
One Last First Date 3/3

They would need to head back soon and as much as he didn't want to do it, Tim also understood that Mia would need to go home. They had children to see to after all. Tim was only sad because he couldn't go with her. Tim would give anything, pay any price to be able to be with her and their children.

Timothy leaned over Mia kissing gently along her shoulders to the back of her neck slowly rousing Mia from her slumber. His hand brushed her hair from her face, and he placed a soft kiss behind her ear.

"Baby," he called softly, "it is time to wake up." Mia stretched like a cat yawning.

"How long have we been asleep?" Mia asked looking around and out the porthole trying to figure out the time from the slowly darkening sky.

"A few hours," Tim replied as he wrapped an arm around Mia as she turned over to face him. "I hate to wake you, but I hoped you might watch the sunset with me before we must head back."

"That sounds nice. Let me use the bathroom and get dressed then I will join you." Mia said sweetly. She went to move away but Timothy caught her and pulled her into a deep kiss before letting her go.

Mia gathered up her dress and underwear and walked into the bathroom shutting the door. Tim stared after her for a moment before pulling himself out of the bed and redressing. On his way on deck, he stopped and gathered a few things from the kitchen that he had brought for their date and took them above with him. Tim looked around and the skyline. Sunset wouldn't be long.

A few minutes later Mia joined him and gave Tim a quick kiss when she saw the chocolate-covered strawberries. How had he known that she loved them? A bottle of pink sparkling wine, Petalo Moscato Spumante Il Vino Dell' Amore, complimented the treat. Had she ever told him her favorite wine? Mia couldn't imagine Timothy buying a twenty-dollar bottle of wine. Tim was a wine snob but here it was, for her.

"Thank you," Mia whispered reverently, "how did you know about the wine?"

"I called Eva and asked her." Tim told her calmly.

"Really?" Mia's face grew pensive. "She didn't say a word. Even when I told all of them that I had a date today, she didn't say anything."

"I asked her not to, she was extremely sweet. Eva told me that if I hurt you, she would have me hung from Barrett Group Tower and set on fire." Tim responded with a snicker.

Mia snorted a laugh, "Eva is quite ferocious. You should heed her warning."

"You do not need to worry about that." Tim told Mia, wrapping his arms around her, "I cannot harm you without harming myself." Tim kissed her, reveling in the way she leaned into him with no reservation.

After a moment he said, "Let's try your wine and watch the sky."

The pair got themselves comfortable on the sunbathing bed and Tim poured them a glass of sparkling wine each. Mia took a sip and watched as Tim did the same.

"This isn't bad actually," Timothy remarked astonished. Mia smirked but said nothing. Taking a strawberry, Mia bit into the fruit then grabbed a napkin as juice tried to run down her chin. Tim chuckled at her and wiped a tiny dot of strawberry juice from her cheek.

"These are so good but really messy." Mia laughed. Tim was watching her intently like she was the most interesting thing he had ever seen.

"What?" Mia asked self-consciously.

"I just like looking at you. You are so beautiful sometimes I feel like I can't breathe." Tim's face unreadable for a moment before evening out into a content expression.

Mia leaned over and gave Tim a quick kiss. She looked up at the sky and realized the sky was changing color. There was yellow, red, pink, and even some purple streaking the sky.

"Wow," Mia breathed in awe of the sky. She was looking in every direction and at the water's surface as it reflected the colors of the sky. Mia had never seen a sunset like this. It was beautiful. She ended up standing there with Tim's arms wrapped around her until the colors had mostly faded from the sky.

"We need to leave soon Mia." Tim told her unhappily.

Mia sighed regretfully, "I know. I have a lot to do tonight when I get back."

"What do you mean?" Tim asked curiously something about the way she had spoken which caused him concern.

"Dominic and I got in a fight this morning and I told him off. I told him that the twins and I are moving out tomorrow. So, I need to go home and get us packed. This has been coming a while, he has become very controlling, and I won't stand for it. It's where I'm at." Mia shrugged uncomfortably. Tim could tell it hurt her to be at odds with her brother.

Timothy frowned, "Where are you going to go? Do you have a house?"

