to his knees and coughed his heart out. The other two still looked hesitant but came toward the man and helped him up.

"You three whose side are you on"

John, who was the leader, was clearly still scared but managed to get the words out of his mouth. "We are test subjects here at weapon X"

"Wrong answer. I'm not asking who enslaved you I'm asking whose side you are on"

"The one that gets us out of here" Sarah exclaimed fast thinking that if John said they were with weapon X then they'd be killed. Besides she had no guilt in betraying the facility that had done all this to her in the first place.

Michael gave a light smile liking her response. It wasn't the most trustworthy thing she could have said but it was honest. Her heartbeat never once changed when she said this so if he offered her a way out then she'd take it.

"How about you two? Do you both want out of this place as well?"

"Yes!!" The two men replied if at first they didn't think he'd actually succeed because they heard he was just a speedster then now they knew there was a real shot. This guy was definitely not a speedster heck they doubted if he was a mutant. He certainly didn't feel like one. But whatever he was he was powerful and was their new best chance out of here.

"Good but you're going to need to work for it"

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Unknown_To_Allcreators' thoughts