
Chapter 6

Alessio woke up with a groan, his entire body was damp with sweat and he was burning. His cock was rock hard, he did not have any wet dream so he wondered why he was so horny all of a sudden. Just before he could open his eyes to investigate, his hard cock was engulfed in something warm and wet. He let out a strangled moan, his eyes snapped open and he looked down only to come face to face with sea-foam green eyes staring back at him with desire. ‘Ah, Fuck! How can she look so sexy so early in the morning?’ He thought with a groan. Avanya ran her tongue along the slit of his cock and Alessio’s body shook with an intense orgasm. “Fuck!” He hollered.

Avanya swallowed the load in her mouth with a chuckle,” Well, good morning to you too, Amor mio.”

Alessio groaned and buried his flushed face in under the blanket. He was still trying to calm himself down and get his heart to come back to normal. “You’re trying to kill me, I’m sure of it now.” He mumbled.

“Oh? Well, at least that’d be a good way to die, don’t you agree?” The woman teased as she pulled the blanket out of his face and kissed him.” Get up or you’ll be late for work.”

Alessio sighed in content when she hugged him and stayed there in his arms for a little bit. He ran a hand through her gorgeous golden brown hair.” Ti Amor, Bambi.” He whispered in her ear before kissing her forehead. Avanya smiled, she kissed him one last time then pulled away and picked up his shirt from the floor to wear it over her naked figure.

“I’m going to make you breakfast and pack your lunch, get your ass off the bed before you get yourself fired.” She sassed and sauntered out the bedroom door.

“I’m going to fucking marry that woman.” Alessio groaned as his heart soared with joy. He jumped off the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for work.


Avanya finished the breakfast and started packing her man’s lunch. She couldn’t stop thinking about her past though. Now that she regained her memories, it was all she could think about. How are her brothers now? How did they cope with the death of their family? She knows she can’t meet them or it will put them in danger or worse get them killed. After all she is the only one who saw the face of the men who murdered her parents. The boss was there too and if the man found out she’s still alive then he’ll hunt her down. ‘I have to let them know that I’m still alive somehow, they must be hurting too much to think they lost our parents and me.’


Avanya was watching movies with her brothers, being the youngest in the family meant she’s always being treated like a baby and being the only girl meant she was guarded closely. Her family dealt with crime, her father was in the forensic department working for police departments all around but Avanya knew he was also some secret agent of sorts. Her mother was the best criminal lawyer and her triplet brothers enlisted in there Army a few months ago. Before that they worked as police officers, Avanya wondered why everyone in her family has taken to law enforcement so much. She on the other hand was different from her family, she rarely spoke and preferred to observe her surroundings. Most of the time her family would forget she is in the room with them. She’s always good at being stealth and keeping to herself. She trained secretly by watching videos online or copying moves from the movies. Sure, he father and brothers train her in self-defense but they are always mindful of what to teach her.

Avanya was a martial arts expect by now, she teaches classes online under a fake name. No one really knows her since she’s always wearing a mask, over the years she’s made a lot of money due to her lessons. She’s more of an online celebrity with a blog of her own, she also creates her own gaming apps that can help beginners with martial arts. She’s known as ‘Angelus mortis’ and the girl had never understood why she was given that tittle seeing she has never killed anyone. A frown took over her face as she thought about it,” What has your face looking like you just ate a lemon, Sorellina? “Angelo asked her as he noticed her expression.

Avanya scowled at him,” Just thinking, Fratello.”

“Care to share?” Nicole butt in.


The triplets looked at each other then looked back at her.” Should we call Papà?” Nicole asked worriedly.

Angelo looked at their little sister (sorellina) and shrugged,” Has that ever worked before?”

Dante glared at them,” Leave her alone, you two. If she doesn’t want to tell us then don’t force her.”

“Grazie Fratello.” Avanya whispered as she hugged her second oldest brother.

Dante kissed her forehead,” Always. You know we’ll always have your back, Sorellina.”

“Yeah. We are sorry if we upset you, Angel, we just worry about you. It’s hard to figure out what goes on in that little head of yours.” Nicole ruffled her hair this time.

Avanya smacked his hand away with a scowl. The triplets laughed, Angelo pulled her in his arms and kissed her head. “Calda come il sangue, fredda come le lame, è la nostra sorellina. (As hot as the blood, as cold as the blades, is our baby sister).” The oldest of the De Luca siblings murmured in her ear.