"We'll have to stay at a hotel until I find a place but that will be fun it will be like we are getting a vacation." Mia smiled unconvincingly.

Tim pulled Mia into his arms. "I don't like the idea of you and our children out in the world alone right now. Book a suite at my hotel so we can be closer, or we can change to whatever hotel you want. Then I could spend time with the children and you, and I will know you're safe." Tim looked at Mia's face watching her emotions play out in her eyes.

"I don't know, Tim. As much as I like the idea of being close to you... If someone found out there would be a scandal and I would be labeled as your mistress." Mia said nervously.

"You are not a mistress if I intend to marry you." Tim replied succinctly.

Mia sucked in a breath. She hadn't considered that; it was too soon to consider marriage.

Tim pulled her face up with a finger under her chin, "Mia, you know I only date to marry," he reminded her gently. "I don't need distraction and we are not messing around; do you understand me?" Timothy asked her seriously.

Mia nodded nervously, "I understand, but I'm still not sure it's a good idea for us to stay at your hotel. It could get messy if someone found out." It would certainly make life easier though.

"Sage wouldn't have to hide. We'll rent the top two floors. I'll take one floor and you and the kids will have the other. Who else is in the party? I just have Caleb and my driver." Tim suggested.

"I have Peyton, my assistant and Angela, the nanny. There is also Bruce, he is mine and the children's driver." Mia explained.

"We can book rooms for the staff on the third top floor giving us a buffer between us and any other hotel guests." Tim felt a little excited at the prospect.

Mia sighed, "I guess we can try it, but we need to be cautious. This is only until I find a house for the twins and I."

"I have already found a house and it is perfect for us, but I haven't bought it yet because I wanted to see if you would give me a chance first." Tim told her with a cautious smile. Before Mia could say anything, Tim pulled her mouth to his kissing her passionately until she fell against him and let out a soft moan. Tim smiled kissing her again but this time it was him that groaned as he felt his body begin to respond.

Apparently, he didn't need long to be able to be intimate again. By the response Mia was giving him as she clung to him making small breathy sounds while his mouth traveled across her throat, neither did she.

A short time later they were sailing back to the marina as twilight came over the water. Mia stood with him leaning comfortably against his body sipping her wine. Timothy kept thinking about the fact that he only had to spend one more night alone then Mia and his children would be within reaching distance of him. He would never let them go. Tim would give her a little time to get used to the idea and then they would get married and move into the house that he had chosen for them.

Maybe they would even add to their little family. Could Mia even now have life being created inside her? One time is all it had taken with the twins, could the same be true again? Tim knew he would want their child, but he was also terrified because they were not married, and he refused to have an illegitimate child. Tim could not do that to another human being. To subject his own child to a lifetime of ridicule, scandal, and shame... He could not do it.

Tim could not stand the thought of Mia and their children being degraded like they would be if she were discovered to be pregnant outside the marriage bed. It had been reckless to be with Mia intimately without a plan for marriage. If she were carrying his child even now, they would need to marry at once. Even if she wasn't, every time they were together was reckless. Tim wondered if he could keep himself from her now and he honestly didn't know.

Tim docked the Sailboat in his spot at the Marina before helping Mia down onto the dock. They walked hand in hand to his waiting car and climbed inside. Tim didn't want to let her go even for one night but knew he had to be reasonable. Tim sat with Mia in his arms as the car drove to Lane residence.

"Mia," Tim whispered his mouth brushing the hair at the side of her head. "Today was amazing, you have made me very happy."

Mia smiled at him, "That was pretty good, Tim. Worth waiting for," she murmured.

"Yeah?" Tim questioned his ego on the line.

"Yes," Mia laughed. "I had an orgasm. I had never had one before. Which means you did an excellent job." She bounced her shoulder into his side. Tim was ecstatic. He had given Mia true pleasure, and she was happy. That's all that mattered.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow. When should I expect you to arrive at the hotel?" Tim asked.

"I don't know yet." Mia replied, "I still have some things to work out." He nodded understandingly.

When the car pulled up in front of the entrance door to the Lane house the place was quiet. Mia climbed out of the car but stopped since Tim had caught her wrist. She turned back questioningly to see Timothy lean out. He pulled her into a deep lingering kiss that made Mia want to get back in the car. Tim finally let her go telling her that he would see her the next day.


