
The Storm Lord's Heir, Ser Rhaegon

(Third Person POV)

[Four Years Later]

Four years after Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark squashed the Greyjoy Rebellion, there was nothing but peace and prosperity in the 17th Year of King Rhaegar's reign. 

The Rebellion was not a problem for Lords Baratheon and Stark, as stated by Tywin Lannister. They had used their forces to fully push the Ironborn out of the North as Robert Baratheon's brother, Stannis, used his fleet to defeat the Iron Fleet in naval battles. It was said that Princess Shaena used her dragon to aid Stannis in some battles, but she denies such rumors since she was ordered to not take flight during the conflict. 

Balon Greyjoy lost his sons, save for the youngest, in the Rebellion. One of his sons, led a raid onto Storm's End, attempting to take the seat and kill Princess Shaena. They were brutally defeated by the returning young Rhaegon, who beheaded the Rodrik Greyjoy when the latter was taken aback by the sight of the massive Black Dragon, Morghul. 

The Rebellion ended when Robert and Ned laid siege to Pyke and in the climactic end of the fight, King Rhaegar descended from the skies atop of his dragon, Arraxes, and burned Balon Greyjoy's men in front of him. During the siege, it is said that Balon's second son Maron was killed by a rebellious Rhaegon, who sought glory and battle. Rhaegon denies such rumors since he was ordered to stay in Storm's End by the end of the Rebellion. 

After the Rebellion ended, King Rhaegar praised the Lords and as a reward for their victories, promised his youngest sister, Daenerys Targaryen to Lord Stark's eldest son, Robb. Rhaegar asked Robert what the Lord of Storm's End wanted as a reward, jokingly saying that he didn't have another sister to wed him to. 

Robert merely asked Rhaegar to knight his son on his fourteenth name day and to give his wife a pick of the next clutch of eggs laid by Sundancer. Rhaegar granted him his wish and even awarded him a hefty sum of gold and some land in the crownlands for his Family to have. 

Now, four years later, Ser Rhaegon Baratheon's exploits have been heard throughout the realm. The rider of Morghul, The Black Lord, has been doing nothing but traveling the lands and seeking glory.

It is said that he flew down to Dorne to challenge Prince Oberyn Martell to a duel which resulted in a stalemate. This was not much of an issue for the realm and the crown, since Dorne was still somewhat friendly, despite the incident with Rhaegar's first wife. 

After that, he allegedly flew across the Narrow Sea and was able to witness the Dothraki Horde in action, fighting a Khal and killing him in action. The incident was later reported to King Rhaegar who merely sweated out of pure stress, worrying for his Nephew. Rhaegon was then prohibited from flying towards the sea since then. 

Storm's End was the second strongest seat in the Realm, having two dragons and three Dragon Eggs waiting to be hatched. 

Princess Shaena's dragon, Meylax and Ser Rhaegon's dragon, Morghul. Lord Robert had ordered their own version of a Dragonpit, for the dragons to nest in, located in the cliffs of the coast next to Storm's End.

Ser Rhaegon was ten and seven, nearly of age and many Houses have offered their daughters to gain the favor of House Baratheon, mostly Princess Shaena and her Dragon. 

The young man was not interested in marriage at the moment, merely seeking thrill of battle and adventure, something that Robert said he gained from both him and Shaena. 

Ser Rhaegon Baratheon would become an important figure of the upcoming events that transpire in Westeros. 


(Rhaegon's POV)

"My lord." I heard a feminine voice call out for me

I groggily opened my eyes to see a young handmaiden look down at me. 

"Hm?" I said 

"You lay on the floor, My Lord." the handmaiden said 

I looked up to see my bed next to me, I was laying on the floor, atop of the sheets from my bed. I felt the moist breeze coming through the window as the overwhelming scent of a storm filled the room. 

"Ugh...." I groaned as I sat up, "Okay....what of it?" 

"The Princess asked me to replace your sheets after last night's...festivities..." she told me

I looked at her, she was a lowborn girl, brown hair and blue eyes. She was roughly about my age, mayhaps a bit younger. I didn't recognize her, she was probably one of the new ones that my Mother has hired. 

"Last night....huh?" I said as my head throbbed, "Oh right, Father and I were drinking in the throne room...man, how much wine did I have?" 

"A few barrels worth." The handmaid told me

I raised my eyebrow, "And you know this, how?" 