Dante took her hand in his and pecked it,” Fuoco e ghiaccio, parla come una Regina e combatte come una guerriera. (Fire and ice, speaks like a Queen and fights like a warrior).”

Nicole knelt in front of her and cupped her cheek lovingly. He smiled when she looked at him with her sea-foam green eyes.” Il suo carattere è caldo come il sangue, il suo comportamento freddo come le lame. È ancora la nostra sorellina. Lei è fuoco ed è ghiaccio, eppure la amiamo. (Her temper is hot as blood, her demeanor as cold as the blades. She’s still our little sister. She’s fire and she’s ice, we still love her).”

"Dio aiuti chiunque manchi di rispetto alla Principessa.(God help the one who disrespect the princess). The triplets spoke in unison.

Avanya looked at them one at a time. “Gentili come gli angeli, sono i miei fratelli. Parla come i principi, cammina come i re e combatti come il diavolo.( Kind like angels, are my brothers. Speak like princes, walk like kings and fight like the devil). Her voice was calm and collected. “Separati sono forti, insieme sono letali. Sono amore e sono fiducia, li amo lo stesso. (Apart they are strong, together they are lethal. They are love and they are trust, I love them all the same).”

"I Cieli crolleranno e l'Inferno congelerà, ma il legame che condividiamo non svanirà mai. Questo è un patto di sangue, coloro che lo infrangono pagheranno con la propria vita. (The Heavens will collapse and Hell will freeze over but the bond we share will never fade. This is the covenant of the blood, the ones to break it will pay with their lives).”

The four siblings recited the oath they took years ago when they were young. It was a pledge that they will always be together and love each other no matter what. No force in the world can keep them apart.

*Flashback ends*

Avanya wiped her tears away at the memory of her brothers. She knew now how to let them know that she is alive. If anything to ease the pain they’ve been carrying all this time. ‘But if they even get a whiff of me being alive, they’ll turn this world upside down if that’s what it takes to find me.’ She smiled at her thoughts. No, first she needs to find the evidence her father had gathered against the man who killed her parents. She can’t get her brothers involved, she won’t lose them like she lost her parents …

Strong arms wrapped around her waist and she shut her eyes when she caught Alessio’s musky scent. “Invite your friends to dinner tonight.” She told him.

Alessio kissed her shoulder, he knew what her words meant. Sure, she wanted to meet his friends but that was not the only reason she was inviting them. This invite also meant the start of her revenge. He just hope she does not end up like her parents… Not if he can help it. He won’t stop her from hunting the fucker who murdered her parents in cold blood but he won’t let her do it alone either.


Alessio finished the report he was working on and headed to Mingjue’s office to have him sign it. When he reached there, he was surprised to find all his friends there. “Oh, so all of you are here and I was not told about this?”

“Well, don’t blame us. We called you so many times but you were busy with that report of yours so we thought to wait until you are done. You did not even realize that it’s lunch time already.” Liana giggled at the disbelief look on Alessio’s face.

Alessio checked his phone, indeed there were plenty of missed calls from his friends even text messages. He had been so focused on his work that he didn’t realize he had put his phone on silent.” Sorry, guys, the deadline is in two days hence, I wanted to finish everything as soon as possible.” He handed over the file to Mingjue who checked it over and signed it before keeping it aside.

“Now that I’ve signed it, let’s sit and have some lunch. I presume you have your own lunch today too, right?” Mingjue asked.

Alessio sat down with them and took out his lunch. Luckily, he remembered to bring it with him. They ate and talked about random stuff. Corey spent most of the time teasing Alessio and grilling him for more information on his lady love which the latter refused to talk about. “Come on, Ales, give us something.” Corey whined while Liana giggled at his childishness.

“Cut it out, Corey, he will talk when he’s ready. By the way, Amaryllis called to inform us that they will be free tonight in case we wanted to hang out.” Liana told them.

“Tell them to meet us here, we’ll have dinner at my house tonight.” Alessio told her before getting up to leave.

Corey gaped at him,” Hold on just a second! So you let me beg you to tell us about your girlfriend while you knew all this time that we will meet her tonight?”

Alessio smirked at him,” What can I say, I love it when you beg.” He shrugged before sauntering out of the room.
