
Hostile Negotiations

"Andor, mind the door," Henry said gently. 

Andor looked confused but moved toward the door blocking most of the view into the inside with his large body. 

"What- what is the meaning of this?" The Clerk asked with wide eyes staring at the gun pointed at the ground and glowing a green that sent shivers down his spine. 

"Okay, so I'll be honest," Henry said so sweetly as his hand flexed around 'The Hydra's Sting'. 

"You're right. This gun (indicates the Repeater) is probably worth quite a bit. It was made by the same person who made the one I have in my other hand. But it's not worth much right now. I'll pay what I think it's worth right now and not anymore."

"I don't accept," the Clerk said and made a reach toward something under his slab. 

"Hands," Henry said with a roll of his eyes and the Clerk paused,