The pair never noticed Dominic watching from the study window with daggers for eyes. As Mia entered the house and Barrett's car drove away Dominic resolved to put a stop to this situation at once. He didn't know what Mia was thinking. Barrett must have something over her to force her to be with him. Dominic was resolved to find out what so his sister could be free from that man. Now he just needed to separate them.

It was late but Dominic didn't care. He dialed the number on his phone impatiently. The phone rang three times and then the caller picked up.

"Hello Dominic," A man's cool voice came through.

"We have a problem. I know who the date was with." Dominic muttered angrily.

"Who?" the response was clipped.

"Timothy Barrett, I know because they were kissing when he dropped her off." Dominic cursed.

"That is not what I wanted to hear but..." The voice sounded regretful.

"What? You are giving up, my sister not worth a little effort to you?" Dominic asked angrily.

"That's not what I meant. She clearly doesn't want me." The voice was irritated.

"Mia doesn't know what she wants. You spent too long in the friend zone. She just needs time to come around to the idea." Dominic responded in clipped sentences,

"If you say so," the voice sighed.

"I have a plan. This is what we are going to do..." Dominic said decisively. The man on the line listened hoping Dominic's plan would work. He cared for Mia. He had for a long time, but he had never been great with emotions. How could he get her to fall for him?


Mia walked into the house and bypassed the family room. She could hear several of the Lane's in there and was not ready to deal with anything. She walked straight to her room knowing the twins were already in bed asleep. Mia grabbed pajamas and walked into her bathroom and started the shower, let it warm, then climbed in. Once she was clean and dressed, Mia walked back into her bedroom towel drying her hair.

Eva was sat cross-legged in the middle of Mia's bed waiting patiently for her sister. Mia stopped momentarily before she continued over to the bed and sat beside her, facing Eva. Eva pointed out the glass of wine she had brought and sipped her own.

"I know you were on a date with Barrett," at Mia's look Eva restated, "I mean Timothy. Spill, where did you go?"

"He took me sailing," Mia responded quietly, "we went to The Ark," she told Eva about the island that was touched by no one and how magical the place had been.

"So, how was the date?" Eva asked carefully.

"It was amazing. I've never felt so cherished. It felt real, Eva." Mia whispered.

"This is a serious thing then." Her sister said. "Did you sleep with him?" Eva questioned, seeing the look on Mia's face, she knew the answer before Mia even responded.

"Yes, I did." Mia smiled, "I think he was more nervous than I was and yes this is serious."

"Was it enjoyable or awkward. If he was nervous, it was probably awkward." Eva rambled.

"It was very enjoyable." Mia whispered, "I had my first ever orgasm." Mia blushed hard as she got the words out.

Eva laughed. "Good, at least he did his job right."

"Mia, you know you can't just have intimate relations. You could get pregnant. It is not right for him to ask you to be intimate when you are not married. Don't let him turn you into a mistress. You deserve better." Eva warned.

"That's not what he's trying to do, Eva. Timothy is not using me." Mia said emphatically.

"How do you know that?" Eva asked.

"Tim said he only dates to marry." Mia said plainly.

Eva looked startled, "Tim wants to remarry you? Are you sure?"

"That is what he said. He even said he found a marital home here in Norde City but has been waiting for a sign that I would give him another chance before he bought it." Mia finished speaking feeling tired.

Eva contemplated this for a little while, finally she said, "I will support you no matter what because you are my sister but if something happens then come to me and we will fix it together."

Mia nodded, telling Eva thank you and that she loved her. Eva walked to the door but stopped before stepping out.

"Did you mean what you said about moving out this morning?" Eva asked quietly.

"Yes, I did." Mia answered.

"Where are you going to go?" Eva was concerned for her sister, niece, and nephew.

"A hotel for a few weeks until I find a place. Dominic has overstepped repeatedly, and it has been time for us to go for a while." Mia said plainly. Eva simply nodded before saying goodnight and leaving. Mia crawled into bed and hoped she could get a good night's sleep so she could face what came next.
