
Start of a Adventure

Suddenly we all heard a sound of thudding, as if somebody had thrown something against the wall. 

As Delia was about to get up and check, a voice rang through the house. 


It was Ash of course, late for his starter choosing ceremony. 

It's a canon event lad, can't be changed.

I mean, I could have made a ruckus earlier and woke everyone up, but where's the fun in that?

As much fun as messing up the canon timeline appeared to me, that would be hitting my own sole(not that i have one), letting go of all the meta-knowledge.

Delia suddenly seemed to have a moment of realization from the noise as she hurriedly tried to get up from the bed, but alas all that action last night had left her legs weak.

"Ouchh" Combined with the plenty liquids on floor, it made her fall flat on her face.

Her ass up in air, ripe for taking. Damn, that flower looks so beautiful, and the puckering hole above it, even more...

But no, it would be too much for the poor women.

But that didn't mean I could not register the beautiful sight in my mind.

She moved to sitting position, wiping her elbows, and when she saw me looking at her, drooling, she shot an angry glare. 

"Its because of you! Why did you go r-rough!?" she exclaimed at me, her voice trembling with shame.

I just shrugged. A man gotta do what he gotta do..

"You!", Unable to form a response, she just looked away.

"Just you wait, you sneaky bastard", I heard her mutter under her breath.

Then noise of door slamming came from outside. 

With careful movement, she got up from ground, cum trailing down her thighs like a ribbon. She didn't even bother to stop and clean herself off.

Damn, she was kinky...

As she rushed out the door, I watched her with my head tilted. 

I followed her out, jumping down from the bed and flopping my bubbly body after her. 

As I came out of the bedroom door, I saw her quickly shoving many things in a backpack. 

"This boy... why is he always in hurry. At least eat something... !" she muttered to herself, rubbing her forehead in exasperation.

Wait, that backpack was quite familiar. Well, how couldn't it be, that miser boy carried it for so many seasons

As we reached the front door, Delia let out a frustrated sigh as she realized that she had forgotten food.

Finally putting everything inside, she picked the backpack.

I looked at her in wonder, does she even know that...

She fucking didn't.

Just as she was about to rush out into the morning light, I coughed loudly behind her, "Ditto diii!"

My voice brought her attention back to me, and she turned around with a confused and embarrassed gaze.

I pointed my hand toward her, and Delia's eyes dropped down to see the freely hanging tits, the cum-stained thighs and her naked body that still bore the marks of our lovemaking.


Her cheeks reddened as she let out a mortified gasp.

And then, in a fit of panic, she rushed back into the room, leaving me to stand there with my tongue hanging out of my mouth as I snickered to myself.


5 minutes later

Delia slammed the door behind her as she rushed out of the house. A backpack in her hand, a ditto on her head and this time: with some fucking clothes.

Her legs were still shaking a bit, half from tiredness, other half from swollen petals, which were of course blamed on him. 

Rushing all the way, we met some people, mostly her neighbours. But she couldn't respond much as she was in rush. 

I think that wasn't supposed to happen, was it? I remembered quite a few people waiting for Ash outside the lab originally. 

Maybe Delia had woken up earlier and went around preparing the mob for Ash's departure originally. Still, even then she forgot to wake him up. 

She is such a klutz. I stroked her cheeks as she was running.

"Ditto, don't you freaking distract me", she cried.

When we finally made it to Professor Oak's laboratory, Ash was already out on the front gate, looking like he was about to start his Pokémon journey.

And by his side stood a small yellow rat-like Pokémon that I recognized as Pikachu - the beloved of all trainers, well, those who started with anime atleast. 

For us gamers, Charmander rocks! Char Char

The small rat seemed to be grumbling like a old man on toilet who isn't able to shit. I remember it not liking to go inside poke-balls, and he was just released from a long stay inside of one.

What caught my attention next was the greyish-white haired man standing next to him, who seemed to radiate wisdom and authority. Professor Oak himself!

Delia huffed and puffed as she finally made it to gate, her bag slung over her shoulder.

"Here you go, Ash!" she said, handing him the backpack.

"Mom? Why were you running?" Ash asked curiously to the heaving Delia. She looked like she had just ran a marathon.

"J-Just ...hah..take it hah" she managed to utter between her breath.

Ash took it from her, a bit confused.

What could she even say? A Ditto pounded her so hard at night that she forgot when to wake up?She couldn't tell her son, or anyone for that matter. 

'This cheeky thing' She fumed internally, feeling the ditto riding her head, pulling at her hairs like she was a horse. 

Still, she couldn't show anything, so she tried to play normal. She greeted Professor Oak before looking at her son.

"What's this?" Delia asked, eyeing Pikachu curiously. "Is this the Pokémon you chose?"

Ash grinned. "Yeah, that's it! This is the one I got."

Delia looked at Pikachu, but it just stared back at her silently. "Uh, isn't it supposed to say something?" she asked Ash.

Ash chuckled. "Hey, Pikachu! Say hi to my mom!"

Pikachu ignored him, as was its won't.

Delia and I exchanged a look, and I wiggled my tongue at the little rat Pokémon. It seemed to irk him, but he just stared back at us, sparks flying from red polka dots on his cheeks.

I too stared at it with menacing eyes. 

Just try it you bastard, and see if I won't show you how many creative ways a slime can kill.

By menacing, I meant distorting my eyes shape to make it pointy and elongated.

That seemed to have deterred it, as it just looked elsewhere.

Delia told Ash about what she'd packed in his backpack, but Ash just just quickly snatched everything from her.

"You're embarrassing me, Mom!" he exclaimed.

Delia wiped a tear from her eye. "My little baby is going off on his own Pokémon journey..." She tried to hug him, but Ash dodged out of the way.

Just then, Professor Oak appeared. "Ah, sorry to interrupt! Delia, dear, it's so nice to see you again. And who's this fine specimen on top of your head?" he asked, eyeing me curiously.

Delia coughed uncomfortably. "Oh, I found this Ditto outside my house and... well, he just sort of stuck with me."

Professor Oak's eyes lit up. "A Ditto! That's a rare Pokémon indeed, especially around Pallet Town. Even more so, since you're here." He turned to Ash. "Tell me, Ash, have you heard about Dittos?"

Ash nodded a bit, "Somewhat, I heard they are quite strong"

"Thats true, but do you know why? They can mimic other Pokémons and sometimes even objects," Professor Oak said. "It makes them quite hard to defeat in addition to being tiresome to spot."

I puffed my body on hearing the praise.

Meanwhile Delia scratched her cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed. She thought inwardly that it had mimicked a dick quite well... *ahem*... anyway...

Professor Oak tried to pet me, but I moved away from his touch. 

Ugh, no men touching my body please!

I hissed silently. Doesn't matter if they're young or old!

Professor Oak's eyes widened in surprise at my sudden movement, but he chuckled good-naturedly. "Well, I suppose some Pokémon are more particular about their personal space than others," he said.

Delia rolled her eyes, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Yes, well, Ditto is a bit shy when interacting with others," she said.

Just then, Ash stepped forward, determination in his eyes. 

"Ditto! Remember out bet from last night?" he asked eagerly. 

Next of the bunch.

I might update a new chapter later to reach 15K words and then done!

Tomorrow you guys can get your milestone chaps.

After that, who knows...

Night_Spectercreators' thoughts