
Chapter 164 - Denying Just Makes Me Want The Kiss More

The small brunette stared at her with a 'mess' of a spirit as Qatrand approached. It was hard to pick out anything on the surface, just the 'love' roiling underneath. That core poised to do anything to keep hold of the person walking toward her.

"So next time, wake me up. We can talk about it."

A calloused palm reached gently to her forehead and smoothed back the soft hair. 

"Then I'll get to understand. Say good morning. Get to kiss you."

The heiress couldn't help leaning into the touch as her eyes fought to regain the light of her facade. Small fingers curled and bunched the fabric of the Yecine's blazer. Her unstable mint eyes turned up but held an uncertainty in them.

"Can I have one now?"

The tall girl's free hand settled on her wife's waist as she leaned down. She placed her gentler pigeon-blues only inches away from the searching gaze of her El. Qat felt like she had expressed the displeasure she had inside very well.
