
Undead Knights (1)

The Man was not battling an Undead Knight on his own. Six other fighters were with him and even then, they were all at a massive disadvantage of the Knight's might. Every contact their blades made with the Knight's weapon reverberated intensely across their arms and other entire bodies, causing them to weaken and their senses to dull. 

The Man had just been forced to his knees where he was promptly kicked away by the Undead Knight and as he tried to not be knocked on his back, he noticed Eloise holding back an Undead Knight. He looked from her to the entrance into the hall closest to where she was and saw Aurelius burst onto the scene with his sword in hand. 

The Man's lips spread into a smile,

"Sir Aurelius, you made it!" He said in a voice that carried, "Thank heavens, we need all the help we can get."