"I was there." She said 

"Surprised you weren't groped by the other men." I said as I stood up

"Your Mother was also there." She replied

"Right." She said, "Mother will cut off the hands of any perverted fool who dares touch the hands of her handmaidens. Good, the manners of the men here are in need of correction. Anyways, do you know if breakfast is ready?" 

She nodded, "Yes, Milord, the Princess is awaiting you." She bowed slightly

I took a whiff of my shirt, being hit by the reek of wine, "Oh boy." I said quietly, "I must change my clothes...don't you think?" 

"That will be wise." She said softly

I nodded, "Very well." I said, "I'll go to my Mother, then.....uhm....what's your name?" 

"Rhea....." She said, "Rhea, Milord." 

"Milord this, milord that." I rolled my eyes, "Call me Ser, I am Ser Rhaegon Baratheon. I worked hard for Knighthood, I would rather be called that." 

"I'm sorry, Ser." She looked down

"Ah, I'm jesting." I said patting her shoulder, "Well, I'll leave you to your duties." 

I then walked past her and exited the room. 


"Morghul has been slumbering quietly as of late." I heard Mother's voice say as I looked at my food, "Which is good, we don't need him flying around scaring the commonfolk while he hunts." 

There was a giant steak on my plate, accompanied by potatoes and green asparagus.

"Steak? In the morning?" I said with amazement, "My my, we are of Royal Blood." 

"We always have such meals in the morning, Rhaegon. You're never here to experience it." She told me, "Always taking the skies and lost in your adventures."

I looked up to see her across the table, her beautiful white hair draping on her shoulders as her pale purple eyes looked at me. I was envious of her silver-white hair, at times wishing I had inherited it from her. But alas, I am a Baratheon, and my Father's blood overpowered my Mother's when it came to appearances. But the Dragon's blood does run thick in my veins, Morghul being proof of it.

She had a very youthful appearance to her, her great beauty even taking my own breath away. She was regarded as the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms, rivaled by Queen Cersei herself. Every time I look at her, I am grateful to be her son. Not just because she's beautiful, but it is her spirit that I inherited. 

Mother always encouraged my escapades and kept my Father in check when he protested them. Hells, I heard Father was the womanizer before I was born, only that Mother made him change his ways. She was the fiercest Lady of Storm's End that the lands have ever been graced with. That and she had a Dragon. 

I took a bite off some asparagus, "I am quite fortunate to be delighted by such meals." I said with a smile

Mother leaned her head on her hand, "Oh, my beautiful boy." She said softly, "What would I have done if I didn't have you? You are my pride and joy." 

I frowned, "That's quite the insult to my sister, Mother." I said looking around, "Where's Monica?" 

"Your sister is in the Library, studying." She said, "She has had her breakfast already early in the Morrow. She's taken her studies seriously, trying to master High Valyrian." 

I nodded, "Good." I said as I cut up a piece of the juicy steak, "Soon, she'll be able to claim her dragon. Mayhaps.....Sundancer?" 

"My Father's Dragon has been unclaimed for 17 years." Mother said, "I doubt things will change now." 

"Someone has to claim her." I said as I took the piece of steak into my mouth, "And if Monica's egg hatches, how long until she rides it?" 

"She's Ten, Rhaegon." Mother frowned as she drank from her cup, "She has time. Sundancer grew rapidly after she and Arraxes hatched. This is no different. Viserys and Daenerys were able to ride their dragons in a short time as well." 

"I forget Morghul is the only one that hatched when I was born." I said, "I guess there is patience to be needed." 

"Speaking of.....before you changed the topic." She said as she set the cup down, "Morghul has been slumbering these past couple of days." 

I nodded, "He has." I said

"Don't leave him there too long, take him for a couple of laps at least per day." She told me, "A dragon needs to move frequently." 

"Father has prohibited me from leaving Storm's End at the moment." I said, "I am afraid Morghul will have to be in his cave for the time being." 

"Have you gone and checked on him at least?" Mother said

"Yes, last night, prior to the drinking." I told her, "I brought a couple of goats for him to eat, he finished them all." 

"Good." She said standing up, "I will go and check on your sister, my boy. Finish your food and head to the training yard, your Father is trying to teach your Uncle how to fight." 

"Uncle Renly is here?" I asked, "When did he get here?" 

"At first light." She said as she walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek, "Please go and save him from the rough beatings Robert gives him." 

I chuckled, "Uncle Renly requires rough conditioning, Mother." I said as she walked away, 

"He is a Baratheon! He must know how to fight." 
